Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 229 The limit of the giant pincer mantis?

Chapter 229 The limit of the giant pincer mantis?
"It's up to you."

A Xing throws the last poke ball for the last gym challenge.


Accompanied by a white light flashing out of the poke ball, a purple figure appeared in the air, its body was all purple, three claws could be seen on the wings, red with fierce eyes, and two backwards on the head Little horns, like little devils.

Forked bat, the evolutionary form of the big-mouthed bat, poisonous and flying. It is said that in order to fly faster, even the hind limbs have developed into wings. If the wings of the four limbs rest and flap alternately, they can fly all day without rest.

"Well, level 40, it's a little stressful."

Yi Ming nodded secretly.

After all, she is the future master of the gymnasium, A Xing, and she still has strength. The forked bat at level 40 should be her strongest Pokémon. Although the giant pincer mantis has advantages in attributes, but in terms of level and status, the giant pincer mantis Still worse than this forked bat.

"The state of the giant pincer mantis is almost enough to defeat it, come on, fork bat."

A Xing looked serious. If the cross-word bat was still defeated by the giant pincer mantis, it would be a very disgraceful thing, because that means that Yi Ming, as the challenger, only sent a giant pincer mantis to win three against one. , Challenged the Light Red Gym!

Just pay attention to the flame of the giant pincer mantis. When the giant pincer mantis raises its giant pincers to aim at the forked bat, a reminder must be made. A Xing thought so in his heart, and immediately gave new instructions.

"Forked bat, use ultrasonic waves to disturb the giant pincer mantis."

It is still her best fighting method, which is to constantly apply abnormal effects to the enemy, thus tilting the balance of the battle.

"Giant pincer mantis, use high-speed movement to retreat."

Yi Ming looked composed.

Most of the sonic moves like supersonic waves will be less effective the farther they are, and they will even become invalid when they reach a certain distance.


The speed of the giant pincer mantis, which moves continuously at high speed, has already been greatly enhanced, and it retreats rapidly like a gust of wind, so it is not affected by the supersonic waves of the crossbat.

"Whirlwind Knife."


The giant pincer mantis wielded its double pincers, and in the burst of power, several whirlwind knives quickly formed in mid-air, and quickly slashed towards the forked bat.

"Forked bat, dodge below and use the air blade."

A Xing reacted quickly, and immediately judged the most suitable evasion direction from it.


The forked bat's reaction is not slow, and it received timely instructions from A Xing. Its limbs and wings also gave it a good flying speed and flexibility, making it flexible enough to avoid the coverage of the whirlwind knife.

Immediately, it suddenly used its wings as blades, and there was a piercing sound as if the air had been cut, and the sharp air blades shot out like thunder.

The extremely fast air blade, even if the giant pincer mantis dodges in time, it can barely avoid the vital point, and is still hit by the air blade. Fortunately, the steel attribute of the giant pincer mantis makes up for the insect's shortcoming of flying. can bear it.

"It's a quick fight."

Yi Ming could see that the continuous fighting had exhausted the Giant Pincer Mantis, and he could no longer fall into A Xing's fighting rhythm.

"Bullet Punch!"


Also aware of the need for a quick battle, the Giant Pincer Mantis, as if the mecha started the engine, flapped its wings rapidly, and the white evaporated heat drifted away, and its figure burst out!

"Don't let it get close! Forked bats, high-speed stars!"

A Xing was startled, the speed of the Giant Pincer Mantis who had continuously used the boosting skills was really too fast, although the forked bat was also not bad in melee combat, but the Giant Pincer Mantis was too fast.


The forked bat's fierce eyes flashed sharply, its limbs and wings flapped rapidly, and the high-speed stars that seemed to form the Milky Way were released in mid-air, and it shot towards the attacking giant pincer mantis.

However, the Giant Pincer Mantis, which continuously moves at high speed, possesses light metal and is not dragged by its weight, its speed has reached an unimaginable level, and it is deftly flying close to the high-speed stars.


The extremely fast bullet punch gave the forked bat almost no time to react, and it neighed in pain when it hit its face, almost unable to maintain its flying posture.

The annoyed forked bat did not lose its mind and release its cross-poison blade, but released a strange light, as if it had merged into the head of the giant pincer mantis.


The head of the giant pincer mantis suddenly felt a sharp pain, and his consciousness was confused for a while. It seemed that various strange images flashed in front of his eyes, and his physical strength weakened its resistance.

A strange light that can throw opponents into a state of confusion.

Seeing that the forked bat successfully threw the giant pincer mantis into chaos, Ah Xing breathed a sigh of relief, and finally fell into the fighting rhythm she was good at.

"In a state of confusion, it is difficult for the giant pincer mantis to stay awake. Even if it successfully breathes fire again, it cannot defeat the forked bat with one move."

Ah Xing muttered to herself.

You should be able to defeat the Giant Pincer Mantis this time!

"It's finally over. The giant pincer mantis was already nearly exhausted, and now it has been hit by the strange light of the forked bat. There is no hope of winning."

"However, the strength shown by the giant pincer mantis is amazing enough, and it can defeat Alidos and last moth in a row."

"Who would have thought that the giant pincer mantis could breathe fire?"

Seeing the changes in the situation, all the disciples expressed their admiration for the giant pincer mantis.

The strength shown by the giant pincer mantis is already impressive enough. It has been able to defeat Alidos and the last moth in a row. Now it is the third consecutive battle. It is normal to lose to A Xing's strongest cross-word bat.

At this moment, they had decided that the Giant Pincer Mantis was about to lose, and they were only curious about what Pokémon Yi Ming would send to deal with the Forked Bat next.

"I admit that your giant pincer mantis is very powerful, but it has reached its limit, forked bat, release the high-speed star, and get rid of it! The high-speed star!"

A Xing said sincerely, and immediately instructed the forked bat in an attempt to completely defeat the formidable opponent of the giant pincer mantis.

In fact, if the cross-bat is to fight against the giant pincer mantis in its heyday, she really can't guarantee that the cross-bat will win, but in the current state, the victory of the cross-bat is already a certainty.

"Limit? Are you kidding me? This is far from the limit of the giant pincer mantis."

Yi Ming showed a sneer.

They didn't know how harsh and ruthless the giant pincer mantis was to itself when it was still a flying mantis, to the point where it was covered with scars sometimes. treat yourself.

And in front of the giant pincer mantis, which is like an enemy to itself, its ability to resist pressure has also reached an unbelievable level.

limit?This is still far away!

The willpower of the Giant Pincer Mantis is as strong as steel, how could it be so easily shaken!

"Giant pincer mantis, wake up, super high-tech light cannon!"


The giant pincer mantis shook its head violently, its cold eyes burst out with brutal hostility in an instant, and its strong willpower made it abruptly regain its sanity from the chaotic state!


This scene shocked the rest of the people, how did the giant pincer mantis get out of the chaos so quickly?
(End of this chapter)

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