Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 241 A large dungeon is about to start!

Chapter 241 A large dungeon is about to start!

Looking at the Kona Heavenly King in front of him, Yi Ming's heart suddenly moved, and he said seriously.

"Can you accept my battle?"

Since Kona is the king of heaven, his strength cannot be lowered, but in comparison, he should be slightly weaker than A'Du.

Yi Ming might not be incapable of fighting.

Hearing Yi Ming's invitation to fight, Bai Xue was a little surprised, but Kona didn't show the slightest surprise, as if she had expected it.

With a faint smile, she returned the ice elf to Bai Xue.

"Accepting challenges and providing constructive guidance to trainers is the duty of a king. Of course I can accept your challenge."

As he said that, Kona pushed up his glasses with two fingers, and Yi Ming's serious face was reflected in the lenses: "However, I need to verify your qualifications, so let's release your strongest Pokémon."

"Okay, my strongest Pokémon is the Fossil Pterosaur."

Yi Ming naturally has no objection. What he wants is to let his strongest ultra-ancient fossil pterosaur fight against Kona, Jiahe Ninja Charizard, and the others, but they can't reach the realm of fighting against Kona for the time being.


Upon hearing the words "fossil pterosaur", Pikachu couldn't help pursing his lips, not wanting to say hello to the fossil pterosaur.

"Come out, Fossil Pterosaur."

Yi Ming threw the fossilized pterosaur's elf ball.


The poke ball suddenly opened in mid-air.

Then, the opened Pokéball slowly fell from the sky onto the soft grass.


Yi Ming was taken aback.

What about fossil pterosaurs?
"Did you take the wrong Poké Ball? It's empty."

Kona, who was still waiting to see, was also taken aback for a moment, and immediately reminded him with a smile.

"Take the wrong poke ball? No, this is the poke ball of the fossil pterosaur"

Yi Ming was a little dazed.

Where did your own fossil pterosaur go?

Pikachu was also a little curious, and ran over to pick up the fossilized pterosaur's poke ball.

"Pika, Pika, Pikachu."

Pikachu's nose twitched, and it was confirmed from the breath left in the poke ball that it was the poke ball of a fossilized pterosaur.

Seeing that Yi Ming and Pikachu's reactions didn't seem fake, Kona frowned and made a guess: "I think your poke ball is just an ordinary poke ball, and the space is relatively small, maybe the fossilized pterosaurs are bored in the poke ball." Yes, so when you didn't notice, you came out to take a breath, and accidentally forgot to come back, this kind of situation has happened."

As an experienced heavenly king, Kona seemed to be familiar with this situation, so he looked at Yi Ming slightly strangely.

In her impression, this situation can only be caused by ignoring Pokémon's mood and letting Pokémon stay in the Poke Ball for a long time without coming out to breathe.

Therefore, Kona naturally thought it was Yi Ming's dereliction of duty, and he didn't even know that his Pokmon was out of the poke ball.


Yi Ming was a little absent-minded.

It’s unlikely that the space is small. Kona doesn’t know, but she has the elf space. All the elf balls lead to the elf space, so it doesn’t matter whether it’s a normal poke ball or a super ball. Anyway, they can be reached through poke balls. Spirit space.

So, if it wasn't suffocated, where did the fossil pterosaur go?If it really came out, why didn't you say hello to yourself and leave?
It seems that it is necessary to go to the elf space to see if the fossil pterosaur is still there.

"Then your top priority is to find the fossilized pterosaur. If you are fighting, next time."


Without the fossil pterosaur, Yi Ming really didn't have the capital to challenge Kona.

Based on Yi Ming's guess, Kona's Pokémon is estimated to be around level 60, which is already a conservative estimate.

After talking with Yi Ming, Kona turned to look at Bai Xue.

"Bai Xue, what's the decision? Do you want to go to practice with me? Aren't you very interested in this world? You can go to the ice-type Pokémon paradise with me - Frozen Island~"

Hearing this, Yi Ming knew that Bai Xue had made such an agreement with Kona, and when he looked at Bai Xue, he saw her hesitation.

"Kona is the king of the Kanto Alliance. Why are you hesitating about such a good opportunity? If it were me, I would be very happy."

Yi Ming said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Baixue was favored by the Heavenly King Kona, and it was a great opportunity to experience together with the Heavenly King. Although if the object was changed to Yi Ming, he might have to weigh the pros and cons, but for the current Baixue , must be a rare opportunity.


Bai Xue still hesitated.

The happy time of adventuring with Yi Ming was too short, she enjoyed the feeling of going on an adventure with Yi Ming very much.

After a while, the light in Bai Xue's eyes gradually condensed into firmness, she nodded: "Okay."

After making up her mind, Bai Xue wrinkled her nose at Yi Ming, and joked: "Then ~ Yi Ming, see you next time, Ice Elf and I will definitely impress you~ Don't be frightened then. "

She figured it out, her own strength was too weak, and if she was with Yi Ming, she might even become a hindrance to some extent. Instead of doing this, she might as well follow Kona to experience and improve her strength Mention.

She also likes ice-type Pokémon very much. It is a great fortune to have a mentor like Kona, and Bai Xue knows that she should cherish it.

"Okay, when the time comes, I'll go to school and see if you've made any progress. Don't let me down."

The school Yi Ming mentioned was of course Huangze Academy in the imperial capital, and they had agreed to see each other in Huangze Academy at that time.

"Okay~ Then, my dear teacher Kona, please take care of me in the future~"

Watching Bai Xue and Kona go away in the setting sun, Yi Ming's expression gradually became serious.

Ignoring the fact that the previous system's task rewards for the game were about to be successfully integrated and upgraded, Yi Ming took Pikachu into the elf space.

Fossil pterosaurs, where did they go?
Entering the fairy space, Yi Ming and Pikachu saw the miniature dragon and the fire-breathing dragon at the first sight.

The fire-breathing dragon, who still claims to be the big brother, is very enthusiastic to get acquainted with this new little partner under the tree of the beginning of the world. At first glance, this scene looks like an interrogation.

Seeing Yi Ming appear, the fire-breathing dragon raised its paw to say hello like an old friend, while the miniature dragon quickly came up and rubbed against Yi Ming affectionately.

"Charizard, have you seen the fossil pterosaur?"

Hearing Yi Ming's question, the fire-breathing dragon was taken aback for a moment, then shook its head to express that it hadn't seen it before, and its expression became serious because it sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.


"Well, you go to the lonely peak to have a look. Speaking of which, why is Riolu not there? Haven't you seen it before?"

Yi Ming frowned slightly, and looked around.

Riolu doesn't have any special requirements for the environment, so he usually stays around the tree of the beginning of the world. It doesn't matter if the fossil pterosaur is gone, but why would Riolu disappear?

At this moment, Yi Ming suddenly heard the system's notification sound, and his expression was a little astonished.

[Due to abnormal changes detected, a large copy has been triggered. 】

[Fusion progress +2%. 】

[The current integration progress is: 48.8%. 】

Abnormal change, large copy?
Before Yi Ming could react, three consecutive world announcements sounded suddenly.

[World Announcement: A large dungeon is about to start, and special locations will be unlocked. Players, please be prepared. 】

[World Announcement: A large dungeon is about to start, and special locations will be unlocked. Players, please be prepared. 】

[World Announcement: A large dungeon is about to start, and special locations will be unlocked. Players, please be prepared. 】

(End of this chapter)

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