Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 167 Meeting Rocket Team Captain Feiyu Again!

Chapter 167 Meeting Rocket Team Captain Feiyu Again!
"Hmph, I don't know how to flatter you, big rock snake with a steel tail!"

A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the tall Team Rocket member, and he waved his hand.


Even though the body was exhausted, the big rock snake launched a charge, and the rock tail swept out like a thunder.

When attacking, there was a puzzled look in the eyes of the big rock snake, because his opponent didn't even open his eyes when facing the attack
Of course, the Big Rock Snake didn't take pity on the enemy, and the metallic light of the rocky tail it swept out soared.

In the eyes of it and the two Team Rocket members, the next moment was the scene where Riolu was instantly swept away.

However, none of this happened.


As if he could capture the movement of the big rock snake, at the very moment of the moment, Riolu's body suddenly tilted back [-] degrees, narrowly avoiding the attack of the big rock snake's steel tail!

what happened?

The big rock snake with its tail swept away was stunned for a moment, but before it came back to its senses, it saw a small figure jumping in front of him.

"Ordinary punch."

Under Yi Ming's instructions, Riolu threw out a punch that seemed harmless.

Seeing this, a contemptuous look appeared in the big rock snake's eyes.

How much damage can such a small fist do?

It can travel freely underground, so it goes without saying how hard its rocky body is.

The big rock snake, who was dismissive in his heart, not only did not choose to avoid Riolu's attack, but moved the rock's head up with a playful look, as if he wanted to see how much weight Riolu's fist could have.

The next moment, tragedy happened.


A bang!
The majestic impact came out from the body of the big rock snake, forming a whirlwind-like cyclone, sweeping across the trees behind it, and littered branches and fallen leaves flew up one after another.

The unsuspecting two Team Rocket members backed away in terror.

Under their stunned gaze, the big rock snake that had been punched by Riolu suddenly fell stiffly, kicking up dust on the ground.

what's the situation?
The tall Team Rocket member's smile froze on his face.

They glanced at each other, and couldn't help pinching their arms immediately. The pain in their hands made them sure that it wasn't a dream.
[Leolu defeated the Big Rock Snake and gained battle experience: 3150. 】

[Because of Riolu's 'King' aptitude, additional battle experience points: 3260. 】

[Due to the level gap, Riolu gained an additional battle experience: 4900. 】

The first battle brought nearly [-] battle experience points to Riolu!
It can be said that it succeeded in picking up the leak. This big rock snake has almost exhausted its physical strength, so of course it couldn't bear Riolu's "normal punch".
"Well done, Riolu, I'll give you an extra meal tonight."

Yi Ming nodded in satisfaction.

This is the benefit of defeating the strong with the weak and the aptitude.

"Who are you?!"

This scene was really unbelievable. The huge rock snake was punched down by a seemingly inconspicuous Pokémon, and the short Team Rocket member screamed in horror.


The tall Team Rocket member looked dignified, secretly put his hand into his pocket, and pressed the button.

"Those who came to arrest you, obediently hand over all the things you snatched, otherwise you will suffer."

Yi Ming imitated their previous tone and said playfully.

"Come out, Haoli."

"Little devil, don't underestimate people!"

Faced with Yi Ming's threat, they naturally couldn't accept it, and immediately released their Pokémon again, trying to delay until their companions arrived.

They are level 30 Hao Li and level 27 Small Fist Stone.

"It seems that the big rock snake was not specially configured for this behavior. The level of Pokmon they have now is in this range."

Seeing this, Yi Ming couldn't help thinking.

I also met the Rockets in Yuejianshan before, but their strength was not so outstanding at that time.

It was only the unknown team leader who was the leader with such strength.

So here comes the problem, these two are clearly ordinary basic members of Team Rocket, but they have such a powerful Pokémon, which is seriously inconsistent with what Yi Ming saw before.

"Come out and move around, flying mantis, riding a dragon."

Because unlike the Big Rock Snake, this Haoli and Xiaoquanshi are full of energy and obviously have plenty of physical strength, which is not something that the current Riolu can deal with, so Yi Ming released the Flying Mantis and Chenglong to fight against the enemy.

The level of Jiahe Ninja Frog and Charizard is too high, because of the level advantage, the battle experience gained from defeating Haoli Xiaoquanshi will be greatly weakened, and Yi Ming will naturally not do this kind of uneconomical thing.

"Speed ​​to resolve the battle."

They still have accomplices, in order to avoid accidents, Yi Ming immediately decided to resolve the battle quickly.

Three off-road vehicles quickly approached the warehouse in the forest in the forest.

There were seven people in the car, all wearing black Team Rocket uniforms, obviously Team Rocket.

And if Yi Ming was present, he would feel familiar with the captain of Team Rocket in the first car.

fly to.

In Yuejian Mountain, the captain of Team Rocket that Yi Ming met had a level 36 toucan. He used the parrot to entangle with the fire-breathing dragon, but was finally defeated by the fire-breathing dragon's Great Flame Commandment, Yandi.

The siren in his pocket vibrated, giving him a bad premonition.

Did something go wrong in the warehouse?

Because of some accidents during the support process, they had to deviate from the original plan and let two of their members stand guard at the same place, while the rest went out to check the situation, and at the same time drove over the car that could carry the 'trophy'.

But now the sirens sounded, proving that there was an accident over there.

This is the last thing Feiyu wants to see.


In anxiety, Feiyu could only urge him.

[Ding, Flying Mantis, ride a dragon to defeat Haoli, small fist stone. 】

[Flying Mantis gained battle experience: 2800, gained extra battle experience because of qualifications: 1900, gained extra battle experience because of the level difference: 1300. 】

[Chenglong gained battle experience: 2800, gained additional battle experience because of aptitude: 2200, gained extra battle experience because of the level difference: 900. 】

Flying Mantis and Chenglong cooperated tacitly, and their strength levels also had advantages, so the battle ended quickly, and Haoli and Xiaoquanshi were no match at all.

"Damn it, who the hell is this brat? An alliance investigator?"

The two Rockets members are having a hard time accepting the reality at hand.

A brat, even their joint efforts couldn't defeat him!

Although the Big Rock Snake just now lost strangely, at least he could find the reason. The Big Rock Snake was already physically weak, so it was okay to be defeated.

However, the current Haoli and Xiaoquanshi are full of physical strength, but they are not opponents at all in the face of Flying Mantis and Xiaoquanshi.

How could a young kid be so powerful?
You know, their Pokémon are not what they used to be, and they are almost as strong as the previous team leader!

At this moment, there was a slight vibration from the ground, and there was the faint sound of vehicles galloping in the forest. The two members of Team Rocket breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the movement.

(End of this chapter)

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