Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 147 No. 1 in the country?

Chapter 147 No. [-] in the country?

"Of course it's true. It was broadcast live at the time. If you have a video, you can search it."

"I'll go, that's amazing, I thought Jiang Shao must be the number one in the country, and there are people with Pokmon above level 30?!"

The young master Jiang in their words is Jiang Zuo, the young master of the Jiang family in the imperial capital.

The Jiang family in the imperial capital is a well-known chaebol. According to legend, its power is intricate and its strength is unfathomable. It is considered to be a behemoth that controls half of the business in the imperial capital.

Jiang Zuo, in the impression of ordinary people, except that he is the young master of the Jiang family, he doesn’t know anything else, and there is only a little information about him on the Internet. For ordinary people, Jiang Zuo belongs to another class, which is of course full of mystery. Except for a very few people who are curious, basically no one asks.

And these rich and powerful children, who are completely out of touch on weekdays, have inadvertently narrowed the distance between the rich and powerful children and ordinary people due to the held trainer competition, and then entered the public eye.

Jiangzuo's 28th level Ma Yula, who was in the limelight in the trainer competition, is regarded as a top advanced player in the eyes of ordinary people, and he is rarely able to compete against Jiangzuo.

Anyone who has watched the Imperial Trainer Competition knows that the No. 1 contestant, Jiang Zuo, is the No. [-] choice for the Champion of the Imperial Trainer Competition!
It is also because of this that Jiang Zuo's identity became known as many people deliberately inquired about Jiang Zuo's identity.

After learning about Jiang Zuo's background, many people showed a look of sudden realization.

It is strange that the young master of the Jiang family in the imperial capital is not so outstanding and dazzling. After all, behind him is the Jiang family who is said to control half of the business in the imperial capital. The game resources he can get are beyond the imagination of ordinary players.

"Jiang Zuo is so handsome! Jiang Zuo, Jiang Zuo, I like you!"

"Shameless, and I don't even think about how Jiang Zuo's identity could fall in love with you, don't even think about dreaming of a sparrow turning into a phoenix!"

"Jiangzuo's Ma Yula is too strong, I really don't know how to train."

"His method is definitely something you and I can't imagine, but I heard that the Jiang family bought a lot of alliance coins before."

Under the cheers, Jiangzuo's Ma Yula launched a quick attack and quickly defeated the opponent's Toucan.

In the Different World Investigation Bureau, dozens of large screens covering the walls are broadcasting live broadcasts of the trainer competitions in various cities, and the most central screen is broadcasting the progress of the trainer competitions in the imperial capital.

More than thirty relevant personnel are observing the corresponding screen, constantly observing details and recording information, preparing for the establishment of the Pokémon database.

Cheng Lao was also among them, watching the picture of Jiang Zuo quickly defeating his opponent on the big screen.

"Cheng Lao, Jiang Zuo's strength should be the number one among the students."

A member of the entourage behind Mr. Cheng looked at the screen and couldn't help saying with emotion.

Unlike the person in charge of observing and recording, he is not a player and cannot see the level information of the Pokémon, but from the game, he can intuitively feel that Jiang Zuo's strength is far superior to other players.

Hearing this, Cheng Lao shook his head slightly in denial.

Before he could ask curiously, Lin Ling on the side explained: "What I know so far is accurate. There are already student players with Pokémon whose level exceeds level 30."

"What?! Student players? Over level 30? Isn't that all over ours?"

Hearing this information, the man's eyes widened in disbelief.

Cheng Lao didn't reply, but subconsciously turned his eyes to the screen in the lower left corner.

Before that, for a while, even when Jiang Zuo was playing, Cheng Lao didn't focus on the imperial screen in the middle, but on this screen.

On this screen, there is a label with the word H City.

"Why haven't Xiaozhi and Pikachu come up yet? I'm already ready."

"Don't worry about him, he's just a big idiot. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't get lost. We'll just eat it first. Pikachu and Squirrel just leave the energy cubes."

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia are by the river, and Xiaozhi, Pikachu and Squirtle are playing in the nearby mountain and river.

"Haha, it just so happens that the ingredients are not enough, so let Xiaozhi eat less today, and treat it as a punishment for running around."

Xiaogang agreed with Xiaoxia's statement and continued to cook delicious meals.

"We should punish him. I don't have a long memory every time. Wow, it smells so good. Is it curry? Hurry up, let's eat first, so Xiaozhi won't smell it."

"That's right, it's spicy curry, let's start first."

Just when Xiaogang and Xiaoxia decided to punish Xiaozhi and were about to taste the delicious food by themselves, suddenly, the two of them ate at the same time, with confusion and thinking in their eyes.

After a long while, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia looked at each other, and both could see the doubt in each other's eyes.

"do you have?"

"You too?"

After speaking in unison, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia were silent for a moment, then nodded towards each other.

People in the Kanto area, even those in the Alliance, don't know that the Viking Gymnasium in Tokiwa City is the base camp of the Rockets organization that has invaded the Kanto area for a long time.

Under the Viridian Gym, there is the largest secret base of the Rockets in the Kanto area.

At this time, in a dark environment in a secret base of the Rockets buried deep underground, there were several members of the Rockets, one of them was kneeling on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face, trembling all over, his eyes full of despair.

"Boss, everything I said is true. I really didn't partner with them. It really disappeared in an instant."

Hearing his words, another Team Rocket member next to him couldn't suppress his anger and kicked him down.

"Still farting, disappearing in an instant? Do you think everyone is Casey? Show me the instant disappearing now. It's clear that you and them have joined forces to rob the warehouse of the sub-base, and are still sophistrying."

"That's right, it's good to have layered insurance, so that you won't lose too many Pokémon and precious Pokémon, but the leader, losing a few Pokmon in the sub-base is a small matter, but losing face is a big deal, even dare to steal Come to our base."

Another member of the Rockets also echoed.

They are domineering and robbing other people's Pokmon on weekdays. They never thought that the Pokmon in the base will be robbed, and they are still new members.

And the most important thing is that he was captured, and he has never been caught!

This undoubtedly gave the Rockets a resounding slap.

"Quickly tell the truth, how did you conspire and how did you proceed? In front of the boss, why don't you tell me?"

Facing the questioning, the bruised and swollen Rockets member clutched his kicked stomach, wanting to cry without tears.

He really didn't know what was going on, he even suspected that he was controlled by some Pokémon and had hallucinations. At that time, he obviously locked those people in the warehouse, but when the rest People rushed to hear the call for help, but what they faced was an empty warehouse.

He was dumbfounded at the time.
Seeing that he hesitated and couldn't speak, the others were very annoyed. At this moment, their leader finally spoke.

However, what they said made them unable to react for a while.

"Let him go, he didn't lie."


Just let it go?Are you really not lying?

In astonishment, although they were puzzled in their hearts, how could they not listen to the leader's words?
(End of this chapter)

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