Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 194 Heading to Light Red City!

Chapter 194 Heading to Light Red City!
"Yi Ming, I really don't know how to thank you. Not only did Riolu find the super-ancient ruins, but also dispersed the awakened super-ancient Pokémon souls. If you weren't here, we don't know what would happen to us."

White rushed over and said excitedly.

As she said, the original trio of guards were not the opponents of the super ancient Hudi at all. They were defeated in one face-to-face, so how could they resist it.

If it hadn't been for Yi Ming's presence, who offended the super ancient Pokémon, they would have had a tragic end.

Hearing this, the rest of the people also nodded approvingly, a little scared.

Yi Ming nodded, it was true.

In the original animation, neither the ultra-ancient Hu Di nor the ultra-ancient Geng Gui had any intention of being merciful to humans. If the ultra-ancient fat man was not awakened by coincidence, the consequences would be predictably bad.

"Then since the super-ancient ruins have been found, it means that this archaeological operation has been successfully completed."

Although the archaeological team had only set off for a few days, the purpose of the trip had already been achieved, which meant that the operation was over, and Yi Ming already had the intention of leaving.

The purpose of this trip was originally for a copy of the super ancient Pokémon, and now that my purpose has been achieved, I naturally want to leave the archaeological team.

"Well, from now on, we only need to sort out and excavate the cultural relics. It's just that Yi Ming, are you leaving? The souls of super ancient Pokmon will not appear in the future, right?"

White and the others looked terrified. The appearance of the ultra-ancient Hu Di and the ultra-ancient Geng Ghost really frightened them.

There had never been a similar incident before, so hearing that Yi Ming wanted to leave, he couldn't help asking.

Yi Ming didn't know how to explain to them that the ultra-ancient Hu Di Geng ghosts were not souls, they were just sealed, and the sealed objects were in their own item space, not ghosts.

"Don't worry, it won't appear again, er, I mean, there's such a big commotion, if there is still, there's no reason why it won't appear."

Both the ultra-ancient Hu Di and the ultra-ancient Geng Gui appeared. As for the ultra-ancient Fat Ding Yi Ming, I'm really not sure if the bronze clock is Fat Ding's sealed item.

Looking at the ultra-ancient ruins under the mountain wall, Yi Ming's eyes were deep, and his breath gradually became gentle and long.

I really don't know what happened in ancient times, how did humans defeat the ultra-ancient Hu Di and the ultra-ancient Geng Gui in that period, did they use the ultra-ancient fat man?

I have to say that there is such a possibility, but if this is the case, why is the super ancient fat man also sealed up? Could it be to prevent the super ancient Hu Di and Geng Gui from breaking through the seal?

Will the huge and mysterious fast dragons I met at the Zhenghui Lighthouse have some connection with them?

All of this is a mystery.
"Yi Ming, is your fossil pterosaur an ultra-ancient Pokémon?"

White looked at the fossil pterosaur soaring in the sky, and hesitated for a moment before asking.

This question is also what the head of the group and others are curious about.

Yi Ming's fossilized pterosaur is obviously completely different from the fossilized pterosaurs they have seen. Not only does it have a huge and terrifying body shape, but it also has unidentified black spikes that look like crystals, like armor, which makes people unstoppable. .


As long as he heard about the fossil pterosaur, Pikachu turned his face away unconvinced.

Even though the outstanding combat performance of the fossil pterosaur and the ultra-ancient Gengar really showed unparalleled strength, in Pikachu's heart, the status of the Koga ninja frog is much higher than that of the fossil pterosaur.

If you must choose a role model, Pikachu will definitely not choose a fossil pterosaur.

It actually dislikes its partner!

That's abominable!

I can't bear it, and I can't get my approval even if it is great.

Pikachu pursed his lips, his little face was full of resentment.

"That's right, it's an ultra-ancient fossil pterosaur. I resurrected it at the Nibi Science Museum."

There is no need to hide this. I believe that White and the others, who are in the archaeological world, have already made up their minds.

Hearing this, White and the head of the group all showed a clear expression.

"Yi Ming, wait a minute."

Seeing that Yi Ming wanted to leave, the group leader ran back to the campsite, and came back after a while, and gave Yi Ming the Union Coin as a reward.

"There are 25 alliance coins in it, which are the remaining funds for this archaeological operation. Since all the super ancient ruins have been found, these archaeological funds will be saved. You not only found the super ancient ruins for us, but also protected us. All of these alliance coins should be your reward.”

When the leader spoke, his expression was very serious.

The Huiyan trio next to them witnessed this scene and were envious. This is 25 alliance coins. They are both guards of the archaeological team, so why is there such a big gap.

But their envy is envy, but they are not jealous. They also know that Yi Ming should get the money, after all, even they are protected by Yi Ming, so there is no reason not to approve it.

"Then I'm welcome."

Yi Ming didn't mean to be polite, Dang even happily chose to accept it.

The right is the commission for assisting the super ancient ruins and maintaining the archaeological team. Well, we have put in so much effort, just a little bit of alliance currency, not too much.

Yi Ming chuckled, and suddenly felt that at this moment, he wanted to be a good boy even if he was cheap.

After all, after this trip, all Pokmon have gained strength improvements, especially the Jiaga Ninja Frog and the Fossil Pterosaur. In addition, they also got golden and pitch-black crystals, which is equivalent to combining the super-ancient Hu Di and the super-ancient Geng Gui. Take half of it.

Adding in the 25 alliance coins, it can be said that the food is full of oil.

"It's a lot more convenient."

Yi Ming who accepted the Union Coin thought to himself.

The next destination is Light Red City, to see who owns the metal film that Xiaogang found out about, and whether he can buy it. The 25 Union Coins as a reward can be said to have saved Yi Ming. A lot of effort.

"Since the ultra-ancient ruins have been found, I have other things to deal with, so I will take my leave first, and see you by fate."

Yi Ming bid farewell to White and the others, and immediately took back the fossilized pterosaur in the air to the elf space.

If you want to hurry, the fossil pterosaur is not enough. It was unwilling to be ridden on Pikachu's back before, let alone after its strength has risen so much. Maybe it will blow Pikachu's mind again.

"Fire-breathing dragon, let's go, let's go to Light Red City!"

The manor near the west of Light Red City, NO.14 in the third section.

Riding on the fire-breathing dragon, Yi Ming silently recited the position Xiao Gang gave him in his heart.

The metal film, the special evolution prop that can make the flying mantis evolve into the giant pincer mantis, is inside.

It would be great if you can buy it with the Union Coin you just got. If you can't, I hope to find out how the owner of the manor got the metal film.

The evolution that Flying Mantis longs for day and night.

Although Flying Mantis usually behaved calmly, Yi Ming still remembered the strong eagerness and longing in its eyes when he told it about the metal film news.
(End of this chapter)

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