Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 198 Confused Fossil Pterosaur?

Chapter 198 Confused Fossil Pterosaur?

Facing the threat of the fossil pterosaur, the fire-breathing dragon roared without fear, and landed on the opposite side of the fossil pterosaur.


A dangerous light flashed in the eyes of the fossil pterosaur, staring straight at the fire-breathing dragon, which was much smaller than itself.

The fire-breathing dragon, dare to challenge it again?
Could it be that the last defeat didn't make the fire-breathing dragon realize the gap between it and itself?

The ultra-ancient fossil pterosaur narrowed its eyes slightly, showing a bit of sarcasm, and spread its wide wings.

It doesn't mind, and then teach the fire-breathing dragon a lesson, so that the fire-breathing dragon can fully understand that the absolute gap in strength is irreparable!

The fossil pterosaur flapped its wings suddenly, and its body shot out like a cannonball. The propped up wings condensed light, like two sharp blades, and hit the fire-breathing dragon straight.

The fossil pterosaur has a ferocious face, trying to crush the fire-breathing dragon firmly with the fastest speed and strongest attack power, completely destroying the arrogance of the fire-breathing dragon!
Its power is beyond doubt.

Last time it was able to defeat the fire-breathing dragon who came to challenge with the momentum of thunder. Now that it has absorbed the ancient power, its strength has once again improved by leaps and bounds.

Isn't it as simple as flapping your wings to defeat a fire-breathing dragon now?


However, just as the fossil pterosaur was about to use its wings to attack the fire-breathing dragon, suddenly, the figure of the fire-breathing dragon was lost in its vision.

what happened?

In astonishment, before recovering, the fire-breathing dragon suddenly sensed the whistling sound in the sky, and before it had time to react, it was hit by the scorching flames on its back.


With a painful roar, the fossil pterosaur hurriedly dodged to the side.

When it reached the safe area, the fossil pterosaur looked at the fire-breathing dragon full of surprise and uncertainty.

what happened?

The speed of the fire-breathing dragon, as well as the power of spraying flames, have undergone unimaginable changes compared to before.

Could it be that the fire-breathing dragon, like himself, has gained a powerful force that leads to an increase in strength?
Even if it is inexplicable, the majesty of fossil pterosaurs cannot be violated.

Even if Charizard gets a boost, so what?

Originally, there was a big gap in strength between the fire-breathing dragon and it. If the fire-breathing dragon has been improved, don't you have one?

Although the strength of the fire-breathing dragon has been found to have increased, the fossil pterosaur still has strong self-confidence and can defeat the fire-breathing dragon with crushing momentum.


The fossil pterosaur displayed high-speed movement, and its figure took off, and its speed continued to increase.

The ferocious sharp teeth that flickered with electric arcs bit the fire-breathing dragon.

Lightning Teeth!
Facing the charge and attack of the fossil pterosaur, the fire-breathing dragon in the air suddenly turned sideways, its powerful tail shone with metallic light, and slammed into the face of the fossil pterosaur.


The speed was so fast that the fossil pterosaur had no time to react, and felt dizzy as if its head had been hit by a hard rock.

This scene seemed a bit funny as if the fossil pterosaur stretched out its head and put its face up against the fire-breathing dragon's steel tail.

The pupils of the fossilized pterosaur that was drawn to one side shrank, and couldn't help trembling all over. It turned its head slowly, and the anger in its eyes almost turned into substance.

Charizard, you pissed me off!
The face of the fossilized pterosaur became more ferocious, and it decided to ravage the fire-breathing dragon once, in order to avenge the slap in the face.

However, facing the embarrassing rage of the fossil pterosaur, the instigator of the fire-breathing dragon just grinned, as if he didn't take the fossil pterosaur seriously.

This posture stimulated the fossil pterosaur even more. The anger in its chest gathered into dragon-type energy, and it released its dragon breath to spray the fire-breathing dragon.


Facing the dragon's breath released by the fossil pterosaur in anger, the fire-breathing dragon unhurriedly released jet flames, and the scorching red flames spewed out instantly, as powerful as the dragon's breath of the fossil pterosaur, and there were even faint signs.


After the stalemate, the dragon's breath of the fossil pterosaur was defeated, and the hot and surging jet flame hit the fossil pterosaur, causing it to fly backwards with a hiss.

The fossilized pterosaur recovered from its shock as if its head had been poured with a basin of cold water. The anger that had just risen was extinguished, and the eyes looking at the fire-breathing dragon were full of surprise and uncertainty.

The dragon's breath was released with anger, and its power should not be underestimated, but it still couldn't match the flames that the fire-breathing dragon seemed to release at will.

Unbelievable performances time and time again, how can the fossil pterosaur at this moment not realize that there is an extremely obvious gap in strength between it and the fire-breathing dragon!
However, this gap is completely reversed from before. Before, it was steadily crushing the fire-breathing dragon, but at this moment, it was the fire-breathing dragon that completely suppressed it!
what is the problem?

Even if there is an increase in strength, it is impossible to reach such a point, right?
And its flame, isn't it purple anymore?

Why on earth is this happening?Do Pokmon of the present era have such potential?
A series of questions popped up in his mind, completely ignoring the fossil pterosaur.


Just when the fossil pterosaur was doubting its life, there was a crackling sound in the air, and it looked up in shock when it sensed the danger, its wide-open eyes reflected a red flame in the shape of 'big'!

Big character explosion!
The big character explosion, which was the size of its body, roared towards it at an extremely fast speed, and the fossil pterosaur that hadn't reacted was hit by the big character explosion.

The fossilized pterosaur only felt crimson red in its field of vision, accompanied by the flying fire snake, it fell straight down after being burned, let out a roar full of confusion, and hit the isolated peak.

"Hee hee hee."

Witnessing the expression change of the fossil pterosaur as if changing its face, the fire-breathing dragon grinned in mid-air, and immediately its whole body glowed with light, and its figure shrank rapidly.

The charizard disappeared, replaced by a cute pink cat-like Pokémon with a long tail almost twice its height.

"Chiu Mi~"

It looked at the extremely embarrassed fossil pterosaur on the isolated peak, let out a light laugh, and happily hovered in mid-air with a flexible figure.

Immediately it seemed to recall something delicious, blinked its big eyes and smacked its lips, looking very greedy and extremely cute and playful.

Although I stole its energy cube, but I also helped to teach it back~
Before the fossilized pterosaur recovered, its whole body glowed with light again, and its figure slowly dimmed, and it actually disappeared.


Even in a state of embarrassment, the fossil pterosaur still struggled to get up from the ground, trying to fight the fire-breathing dragon again and save the defeat.

However, there is no sign of the fire-breathing dragon in the sky.

Desperate and unable to accept his defeat, the fossil pterosaur went mad and took the boulder on the isolated peak as a target for discouragement, and was so aggrieved that he went into incompetent rage!
"Why haven't the fossil pterosaurs come here? Didn't they all arrive at this time before?"

Yi Ming moved his neck, a little strangely.

Like the Charizard, the fossilized pterosaur lives far away from the original tree of the world. In addition to its arrogant temperament, it not only feels that its companion Pikachu is not qualified to ride it to fly, but also disdains to eat with other Pokmon. His temper was bad and weird, if it wasn't for the power of the dragon, Yi Ming doubted that he would not be recognized by the fossil pterosaur.

"Would you like to wait?"

Yi Ming yawned, feeling a little worried.

If it doesn't wait, there is a high probability that the energy cube of the fossil pterosaur will be swallowed by the coveted fire-breathing dragon next to it.

"I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to sleep on the soft bed in the Elf Center, Charizard, this is a fossil pterosaur, don't steal it."

Yi Ming couldn't stand it any longer after exerting the power of Viridian with all his strength before, so he warned the fire-breathing dragon, who was also a foodie like Pikachu, and left the elf space.


The fire-breathing dragon's eyes brightened.

Yi Ming left, but the energy cube of the fossil pterosaur still remained.

It's not full yet!

The fire-breathing dragon looked eagerly and eagerly, and fell on the nearby Jiaga Ninja Frog, Flying Mantis and Leo Road.

Koga Ninja Frog Flying Mantis turned and left expressionlessly.


The fire-breathing dragon grinned, sneaking close to the energy cube of the fossil pterosaur.

Riolu is still here, but, eh.

It didn't even open its eyes, it couldn't see it!

(End of this chapter)

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