Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 247 Reminder for the 3rd update?

Chapter 247 A reminder for the third update?

The game went on quickly, and the atmosphere was very enthusiastic. The cheers and screams of the audience followed the battle in the battlefield one after another.

Yi Ming also saw Jiang Zuo's appearance.

This is the person who originally got the key news from the Yulong family and can get the mini dragon first.

Jiang Zuo came to the stage slowly, and because of the smile he kept on his face all the time, he looked harmless to humans and animals, and he was very close to people.

His Pokémon is a black cat-like Pokémon, very similar to Jiang Zuo, with a smile on his face, but a little cruel and ferocious, with a yellow dot on his forehead and something like a fan on his head , the neck, ears and tail are all red, while the body is dark gray. The fangs and sharp claws protruding from the mouth make people feel chills in the heart.

Ma Huan La, the evolution of Hu La, ice, the evil Pokémon, is known for its keen insight, agility and flexibility.

"Ma Yula, although the level is 36, but the combat power may not be comparable to Tianlin's platypus, it seems that it is nothing more than that."

Yi Ming looked Ma Huanla up and down, and said teasingly.

If Jiang Zuo heard Yi Ming's words at this time, he might pounce on him with a ferocious face, and let Yi Ming, who 'robbed' his miniature dragon, take a look.

But what Yi Ming said was also true.

In terms of attributes, Ma Yula was restrained by Tianlin's duck-billed beast, and in actual combat, the duck-billed beast had an advantage.

However, this result really surprised Yi Ming.

How could Tianlin compare to Jiang Zuo, the young master of the Jiang family in the capital of God?
This is really unexpected.

Maybe it is related to the situation in this world, Jiang Zuo can get on the line of the Yulong family, so Tianlin can naturally.

Yi Ming thought so in his heart.

The battle progressed very quickly. Ma Yula and Jiang Zuo had a perfect understanding. The player they faced was also a player. The Pokémon was a level 31 Frogweed, so they won the victory very quickly.

And then, a new game started.

When he saw the contestants, Yi Ming's expression rarely became serious.

"Blue player: Lan Yan, red player: Jia Bing."

Is her name Lan Yan?

Yi Ming looked at the girl who was slowly walking up to the stage. This girl with blue hair tied into a ponytail and exuding a refreshing and capable body was the one I had seen outside the city before.

I don't know what the strength of her Pokémon will be, Yi Ming thought to himself.

Lan Yan should be one of the top players in China, stronger than Jiang Zuo Tianlin. This has something to do with their enjoyment of resources and information from the country. After all, it is the country's key training.

"Maybe there's a hidden possibility."

Yi Ming glanced at the other nine people.

The students that the country focuses on will definitely not be just these individuals. Perhaps out of a state of confidentiality, they may refuse Queen Irene's invitation letter.

Yi Ming is very interested in what kind of Pokémon Lan Yan has and how strong they are, and this can be used as a reference.


Lan Yan took out the elf ball from her waist and threw it with all her might.


With white light flashing from the poke ball, a Pokémon with a yellow body, red spheres on the tail and forehead, white belly, yellow and black patterns on the neck, ears and part of the tail appeared in Yi Ming and other Pokémon. in front of people.

After seeing its appearance, Yi Ming frowned and nodded in approval.

"Dianlong, the leader of the electric Pokmon, level 42, yes, it is indeed the elite cultivated by the country."

A level 42 electric dragon fits the limit of strength that Yi Ming had guessed before.

After all, they are elites backed by the country, and with all kinds of assistance, their strength is far beyond that of ordinary players.

Seeing that his opponent's strength was so terrifying, the player named Jia Bing wanted to cry but had no tears, and his smile was extremely bitter.

His Bi Diao level is only level 32.

And this already made him look down on ordinary players, but in the end, he met such a terrifying opponent.

Not one level at all.

cheating ah this is!
"I surrender."

Jia Bing took a deep breath. He knew that he could not defeat the opponent in front of him, and the gap in strength was huge enough, so he raised his hand to the referee seriously.

admit defeat?
The first voluntary surrender in the celebration contest caused waves of unbelievable noise.

"What? You gave up before you fought? Electric Dragon is very strong, but how do you know you can't beat it if you haven't fought it?"

"What a coward. If it were me, I would at least give it a try."

"It's normal. This electric dragon doesn't look easy to mess with, and it's hard to beat because of its restraint in terms of attributes."

Listening to the audience's discussion, Jia Bing shook his head helplessly.

You go, you go!

But I don't blame them for being surprised. As a player, Jia Bing can clearly see the gap between the two sides from the level, but most people can't see it. Naturally, it is difficult to understand, and it is normal to be surprised.

"A person who knows the current affairs is a hero, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Yi Ming chuckled lightly.

Soon, the first round of the competition ended, and the number of contestants was reduced by half from 40 to [-] contestants, and among them, most of them were players.

From the first round of the competition, Yi Ming also saw that, like Lan Yan, the players who were trained by the country, their Pokémon strength fluctuated between 37-41.

After the first round, a short recovery period was entered, and the second round was ready to start.

After 40 enters the 20th place, you can get the approval of Queen Irene and accept the task.

Yi Ming took the time to look at the progress of the system integration that he had been concerned about.

Since the large-scale dungeon was triggered, the self-increasing speed of the fusion progress has soared, completely exceeding Yi Ming's imagination.

[Fusion progress: 49.7%. 】

[Note: The third major update is about to take place, and communication will be interrupted before the game is updated. 】

Just as Yi Ming was watching intently, the fusion progress just jumped from 49.6% to 49.7%, which made his heart skip a beat.

"Less than one percent is left, only 0.3 percent."

Yi Ming frowned.

too fast.

It's too fast to be caught off guard.

I hope that the third major update of the game will have enough delay time like before, otherwise, there will not be enough time to retrieve the fossil pterosaurs and Riolu.

"However, before the game is updated, the communication will be interrupted? Why?"

Yi Ming looked at the system's prompt, and muttered to himself.

This interruption of communication refers to the real world, right?However, why should the communication be interrupted?Does it have anything to do with the next world fusion?

Yi Ming still remembered that the integration steps of the previous system included the prohibition of all kinds of modern weapons in the real world and the gradual changes in the environment.

What does the interruption of communication have to do with the future integration of the world?
Looking at the words on the system prompt, Yi Ming fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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