Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 201 Up to 7 points!

Chapter 201 Up to seventy points!

Seeing Yi Ming and Bai Xue, the people around them seemed to have formed an independent isolated space. They were so knowledgeable that they did not disturb each other, and each was busy with their own affairs. Seeing that Bai Xue was fine and knew Yi Ming, Master Yiton began to work on the evolution stone without distraction. transaction.

"Pikachu~ hello."

Shirayuki bowed down and greeted Pikachu with a smile.


Pikachu also raised his hand in return to say hello, but his eyes have been focused on the ice elf, which shows the charm of the ice elf.

"Bai Xue, has your Ibrahimovic evolved into an ice elf?"

For Baixue's ice elf, Yi Ming was really surprised. It is very rare for Ibrahimovic to evolve into an ice elf. It needs to be on the ice rock that contains extreme cold to promote Ibrahimovic to evolve into an ice elf.

Yi Ming thought that Snow White's Eevee would most likely evolve into a sun elf or a moon elf, but he didn't expect that he would evolve into an ice elf.

"Well, yes, as you said, Ibrahimovic really has other evolutionary forms, how did you know, Yi Ming?"

Bai Xue was very curious about this.

Even people in the Pokémon world don't know that Ibrahimovic's evolution other than fire, water and electricity, is Yi Ming, a player in the real world. How could he know this?
"Well, if I said, would you believe my guess? How did your ice elf evolve? It's already level 26, and the speed of improvement is quite fast."

Yi Ming laughed and changed the subject.

Bai Xue's ice elf level has reached 26, which is already in a very good range compared to ordinary players.

"Hey, how did it evolve? Actually, I'm also confused. When I was playing in the ski resort in the real world, I found a rock that looked like a block of ice. After Ibrahimovic touched it, it seemed to absorb the cold air on the rock. It seems that it has evolved into an ice elf, and it has been upgraded several levels in one breath."

Is it in the real world?

Yi Ming gave a light snort, which caught him by surprise.

However, considering the changes in the real world, even the tree of the beginning of the world that appeared in City H, and the ice rocks that can make Ibrahimovic evolve into an ice elf in the real world, it is also reasonable.

"Hee hee, when they met me and the ice elf, they were taken aback, so I was invited here. I heard that my ice elf, the former Ibrahimovic, was provided to me by them. Dr. Oki is doing research."

Bai Xue stuck out her tongue playfully, but forgot how Yi Ming knew about Ibrahimovic's other evolutionary forms.

"Bai Xue, who is this? I heard that you almost fell down, what's going on?"

At this moment, a beautiful young girl walked by, dressed in a well-fitting gorgeous dress, highlighting her exquisite body. She was about the same age as Bai Xue Yiming. What stood out was her short brown hair, which made her look a bit heroic. stand up.

She held a plate of delicate pastries and energy cubes in her hand, the aroma was tangy.

"I'm fine, I was just careless just now, let me introduce you, this is Yi Ming, my good friend, Yi Ming, and this is the eldest lady of Eaton Manor, Erin."

Seeing her, Bai Xue smiled and introduced her to both parties.

Miss Eaton Manor?She looks quite cheerful and kind, and seems to be able to ask her about the metal film.

The metal film, after all, is the main purpose of Yi Ming's coming here.

"Miss Erin, may I take the liberty to ask you a question?"

Yi Ming got straight to the point.

"Since you are Bai Xue's friend, of course you are also my friend~ If you have any questions, please ask, oh, Bai Xue, look at you, you are covered in dust, why are you so careless."

Yilin casually placed the snacks on the side stone railing, and patted the dust on Bai Xue's skirt very carefully.

"I heard that Eaton Manor collects a lot of props related to evolution, like evolution stones and special evolution props of various departments, right?"

"Well, that's right, we have been collecting special, high-quality evolutionary props, and the purpose of holding the garden fair is also to obtain high-quality evolutionary stones."

Yilin replied casually, while playfully taking the opportunity to tickle Baixue, which made Baixue laugh again and again and only called for surrender.

Yi Ming watched the frolicking scene, feeling inexplicably envious in his heart.

"Is there a special evolution prop metal membrane?"

"Metal film? That's a rare special evolutionary prop. As far as I know, the metal film is a steel-type evolutionary prop. It can evolve a rock snake or a flying mantis. It can become a steel-type attribute, and its appearance will also change accordingly. They are very different, we have collected them, and we want to study whether Ibrahimovic has the possibility of steel system evolution."

Erin nodded and said casually.

Hearing this, a gleam of joy appeared in Yi Ming's eyes. It seems that there is indeed a metal film in Eaton Manor.

"Can it be sold? Or, is there any way I can get the metal film."

Yi Lin didn't seem surprised by Yi Ming's statement. It seemed that Eaton Manor was famous for collecting evolutionary props, and it was not uncommon for trainers to come here for evolutionary props.

"Whether to sell or not depends on my father. As for the method of obtaining the metal film, I don't know. My father got it. You have to wait for my father to come back before you can ask him~ Come on, Bai Xue, try if this suits you appetite."

"Yi Ming, you should eat some too."

Bai Xue smiled embarrassingly, as if it was difficult to accept Yi Lin's excessive enthusiasm, and immediately handed Yi Ming the exquisite pastry.

"in this way."

After receiving the reply, Yi Ming could only nod regretfully, took the pastry, and tasted it.

Mmmm, it tastes good.

"Come on, Ice Elf, and Pikachu, well, you also have a share."

Erin deliberately put the energy cube she brought on the ground and shared it with the ice elf and Pikachu.

"How does it taste? Very good."

Bai Xue asked Yi Ming with a smile.


Yi Ming said truthfully.

"What, what do you do with a little compliment."

Bai Xue blamed helplessly, but Erin, who was on the side, ignored it and knelt down to ask how the ice elves and Pikachu energy cubes tasted.


The ice elf's rare and joyful cry made Yilin laugh out loud.

However, Pikachu's reaction surprised her a little.

"Pickup, pickup pickup."

Pikachu seemed to be tasting it seriously, then wrinkled his little face, and seemed to be saying something to Yi Ming.

When Bai Xue and Yi Lin were feeling strange, Yi Ming, who could understand Pikachu's words, had already stepped forward, picked up the energy cube, smelled it, and examined it carefully.

"Indeed, it's much worse than mine, but don't be too picky about Pikachu, it's already quite high quality in other places. Do you think anyone can have my craft?"

Yi Ming smiled and patted the dissatisfied Pikachu on the head.

The energy cube in front of me is already a very high-quality energy cube. It should be specially made by the chef of Eaton Manor. It is equivalent to a custom-made energy cube.

It's just that Pickup is used to eating the perfect energy cubes specially made by him, and the taste seems to have been spoiled, and there is no room for any inappropriateness.

However, the energy cube made by Yi Ming obviously surpassed this energy cube by a lot. According to the score, Yi Ming's energy cube is [-] points, so this energy cube is about [-] points.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yi Ming suddenly felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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