Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 204 The gap is obvious!

Chapter 204 The gap is obvious!

Because of the slow but precise comparison of Yi Lin's movements, Yi Ming's dazzling operations seemed to be made indiscriminately, which made the rest of the people stare blankly, and their expressions became more and more weird.

At this time, they had the same idea as Erin.

That is, Yi Ming is a layman who doesn't understand anything, and now he is just dealing with it indiscriminately.

Anyone can see that the berries that Yi Ming threw in had different flavors, it was a mixed bag.

In this case, can you make the energy cube that Pokémon covets?
Dream it!
"It's so funny, you're more of a layman than me, where did you get the courage to challenge Miss Yilin?"

"I can tell that onion fruit and carob fruit are spicy and astringent. How can they be combined? It's just nonsense."

"I'm afraid it won't be a pile of rubbish"

Amidst the strange expressions of the others, Yi Ming's expression was indifferent, and the movements of his hands did not stop at all.

After making so many energy cubes, Yi Ming has long since mastered the proficiency level - even with the assistance of the system as the main reason.

Mastering the modulation of energy cubes given by the system is extremely difficult in the eyes of others and requires a strong control over the production steps. In Yi Ming's eyes, tree fruits and various seasonings are like building blocks or playing puzzle games, as simple as It couldn't be simpler, it just needs a little attention and can be done at will.

It was also because of this that Yi Ming's performance at this time seemed like he was making haphazardly, but in fact he was proceeding in an orderly manner.

"Can Yi Ming really know how to make energy cubes? It's incredible."

Bai Xue hugged the ice elf, frowning slightly, observing Yi Ming's movements very carefully.

Caring, she discovered a certain rhythm hidden in the chaos, and her eyes were shining brightly as she looked at Yi Ming.

"I'm done."

"It's done."

Under the watchful eyes of dozens of people, the tense production process finally came to an end. Half an hour later, Yi Ming and Yi Lin announced that they had completed the production at the same time.

Appearing in everyone's sights were two large plates of energy cubes. Erin's energy cubes were extremely beautiful, brown with reddish color, and exuded a unique curry-like aroma that stimulated people's taste buds.

As for Yi Ming's energy cubes, it's hard to describe them in words. They are colorful and mixed, and they are accompanied by a pungent, unique smell like stinky mud. They seem to be dark dishes in the true sense.

The appearance and fragrance of the two energy cubes are very different, so that everyone has announced a fact in their hearts.

That is, Yi Lin won completely and Yi Ming lost completely!
Sure enough, as expected, Yi Ming, who operated carelessly, was a complete layman, and couldn't even make the most basic energy cube.

Although Yi Ming's energy cube had been expected to be like this, Yilin's expression was extremely gloomy.

What a waste of food!

However, Yilin is very satisfied with the energy cube she made. This is a super performance, and the energy cube she made this time is the best.

"The game is over, you lost."

After uttering a few words, Erin wanted to leave with a straight face.

In her view and others, the result of the competition is self-evident.

"You lost."

Looking at his opponent in this competition, Yi Ming smiled playfully.

Hearing this, Erin paused, with an extremely weird look on her face, 'Are you kidding me' written all over her face.

The rest of the people who also heard Yi Ming's words were also inexplicably surprised.

It's all come to this point, so you're still bragging about it?
Irene lost?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that you lost!

At this time, they looked at Yi Ming as if they were looking at a stubborn fool. Yilin didn't plan to pursue it anymore, but let it go if she was unlucky, and insisted on bumping into a wall. ?
Facing the strange gazes of Erin and others, Yi Ming spoke to the trainers present with a calm expression, as if bestowing grace.

"Please instruct your Pokmon to freely choose one of the energy cubes, and I believe they will make accurate judgments."

Let them eat quickly, didn't you see that the saliva is about to flow out?
Yi Ming added helplessly in his heart.

In the eyes of Yi Lin and the other trainers, Yi Ming undoubtedly wanted to hit a wall and hit the bottom.

This is like a hodgepodge, an energy cube that exudes a foul smell, can it compare with Erin's energy cube that is full of color and fragrance?

It's not at the same level at all!
But since Yi Ming had already spoken, and his Pokémon was ready to move in the face of the freshly released energy cube, these trainers didn't hold back, and immediately either ordered or sent out new Pokémon.

They really wanted to see how Yi Ming would deal with himself in embarrassment after the world-wide difference came out.


The Pokmon who got the permission, as if turning into a gust of wind, burst out at an unprecedented speed and rushed towards the energy cube!
The desperate scramble looked like a hungry ghost reincarnated, and Erin and their respective masters were dumbfounded.

They can understand their excited behavior, but they can't understand the scene in front of them!

Because all Pokmon, without exception, rushed towards Yi Ming's foul-smelling energy cube, and Yilin thought that the energy cube was the pinnacle, but none of the Pokmon were interested!

"What's the matter?! Katie, is your nose broken? Delicious is over there!"

"What's the situation? Why are you eating that pile? Isn't Miss Erin's energy cube better?"

"What's wrong with this? Are they all hypnotized?"

Seeing the Pokémon looting Yi Ming's energy cube, whether it was Erin, Bai Xue or the others, their eyes widened in disbelief.

This completely exceeded their expectations, and the contrast was too strong!

Yi Lin didn't have any energy cubes that Pokémon cared about beside her. In front of Yi Ming's looted energy cubes, it seemed like a pile of garbage in the eyes of these Pokémon.

"how come."

As if struck by lightning, Yilin's original look of disdain on her face has disappeared, replaced by a daze of inability to understand the situation!

She can understand that her energy cube will not be accepted by all Pokémon. After all, her taste is hot and sour, and Pokémon who like sour or spicy like it will like it. But Yilin decided based on the most Pokémon on the scene. maded.

But at this moment, she was dumbfounded.

The energy cubes targeted by such a special taste seem to be like air, and they can't attract the slightest temptation to these Pokémon!

On the contrary, Yi Ming's five flavors are mixed, and it seems to be an energy cube that is completely impossible to eat in the dark cuisine, which makes all the Pokémon almost crazy!

Erin has never seen such a tempting energy cube for Pokémon.

However, she couldn't understand it.
Her legs softened, and Yilin, who was in a dream, fell down on the steps, her eyes blurred.


Seeing all the Pokémon looting the energy cubes, Pikachu shook his head helplessly and spread his hands: Poor, they have never seen the world.

"Oh, I suddenly recalled that a certain Pichu had been following me all the time, and it would eat a bite even if it wasn't afraid of being beaten."

Yi Ming cast a sideways glance at Pikachu, and said with a teasing smile.


Pikachu pretended not to hear, raised his head and pretended to be looking at the scenery, with an expression of 'today's weather is really nice', Yi Ming couldn't help laughing at this embarrassing, shy and pretending to be calm.

(End of this chapter)

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