Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 196 Eevee's Evolution Form!

Chapter 196 Eevee's Evolution Form!
Ibrahimovic is a kind of Pokémon. Even if you are not a Pokémon fan, some people will be captured by its cute appearance. It looks like a fox. Most of its body hair is brown. The fluffy tail and neck fluff are cream. The color, big brown eyes, and cute appearance caused Ibrahimovic's popularity to approach Pikachu for a time.

In the eyes of trainers, Eevee is also a Pokémon worth cultivating. Although it is an ordinary Pokémon, because of its extremely unstable genetic composition, it is very easy to evolve into different evolutionary forms due to the surprise of the surrounding environment.

Fire elves, water elves, and thunder elves are mutated and evolved by Ibrahimovic using fire stones, water stones or thunder stones.

In the current world of Pokémon, what Yi Ming knows is about Eevee's evolutionary form, which is still being studied. So far, only three evolutionary forms of Fire Elf, Water Elf, and Thunder Elf have been discovered.

"Eden Manor, could it be that it is a well-known family in the Kanto area, and Ibrahimovic is only available in their family?"

Yi Ming couldn't help being surprised.

Could it be that the rare and precious Ibrahimovic is a Pokémon discovered and mainly cultivated by Eaton Manor?

There really is such a possibility.

If this is the case, is it possible that Dr. Lian Damu, that is, Baixue's Eevee, came from this Eaton Manor?

As Yi Ming expected, the Pokémon the trainer was talking about was none other than Ibrahimovic.

"Hey, Ibrahimovic, haven't you heard of it? According to legend, its genes are very unstable, and it will produce different evolutionary forms according to the environment. As far as I know, there are three evolutionary forms of Ibrahimovic: fire, water, and electricity. "

The trainer was proud of what he had learned, enjoying the admiring eyes of the others.

"It's amazing, can there be Pokémon in multiple evolutionary forms? It's amazing."

"Boss, big brother, isn't Eaton Manor holding a garden party tomorrow? Do you know the news?"

"Yeah, what is a garden fair, can we players go in?"

The rest of the people were amazed and expressed their admiration one after another. Immediately, they couldn't help asking about the key point, which was the garden party at Eaton Manor tomorrow.

Speaking of this, the trainer pursed his mouth in a mysterious manner, with a look of air.

"What about the garden fair at Eaton Manor tomorrow, do you know that some Pokmon need evolution stones to evolve? The main purpose of the garden fair is to attract trainers who own this kind of Pokmon, and to provide a way and platform for these Pokmon to evolve. The trainers get what they need, and on the one hand, it can also enhance the reputation of Eaton Manor. It is held every six months, and now it is getting better and better."

Listening to his explanation, Yi Ming nodded understandingly.

It turns out that the so-called garden party is a banquet held by Eaton Manor in order to expand the family's reputation. It is designed to attract trainers who need special evolution Pokmon and provide them with the opportunity to obtain special evolution props.

Such as Katie Dog, Six Tails, Starfish and so on.

"It's not necessarily for the sake of fame. If Eaton Manor is really a big family that unilaterally cultivated Ibrahimovic, maybe they can also take the opportunity to discover a new evolutionary form that excavates Ibrahimovic."

Yi Ming tapped his five fingers on the table in an orderly manner, lowering his head in thought.

As we all know, the three evolutionary forms that Ibrahimovic has discovered so far require the help of evolutionary stones.

According to this idea, Eaton Manor may also want to discover Ibrahimovic's new evolutionary form through the garden fair.

Therefore, the news that Xiaogang said that there is a metal film in Eaton Manor should also be that they want to see if Ibrahimovic can react to the metal film and whether it can evolve into a steel-type Ibrahimovic Steel Elf
"Steel Elf really dare to think."

Yi Ming smiled helplessly.

Of course, steel elves do not exist. The metal film cannot evolve Ibrahimovic like fire stones or water stones, but apart from fire elves, water elves, and thunder elves, there are indeed other evolution forms.

For example, sun elves and moon elves, they need to have a very close relationship with the trainer before they can evolve in day or night, there are also leaf elves, ice elves, and even fairy elves.

However, the thinking of the Eaton family cannot be said to be wrong. After all, Ibrahimovic is indeed a Pokémon with extremely unstable genes. Since it can evolve through fire, water, and thunder stones, it may also evolve through other special evolution tools. Of course, the metal film is also included.

Unfortunately, their attempts are doomed to fail.

"It seems that the probability of getting a metal film will be much higher."

Since the nature of the garden fair is like this, it is very likely that the metal film needed for the evolution of the flying mantis can be bought.

Even if the metal film cannot be bought from the Eaton family, other trainers or businessmen who come here may bring the metal film.

Just as Yi Ming was thinking, the trainer who didn't know where he got the news continued to chat.

"I heard that a big event will be announced at Eaton Manor tomorrow."

"What's the big deal? Tell me quickly, keep half of what you say, you'll be in a hurry."

"That's right, what's the big deal, you can talk about it."

The rest of the people couldn't stand his appetite at all and made a lot of noise.

"Hey, I'm actually not sure about this news. I just heard that Eaton Manor will probably announce Ibrahimovic's new evolutionary form tomorrow."


Hearing this, Yi Ming frowned.

Eevee's new evolutionary form?Could it be the sun elf or the moon elf?
To be honest, the two forms of the sun elf and the moon elf are easier to find than the rest of the evolutionary forms.


After inquiring about Eaton Manor, Yi Ming also felt sleepy, and rented a trainer's room in the Elf Center from Miss Joy.


Pikachu rubbed his cheek against Yi Ming's face, coquettishly blinking his watery eyes to remind Yi Ming not to forget something important.

"By the way, before going to bed, I have to make energy cubes for you."

After being reminded by Pikachu, Yi Ming sighed and muttered, and started making energy cubes directly in the room.

"Pikachu, you just eat here slowly, I'll take it to other friends."

Half an hour later, Yi Ming greeted the elf balls, calling them to gather at the World's Beginning Tree before entering the elf space.

Fortunately, with the generous sponsorship of the head of the archaeological team, otherwise, I really don’t know how to raise so many Pokmon. Others are good, the appetite of the fire-breathing dragon and the ultra-ancient fossil pterosaur is really big.

Entering the spirit space, Yi Ming had a smile on his face.

Under the tree of the beginning of the world, Chenglong, Jiaga Ninja Frog, Riolu, Charizard, and Flying Mantis are all there, only the fossilized pterosaurs did not rush over, perhaps because of their stubborn and withdrawn temperament.

"Hey, fire-breathing dragon, why did you come so early today? It's rare. Are you starving?"

Yi Ming couldn't help laughing.

In the past, even if Yi Ming notified in advance, the Charizard would always be late, because its preferred habitat was the side of the volcano, the furthest away from the Tree of the Beginning of the World.

Today is strange, it is rare that I am not late.

Being ridiculed by Yi Ming, Charizard was slightly taken aback, and then showed a shy smile, which made Yi Ming look sideways.

(End of this chapter)

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