Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 179 Sad and Angry Pikachu!

Chapter 179 Sad and Angry Pikachu!

I think your paper is not big enough, isn't this embarrassing?
Ignoring Yan Jing's request, Yi Ming looked at the ancient museum owner, because he was taking out a microscope-like badge from his pocket and handing it to Yi Ming.

"Your discovery will bring new changes and new topics to the archaeological world. It is enough to get this badge. This is the badge of the Kanto Scientific Research Association, which can represent your achievements. As for the registration and referral steps, it seems that you don't want to participate look, let me help you."

Looking at the badge that the owner of the ancient museum took out, Yan Jing was so envious that his eyes were almost red.

This represents the lifelong achievement that can be obtained after making contributions to the Kanto Alliance Scientific Research Association, and there is also the recommendation of the ancient museum owner

Yi Ming took it casually, and didn't attach much importance to this honor. For him, substantive rewards such as alliance coins are what can make him tempted.

"Then, I'm off to White's."

Yi Ming has agreed to White to become the guard trainer of their archaeological team.

For the S+ copy, I am really tempted.

If he was not sure before, then the appearance of the ultra-ancient fossil pterosaur undoubtedly gave Yi Ming a reassurance.

"Fossil pterosaur, is it okay to fly with me?"

The fossilized pterosaur is no bigger than the flying mantis, and its size is sure to support Yi Ming and Pikachu, but just in case the fossilized pterosaur has a bad temper, Yi Ming thinks it is necessary to ask.


The fossilized pterosaur squinted its eyes halfway, playing with disdain.

Yi Ming was slightly taken aback, and looked at Pikachu on his shoulder with a strange expression.

The answer of the fossil pterosaur was that Yi Ming could ride it, but the weak Pikachu was not qualified to be on its back.


Pikachu puffed up his cheeks, rarely angry.

There's no reason to dislike your partner!
"Pika, Pikachu."

Pikachu embraced it with his small hands, and after sticking out his tongue at the fossil pterosaur angrily, he turned his head sideways, saying, "Don't you just fly into the sky?"We don't care about the appearance of '.

Well, there was a conflict as soon as we met.

Yi Ming smiled bitterly.

The unruly temper of the fossil pterosaurs has shown up, and it seems to be much bigger than the fire-breathing dragon.

At the very least, Charizard will not despise his partner, but is proud of being a partner's protection, and even wants to compete with Koga Ninja Frog for the status of "big brother".

But the fossil pterosaur is different. Not only does it not have the qualified mentality of being a big brother, it even directly mocks and despises Pikachu.
It's really not easy to get along with.

"Forget it, come back Fossil Pterosaur, don't have conflicts with other Pokémon inside."

While taking back the fossil pterosaur, Yi Ming added a sentence.

The other trainer Poké Balls have a small space, but they are independent.

And my pokeball leads to an unimaginably wide pokémon space. Although it is beneficial to the communication and communication of Pokémon, if they don't get along well, there will be conflicts.
What Yi Ming was worried about was nothing but the fire-breathing dragon who had an equally fiery temper.

"Come out, fire-breathing dragon."

Although it is impossible to ride a fossil pterosaur to the site of White's archaeological excavation as desired, the fire-breathing dragon can also ride and fly, and the speed is not much slower.

"Pika, Pika, Pika, Pikachu!"

As soon as the fire-breathing dragon appeared, Pikachu sued the big brother angrily and extremely aggrieved.

Hearing that the fire-breathing dragon was stunned for a while, his complexion gradually turned bad.

Dislike your partner for being too weak?

Not even willing to fly with it?

The fire-breathing dragon angrily exhaled hot air from its nose, and its eyes flashed sharply.

It wants to see what kind of strength this hot-tempered new partner has.

Jumping on the back of the fire-breathing dragon together with Pikachu, Yi Ming helplessly patted the angry fire-breathing dragon.

"Charizard, don't quarrel with the fossil pterosaur now, you can't beat it now, let's go, fly to the east."

Seeing the unbelievable look of the fire-breathing dragon, Yi Ming was helpless.

Anyway, they will meet at that time, and the fire-breathing dragon will know the strength of the fossil pterosaur by then.

The current level of the fire-breathing dragon is 41, which is 50 levels behind the 9-level fossil pterosaur.

You know, this is in the 40th level range, and each level of improvement means a lot of difficulties.

For the arrogant Charizard, the addition of the fossilized pterosaurs, which is far more powerful than it, will definitely stimulate the Charizard, and I don't know whether it is good or bad.
But thinking that the Charizard also has the character of Ma Daha, it should gradually adapt.


Looking at the angry Pikachu next to him, Yi Ming felt the pressure of being the head of the family for the first time.

From the ancient murals in the Yuejianshan cave, it can be inferred that the archaeological excavation site is not far from Yuejianshan.

After flying for a certain distance, they were already close to where Dr. White and the others were, but they were asked by Pikachu to land first, and they wandered by the lake for a while before passing.

"Pikachu is about to work hard."

Looking at Pikachu who consciously fought against the water-type Pokémon Carp King, his little face was full of seriousness, and Yi Ming couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It's really rare, Pikachu will also make progress. It seems that the ridicule and disapproval of the fossil pterosaur really makes Pikachu sad and angry.

[Ding, Pikachu defeated the Carp King and gained battle experience: 150. 】

[Because of Pikachu's aptitude, additional battle experience points: 50]

A level 15 carp king can only bring 200 combat experience points, which is unimaginable.

"Okay, Pikachu, it's almost done, even if you bully the carp king, you won't become stronger. There are no Gyarados here."

Yi Ming persuaded helplessly.

There is only the carp king who has no fighting power in this small lake. Even if Pikachu wants to improve himself, he must be looking in the wrong direction.

The carp king, anyone who has seen Pokémon knows how miserable the carp king is.

The Carp King is known as the weakest Pokémon. Except for miracles, he can only do a powerless water splash. He can't even attack and just jumps foolishly. It is well deserved The weakest Pokmon in the world is a Pokmon that is ignored by all trainers. Only after it evolves into a Gyarados will it burst out with terrifying power.

However, in a calm lake, there will be no Gyarados inhabiting, and the carp king who can evolve into a Gyarados. The carp king wants to "jump the dragon's gate" and evolve into a powerful Gyarados. Good location.

The so-called time of day refers to the stormy and typhoon weather, the favorable location, and the need for the poor carp king to have a chance to evolve in the great rivers and seas that can form rough waves.

Gyarados, Yi Ming really wants to subdue one. While the Gyarados are hot-tempered, they are extremely powerful and have a chance of mega.

But here, to sum up, it is impossible for Pikachu to defeat the Gyarados, and Yi Ming naturally has no chance to subdue the Gyarados here.


Pikachu, who also realized this, pouted and pulled his long ears.Listless.

"Don't worry, you will definitely become as strong as the fossil pterosaur in the future, I promise."


"Of course it is true. When have I lied to you? Forgot the original fruit last time? Only I can get that thing!"

Yi Ming comforted the traumatized Pikachu.

My own Pikachu has a contract with Pishen!

Anyway, Yi Ming finally dispelled the haze in Pikachu's heart, was able to leave the lake, and rushed to Dr. White's archaeological excavation location to meet up.

(End of this chapter)

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