Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 244 Treasure Map? !

Chapter 244 Treasure Map? !

The environment of Ouludran City is like an ancient western city that appeared in movies and TV shows. It has a dark and dull architectural style. Except for the main street that leads directly to the castle, the rest of the streets are not wide, and most of them are only big enough for two carriages to run side by side. .

Because of the Praise of Yalang celebration that will be held tomorrow, the entire city of Oludran is full of joy and voices. The most lively are the major clothing stores in the city. Both travelers and aborigines will dress up today.

After a brief stroll and a taste of the culture and customs of Ouludran City, Yi Ming arrived at the registration place for the Celebration Trainer Competition.

"You are the first Blue Star trainer to come here, welcome and praise Yalang."

After being a little surprised, the login staff gave Yi Ming a friendly smile, and handed Yi Ming the entry card, and wrote the competition information and promotional paper about the city of Oludran and the legend.

"Thank you."

Yi Ming didn't refuse, and took it.

Yi Ming is very clear about the legend of Ouludran City, even more detailed than most of the aborigines here.

The legend of Aaron is that a long time ago, in the era when there was no Poké Ball, Pokémon Lucario sensed that two armies were about to fight in the city of Oludran, and he told his master Aaron the news. .

After that, in order to prevent the loyal Lucario from following him, Yalang sealed Lucario in the accompanying scepter, and then went to the tree of the beginning of the world, with the help of the power of the tree of the beginning of the world, to sacrifice At his own expense, he quelled the war that would cause people to lose their lives, so people called him the 'Brave of Bird'.

The annual celebration is held to commemorate and praise Yarang.

Right after registration, Yi Ming caught a glimpse of a somewhat familiar pretty figure out of the corner of his eye, communicating with the vendor. The rare blue-haired ponytail swayed slightly with the movement of her head.

It was the blue-haired girl who gave orders before, presumably collecting information.

"Pretty pretty."

While Yi Ming was sizing up the other party secretly, perhaps because of her keen intuition, as if she had sensed Yi Ming's gaze, she turned her head away.

"Cough cough."

Yi Ming pretended to be nonchalant and looked away, looking at the things the vendors were selling, pretending that he was just looking at the merchandise.


But at this moment, Yi Ming paused slightly.

Among the dazzling array of small vendors and various commodities, there was a pitch-black thing that caught Yi Ming's mind.

It looked like old parchment, with torn marks on the edges. If you didn't pay attention, you would think it was a dirty rag.

But this thing gave Yi Ming a feeling of deja vu!

Yi Ming came back to his senses, and looked at something that he had left in the corner of the system space—the broken parchment that he bought in the H market because of the electric beads.

The two are surprisingly similar!
Yi Ming was a little shocked.

"Could it be that that thing is really a treasure map?"

After hesitating for a while, Yi Ming walked to the booth, picked up the parchment and observed it.

"Little brother, are you interested in this thing?"

"Huh? What is drawn on this piece of paper?"

On the parchment, there are complex patterns, like graffiti.

Yi Ming confirmed in an instant that the parchment that looked like a rag was one with the 'trash' he had bought at the trading market before!

"Oh, you ask this, hehe, actually I don't know what it is, it was found from the warehouse. I think about it, oh, I remembered, my grandpa's grandpa said that this broken thing is a precious treasure What about pictures, haha."

The middle-aged stall owner smiled cheerfully. Seeing that Yi Ming was looking at it seriously, he asked, "It looks very old, right? It's also good for collection. Maybe it's really a treasure map. Are you interested?" ? I sold it to you at a lower price."

"how much is it?"

"Hehe, look at your face, one thousand alliance coins, it's just that it's sold and cannot be returned or exchanged."

"make a deal."

Yi Ming thought that the stall owner would open his mouth, but in the end he got such a price. He originally planned to buy the parchment no matter what price the other party offered, since the other party only regarded the parchment as a It's a defective collection, and it's only sold for one thousand, so Yi Ming naturally wouldn't refuse it.

The stall owner may not be able to collect them all, but Yi Ming already has one of them.

After the happy transaction, Yi Ming was full of doubts and looked for a foothold.

Not long after, Yi Ming entered a tavern that provided a place to stay. In Ouludran City, it is very rare that there is no Pokémon Center—maybe there is, but Yi Ming did not find it, but compared to the previous major cities, The Pokémon Center is always in the most conspicuous position, and Yi Ming deduces that there is no Pokémon Center in Ouludran City.

After paying the money and entering his own room, Yi Ming spread the two parchments on the table.

"Truly one"

Looking at the two pieces of parchment that were glued together with overlapping lines, Yi Ming couldn't help being a little surprised.

"It really looks like a one-point map, but there is still one part to form a complete map."

Yi Ming muttered to himself.

What is this old-fashioned map?
There is no redundant introduction to the system, perhaps because it has not been put together.

After contemplating for a moment, Yi Ming took back the incomplete map into the system space.

The most urgent thing is to know what happened.

"Come out."

Yi Ming called out Pikachu and them all.

"How? Didn't you find the fossil pterosaur and Riolu?"

Seeing their expressions, Yi Ming actually already had the answer, but he still couldn't help asking.



All the Pokémon glanced at each other, and immediately shook their heads.


Pikachu also jumped onto Yi Ming's shoulder, his little face was full of worry.

The sudden disappearance of the two companions is really strange.

"Okay, I see, thank you for your hard work, you go back and rest first, I will make energy cubes for you later."

Yi Ming sat on the chair, tapped his four fingers on the table in an orderly manner, thinking.

After they all returned to the elf space, Pikachu jumped on the table, a little worried.


"Don't worry, we'll definitely find them."

According to Yi Ming's inquires outside, Queen Irene's possible commission is to ask some good trainers to go to the Tree of Origin of the World to investigate and find out if there is any abnormality there.

"The missing fossil pterosaur and Leolu, the tree of the beginning of the world, fantasy"

In Yi Ming's intuition, the dream is to use the tree of the beginning of the world in the elf space as the anchor point, go to his own elf space, and then for some reason, send both the fossil pterosaur and Riolu to the beginning of the world here The tree was broken, which led to the triggering of a large dungeon, which made Queen Irene aware that something was wrong, so you want some brave men to go to the world's initial tree to check the situation?

No, wouldn't the original tree of the world treat Pokémon from the outside world as intruders?
If Queen Irene noticed that the tree of the beginning of the world was abnormal, that was the case, then Dream should have sent the fossil pterosaur or Leolu back to the elf space.

Could it be that something has changed in the process?
"Take one step at a time! Go to the tree of the beginning of the world and you will know."

The messy Yi Ming gave up thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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