Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 226 The Insect King's Deterrent Power!

Chapter 226 The Insect King's Deterrent Power!

"Alidos, release the spider web on the giant pincer mantis."

"Giant pincer mantis, moving at high speed."

Yi Ming and A Xing gave battle instructions at the same time.


Although he was intimidated by the evil spirit of the Giant Pincer Mantis against the insects, after all, Alidos had been trained in the ninja way of A Xing, and his willpower was not weak. Hanging in mid-air, it immediately sprayed out a spider web covering a large area, towards The giant pincer mantis spread out.

However, due to the high-speed movement of the giant pincer mantis, the speed was extremely fast, so the spider web could not effectively hit the giant pincer mantis, and fell on the mud.

"Then release the missile needle! Don't worry, the giant pincer mantis cannot fly."

Seeing this, Ah Xing secretly thought it was a pity, and then instructed again.

In this battle, Alidos could only instruct Alidos to use other moves to attack because the poisonous moves that Alidos was good at could not work against the giant pincer mantis.


Alidos' worm eyes flashed, his body swayed with the movement of the giant pincer mantis, and missile needles burst out like rain.

"Clang clang."

Because Alidos accurately predicted the trajectory of the giant pincer mantis, the missile needle successfully hit the giant pincer mantis, and there was a continuous sound of metal collisions immediately.

"Who said the giant pincer mantis can't fly, there's a flash of lightning!"

Yi Ming smiled lightly.

His giant pincer mantis has rare light metal properties!
The Giant Pincer Mantis burst out, turning into a crimson light, and flew upwards rapidly.

Alidos, who didn't expect it, didn't react for a while, only felt his vision flicker, and the giant pincer mantis came in front of it!

With a bang, Alidos, who was suspended in mid-air by spider silk, let out a painful cry and fell down.

"What?! Can it fly?"

Seeing this scene, Ah Xing was surprised and ashamed of her wrong information. She should first confirm whether the giant pincer mantis really can't fly.

When fighting Renju before, the giant pincer mantis did not use its wings to fly, so A Xing naturally thought that the giant pincer mantis was not light metal.


But this didn't make Alidos lose consciousness completely. It adjusted its figure in mid-air in time, and the spider silk shot out continuously, not only preventing itself from falling, but also creating a shape in mid-air that could let it go. The crawling spider web successfully prevented the giant pincer mantis from chasing.

"Boom bang bang."

The giant pincer mantis and Alidos became entangled in mid-air, and the sound of fierce collisions could be heard endlessly.

During the short but violent attack, Alidos suddenly showed a look of fear, hissing like a complete burst of suppressed fear, begging for mercy.


A Xing was startled, but did not understand why Alidos was like this.

"It's now, Giant Pincer Mantis, Ironhead."

How could Yi Ming let go of this good opportunity, and immediately instructed.


The giant pincer mantis's eyes flashed sharply, and the pair of pincers pushed away Alidos' sharp legs that were attacking indiscriminately, and smashed down the head gleaming with cold metal light.


Alidos neighed in pain, feeling dizzy and unable to form an effective defense at all.

"Alydos, wake up quickly!"

A Xing tried to wake up Alidos, who was in poor condition, but the giant pincer mantis was not slow in pursuing the victory. The metal claws cut the spider web and left scars on Alidos' body.

The instinct to face the threat and A Xing's call made Alidos barely recover a sliver of clarity, struggling to display the random grabbing skill, waving his sharp legs crazily and attacking the giant pincer mantis erratically.

"The outcome has been decided, giant pincer mantis, slash!"

Other Pokémon may be at a loss because of Alidos' crazy attack, but the giant pincer mantis, who has gained rich combat experience from the big needle bee, is handy for this kind of crazy attack that requires multi-purpose.

"Clang clang!!"

When the giant pincers were waving, the light flashed. The giant pincer mantis used Alidos' random grabbing skills to superimpose the power of the chain attack, and finally broke through Alidos' defense. The amazingly powerful chain attack hit Alidos like a wild wave. Doss!


Alidos, who was attacked continuously, could no longer maintain his figure, and fell from the spider web in the air to the swamp below. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to have lost his fighting ability.

"So fast."

"Is Alidos not in good shape? It seems that he feels very sluggish."

"What, Alidos is different from the usual strength."

The disciples couldn't help but widen their eyes. They didn't expect Alidos's rapid defeat. Even the disciples who were more optimistic about Yi Ming didn't expect the battle to be so fast. In everyone's imagination, this should be A close battle is right, but why...it seems like a one-sided battle?


Renju was stunned, his rapid defeat with Stinky Nid was understandable, after all, the poison-type moves that Stinky Nid was best at were ineffective against the Giant Pincer Mantis, but Ah Xing's Alidos also had the Bug-type, so he shouldn't have lost too That's right

Bai Xue was also puzzled. She is a player. Before the battle, she took a look at the levels of Alidos and the giant pincer mantis. It was clear that they were almost the same, but why?
This battle seems to be a father educating a disobedient child?It's simply crushing the situation.

"My giant pincer mantis is the king of insects. It has a unique evil spirit, which can deter insect-type Pokémon."

Seeing A Xing's confused expression, Yi Ming smiled and explained.

"The king of insects has a unique evil spirit. Can it deter insect-type Pokémon?"

A Xing couldn't help repeating what Yi Ming said, her eyes filled with disbelief.

Does this really exist?

However, the performance of Alidos just now was indeed similar.
"I lost the first battle. Your giant pincer mantis is stronger than I imagined. Sure enough, my keen sense is not wrong. Come back, Alidos."

A Xing took Alidos back into the elf ball with a solemn expression, and immediately took out another elf ball from his waist again.

"As for whether what you said is true, let me verify it! It's time for you to appear, you're the last moth!"

The elf ball she threw was spinning in the air, and finally opened suddenly, and a Pokémon figure appeared in midair.

It has a moth-like appearance, a lavender body and an abdomen covered with white fluff, eyes like blisters, three slender protrusions on the top of its head, and two pairs of huge wings covered with purple poisonous phosphorous powder.

The last moth, like Alidos, is also a Pokémon of the insect type and the poison type.

"It's really persistent, I said it all."

Regarding Ah Xing's unbelief in sending out the Pokmon Pokmon again, Yi Ming shook his head and said helplessly.

But that's fine, since the last moth was sent out, it would not pose any threat to the giant pincer mantis just like Alidos, and the special task of one enemy three could be completed.

"Last entry."

Looking at the giant pincer mantis as his opponent, the last moth showed fear and fear, and his body trembled slightly.

After evolving into the Giant Pincer Mantis, the effect of the special title of Bug King seems to be a little stronger.

"Is it really."

A Xing frowned slightly, and knew that what Yi Ming said was true, the giant pincer mantis has such a strong deterrent effect on insect-type Pokémon, whether it is Alidos or the last moth, they all showed fear of the giant pincer mantis look.

(End of this chapter)

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