Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 234 One transaction!

Chapter 234 A Deal!

Under Yi Ming's unbelievable gaze, Da Tong Bei ate the 'dark food' on the ground in one gulp, and showed relish.

Let me go, is there really a Pokémon that can accept Snow White's dark cooking?
Simply shocked.

"Wow, I'm so touched, do you still want to eat? Here you go, I'll give you all~"

Seeing that Big Tongue is willing to eat her own dark dishes, and seems to enjoy it, Bai Xue was so moved that she almost cried. Seeing that Big Tongue was looking forward to it, Bai Xue put all the remaining energy cubes in Big Tongue In front of him, the latter is naturally unceremonious.

"It seems that it likes you quite a lot, do you want to try to subdue it?"


Bai Xue nodded heavily, and took out the field ball after the big tongue shell was eaten.

"Big Tongue, would you like to walk with me?"


Big Tongue closed a few times, as if nodding.

Seeing this, Bai Xue lightly touched the wild ball to the big tongue shell, and the latter turned into a red light and entered into the wild ball.

The big tongue shell was successfully subdued!

"Wow~! Yi Ming Yi Ming, I've got a Pokmon! I've got a big tongue!"

Bai Xue jumped up for joy, her delicate face was flushed with excitement.


The ice elf also smiled when he got a new companion.


Yi Ming expressed his congratulations to Baixue, and knew that Baixue's journey was not easy. It was really rare for Baixue to maintain her confidence under continuous blows from the Pokémon in the wilderness area.

"By the way, Yi Ming, how did you know that Big Tongue Shell wanted to eat my energy cube?"

Bai Xue thought of Yi Ming who was determined before, and couldn't help asking.

"Because it told me, I can communicate with Pokémon."

"Really? It's amazing."

Bai Xue was taken aback for a moment, and exchanged a glance with the ice elf.

Although she and the ice elf can have a good understanding, it is because of the long-term close companionship that they have gradually developed a tacit understanding, but Yi Ming and Da Tongbei just met, how did they communicate?
"By the way, Bai Xue, can you let your big tongue come out?"

When Bai Xue said this, Yi Ming suddenly realized that he could use the power of Chang Pan to ask Da Tong Bei who lived here.

"Well, come out, Big Tongue."

Of course Bai Xue would not refuse this simple request, even if she released the big tongue shell.

"Big tongue shell, since you live here, you should know the environment here."


"Then tell me, is there a river or a lake on the hill opposite the forest?"

Yi Ming pointed to the other side and asked Big Tongbei.


It seems that there is a high probability that it is over there.

Yi Ming suddenly showed a smile, his assumption was not wrong.

Just when Yi Ming and Bai Xue were going to cross the river and reach the other side of the forest, Jiang Zuo and another boy also entered the wilderness area. The boy was holding a long fishing rod, as if he was here for fishing.

"Yulong'e, is that Pokmon in it?"

Jiang Zuo looked around, the wilderness area was so vast that it seemed to have no boundaries.

"I told you, just call me A'er."

The young man named Yu Long'e with a hostile face glanced at Jiang Zuo, then looked west and said leisurely: "That's right, the prey you want is here."

"With this fishing rod and special food, can you lure it out?"

Jiang Zuo didn't mind the other party's gaze, and still had a smile on his face.


Yu Long'e nodded expressionlessly.

"Thank you for the opportunity."

Jiang Zuo smiled, and focused his gaze on the west side of the wilderness area.

"Nothing, equal trade."

Yu Long'e remained expressionless.

In his heart, this is just a fair deal.

A transaction between two different worlds.

After entering the forest, the surrounding noises became much quieter, and it seemed very quiet. Yi Ming and Bai Xue couldn't help slowing down their pace, as if they were afraid of disturbing the peace and tranquility of this area.

"I don't know when the next game update will be."

Suddenly, Bai Xue said softly.

"Well, it shouldn't be long."

Yi Ming looked hesitantly at the integration progress of the system interface.

[Current integration progress: 43.8%. 】

[Next update progress: 50%. 】

Before I knew it, the next game update was just short of the last few fusion points.

"Then let's talk about it first. When you arrive in the real world, you must come to the imperial capital."

Bai Xue smiled sweetly, and first made an agreement with Yi Ming.

"of course."

Yi Ming nodded slightly. After the next game update, he will definitely join the Huangze Academy in the Imperial Capital. He just doesn't know what the real world will be like. After all, there are environmental changes now, and the next game update will also change. There will definitely be new variables.

Just as they were talking, Yi Ming and Bai Xue finally passed through the forest, and their field of vision suddenly widened. In the middle of their line of sight, there was a small lake that looked like a world away. Part of it was covered by the mountain, and the cave hidden under the lake could be vaguely seen. It seems that this small lake leads to the ground.

"What a beautiful scenery, like a paradise."

Bai Xue took a deep breath, the scene in front of her was refreshing, as if all the complicated emotions could settle down.

"It seems that it is here."

Seeing this environment, Yi Ming suddenly said firmly.

"Yi Ming, is the Pokémon you want to tame here?"


While talking, Yi Ming took out the one-time champion fishing rod that the system had previously rewarded, which immediately caught Bai Xue's attention.

"Hey, did you prepare the fishing rod? When did you prepare it?"

Bai Xue was a little surprised, walking with Yi Ming, she didn't see Yi Ming buying a fishing rod along the way, she didn't expect it to be ready before, before Bai Xue wondered how Yi Ming wanted to subdue the Pokémon under the lake, now she knows.

"I got it by accident before."

Yi Ming picked up the field ball and tied it with the disposable champion fishing rod.

This is how trainers in this world fish. There are no hooks, but all kinds of Pokeballs. Because the water-type Pokmon are too powerful, even if they catch them, they may not be able to catch them.

So the usual operation is to put the food and the Poké Ball together. When the Pokémon eats the food, it will trigger the button switch of the Pokémon. Pulled them up easily.

Of course, this method is to get them out of the water, and there is no way to directly subdue them, because Pokmon will break free from the poke balls because of their abundant physical strength. out of the water.

While operating, Yi Ming and Bai Xue suddenly heard a slight movement from behind, as if someone was approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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