Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 142 Riolu, the first battle!

Chapter 142 Riolu, the first battle!

With the release of the numbered ball, their emotions also tumbling, hoping that the numbered ball announced by others is number one.

Finally, a lean student with a look of bitterness and despair held up his number ball.

Number one.

"The number Li Ming drew is! Number one, which is Yi Ming who is defending the ring side! Please take your place."

During the host's high-pitched explanation, the atmosphere of Tianlang Stadium reached its peak, and thunderous cheers and shouts echoed over Tianlang Stadium.

"Yi Ming, Yi Ming!"

"There's a good show here!"

"Yi Ming Yi Ming, I love you like a mouse loves rice!"

"I will always support you, Yi Ming! You are the pride of our city H!"

"Yi Ming, Tianlan School is proud of you!"

If one were to say that the most watched contestant in the entire H city trainer competition, it would undoubtedly be Yi Ming.

"Well, I could have competed for the top ten."

Li Ming walked up to the position designated by the trainer with a sad face, feeling like crying.

Why are you so unlucky?Can I meet Yi Ming?

Isn't this equivalent to losing and not making it to the top 36?

No matter who it is, they don't think that they can still win after meeting Yi Ming. Thinking about the Flying Mantis who fought in the trading field, the gap is obvious.

Compared to Li Ming's mournful face, the rest of the challengers showed joy.

Although they had to defeat the defender to advance to the top 36, at least they didn't meet the nightmarish defender Yi Ming!

If the competition is like a hurdle race, then going to Yi Ming's place is simply equivalent to giving a high obstacle that goes straight into the sky, and it is impossible to overcome it.

"Please challenge the Pokémon to send out."

The referee blew his whistle to signal Li Ming to release his Pokémon.

Li Ming only had one Pokémon, so he didn't think too much about it, and immediately threw his Pokémon.

"Come out, Nidorino, we must perform well in this battle."

With the flash of white light, a Pokémon with a purple body appeared in the field.

Nidorino, Poison-type Pokémon, the evolution of Nidoran, the body is purple with dark purple patches, but the horns and ears on its forehead have become larger, and there is a row of jagged poison on its back prick.Its teeth had become tiny exposed fangs, and the horns on its head had poisonous tips.

"Li Ming's Nidorino is pretty good, and I think he is capable of getting the top ten."

"Unfortunately, I'm not very lucky. When I meet Yi Ming, I'm doomed. I can't even make it to the top 36 now."

"I don't know what Pokémon Yi Ming will send out. Is it the ninja Pokémon called the Koga Ninja Frog, or the Fire Dinosaur? Or the Flying Mantis."

"I feel that Yi Ming's fire dinosaur may have evolved into a fire-breathing dragon."

"There is such a possibility! Let's wait and see."

At this moment, they finally waited for Yi Ming to make his debut. How could they not be excited, but they were also curious about which Pokémon Yi Ming would unleash to fight.

Since most people only own one Pokémon, the game is a 1v1 battle system, and the outcome is determined by one battle.

"Nidorino, level 19, can be regarded as the top level."

Seeing the Pokémon released by Li Ming, Yi Ming secretly nodded in approval.

Level 19, on the current average level of players, is really an excellent category.

Without waiting for the referee's signal, Yi Ming threw the poke ball into the sky.

Koga ninja frog?Fire dinosaur?Or the flying mantis that made an appearance in the trading field?
Under everyone's curious gaze, the poke ball was opened, white light flashed, and a blue figure not much bigger than Nidorino appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Leo Road.

When they saw the Pokémon released by Yi Ming, they were stunned.

"Huh? What kind of Pokémon is this? I have never seen or heard of it."

"It doesn't look strong. Why doesn't Yi Ming let Jiahe Ninja Frog and Flying Mantis play? The Fire Dinosaur is also fine."

"This, it's too big."

"Riolu, level... 18? It's one level less than Nidorino."

Although they don't know the specific information about Riolu, they can see from the level simply that Riolu is not at an advantage against Nidorino, or even at a disadvantage!
Under such circumstances, they don't know why Yi Ming released Riolu to play instead of Flying Mantis or Koga Ninja. You know, the game is 1v1, the winner advances to the top 36, and the loser is eliminated directly.
Could it be that Yi Ming wants to exercise this Pokémon?It's just that it's a 1v1 match right now, shouldn't it be safer to let Flying Mantis play?

"Uh, player Yi Ming, maybe you don't have any experience in competitions so you don't know. The competition adopts a 1v1 competition system, which means sending out a Pokémon to decide the winner."

The referee who had also seen the performance of Yi Ming and Flying Mantis in the trading field gave a timely and friendly reminder.

"I know, the Pokémon I'm playing is Riolu."

Yi Ming's reaction was flat.

Hearing this, the referee couldn't help but look sideways.

Is it so big?If you can easily win and advance, do you have to add variables to the game?

The referee shook his head, expressing his incomprehension, but this was also Yi Ming's choice. Since he had already reminded him, the rest had nothing to do with him, and he immediately indicated that he was ready to fight.

Yi Ming's decision caught everyone by surprise.

"I really don't plan to use the Flying Mantis who can crush Nidorino? Why?"

"Could it be that the Flying Mantis was injured? There is such a possibility."

"I feel that Yi Ming is too confident to send out this level 18 Pokémon. It will be ridiculous if he gets slapped in the face later."

Many people made guesses in surprise, and the progress of the game exceeded their expectations.

Li Ming, who was Yi Ming's opponent, was ecstatic when he saw that the situation had turned around!

Originally thought that he would face the 32-level Flying Mantis, but it turned out to be an opponent whose level was almost the same as that of Nidorino. Yi Ming who was regarded as a nightmare!

This is an opportunity, if he wins, he can be called 'the man who defeated Yi Ming'!
"If you underestimate me, you will have to pay a heavy price, even if you are Yi Ming"

Thinking of his own fame after victory, Li Ming looked at Yi Ming excitedly and muttered to himself.

But immediately, he frowned, feeling something was wrong, and couldn't help asking.

"Well, Yi Ming, your Pokémon seems to be sleeping?"

After coming out of the poke ball, Riolu, who was confronting Nidorino, never opened his eyes to take a look at his opponent or the surrounding environment, as if he was still asleep.

Li Ming's question is also the doubt in the hearts of other people.

Riolu is about to fight, but he hasn't opened his eyes yet.

(End of this chapter)

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