Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 249 Go all out!

Chapter 249 Go all out!

At the same time, a strange purple burst out from the depths of Yi Ming's eyes, and a layer of hazy purple mist appeared on his body at the same time.

Dragon power!
Just like what Yi Ming said just now, he wanted to make a quick decision and end the battle quickly, so he immediately activated the dragon power in his body and attached it to the fire-breathing dragon!
In an instant, under the eyes of everyone who was surprised and uncertain, the fire-breathing dragon in the air was enveloped by the power of the dragon, and its figure exploded a bit, and the flames at its tail burned even more violently, making the fire-breathing dragon even more domineering!
"Electric Dragon, recharge!"

Lan Yandai frowned slightly, and immediately issued new instructions.

Although she didn't know what happened to the fire-breathing dragon, but seeing such an unimaginable scene, a bad premonition suddenly emerged in her heart.


Feeling the pressure from the sky, the electric dragon nodded slightly, and tiny electric lights burst out from all over his body.

Charging moves can effectively strengthen the electric moves that are released immediately after.

"Fire-breathing dragon, throwing flames."

Yi Ming saw this scene, but his expression didn't change at all.


The fire-breathing dragon swooped down immediately, and hot flames spewed out from its wide open mouth, like an angry dragon, with an astonishing momentum!


Lan Yan looked dignified, staring intently at the fire-breathing dragon that was diving rapidly in the air.


Facing the threat of the fire-breathing dragon, the electric dragon used the discharge move. With the blessing of the charging move before, the power was astonishing, and the current surged towards the fire-breathing dragon like an explosion.


The fierce collision of flames and lightning in mid-air made a crackling sound.

It was evenly matched!

However, the next moment, there was a hint of panic in Dianlong's eyes.

Because the figure of the fire-breathing dragon has rushed out of the smoke and rushed towards it!
Its huge dragon claws look so terrifying that it makes one's heart chill.

Dragon Claw!

Caught off guard, Dianlong took this hard hit, his feet left the ground, his body burst out like a cannonball, and finally slammed into the wall on the edge of the battlefield!

The terrifying impact even smashed the wall into spider web-like cracks spreading outward!

This scene fell into the eyes of the audience, causing them to gasp and stare at the fire-breathing dragon who caused all this in astonishment!

"Dianlong, be careful! Release the light wall!"

Lan Yan regained her senses from the shock, because in her line of sight, there appeared a crimson flame with a strange and domineering aura, and it was the fire-breathing dragon's jet flame that approached the electric dragon again.

Faced with the pursuit of jet flames, Lan Yan knew that the electric dragon trapped in the wall could not get out in time, so she had to let the electric dragon create a halo to reduce the power of jet flames.


Under the crisis, the electric dragon also erupted its power, and two thick circles of light formed instantly, blocking the way forward of the flames.


The powerful jet of flame hit the first light wall, smashed it to pieces in an instant, and then hit the second light wall.

In the time gained by the light wall resisting the jet flames, the electric dragon found a chance to escape from the wall and quickly left the place.

However, at this moment, there was a burst of exclamation from the audience.

A sense of crisis quickly emerged in his heart, and the electric dragon suddenly turned his head, only to realize in shock that he was rushing towards him, turning into a fire-breathing dragon like a purple fireball!
Flash Charge!


With unrivaled momentum, the fire-breathing dragon slammed into the electric dragon, causing it to slam into the wall again abruptly, leaving another spider web-like impact crater on the wall.


Dianlong closed his eyes tightly and grunted in pain. The power displayed by the fire-breathing dragon made Dianlong feel fear of the fire-breathing dragon in his heart.

"Dianlong, use discharge again!"

Lan Yan suppressed the shock and disbelief in her heart, trying to make Dianlong fight back.

Discharge can at least force the fire-breathing dragon to leave the electric dragon, so that it will not be chased by victory.


Resisting the pain caused by the scorching heat and impact, the electric dragon used the discharge move, which is its best move.


The fire-breathing dragon, who was prepared, knew that the electric dragon would perform this move, and had already fallen back a moment before to avoid close contact with the electric dragon.

"Electric Dragon, counterattack, use an electric ball!"

Lan Yan gritted her silver teeth lightly, the pressure in her heart increased sharply.

Close range attack is also the strong point of Dianlong. The way of fire-breathing dragon giving up the air supremacy may be his chance to turn the situation around.

Under Lan Yan's instruction, the electric dragon breathed out a deep breath, and an electric ball gathered at the end of its tail instantly. Immediately, the electric dragon roared and rushed towards the fire-breathing dragon at an extremely fast speed.

For electric balls, the greater the speed difference between the two sides, the greater the power produced!

"Charizard, Iron Tail."

Yi Ming's expression didn't change at all.


Looking at the lightning dragon attacking rapidly with the electric ball, the fire-breathing dragon flashed a stern light in its eyes, turned around suddenly, and gathered all its strength on the tail of the dragon that was emitting purple flames, and finally even caused a bang in mid-air!

Instead of hitting the fire-breathing dragon with the electric ball, the electric dragon was swept by the fire-breathing dragon's steel tail!
At this moment, the space seemed to shake!


Such a strong and powerful attack, once again, the electric dragon was kicked away like a ball, and smashed on the wall, shaking off the gravel and dust!
The three different pits on the wall were all made by the electric dragon.

Suffering such terrifying attacks continuously, even though Dianlong was well bred by Lan Yan and had good physical fitness, he couldn't withstand such a fierce attack, and his weak body simply fell to the ground.

Dianlong, defeated!

Just like the tranquility after the sudden stop of the storm, the originally noisy scene fell into a strange silence at this time, and many people kept their initial movements like petrification, opening their mouths wide.

They looked at the three hollows on the wall in disbelief, and even the faint sound of swallowing saliva could be faintly heard in the dead auditorium.


Even though Lan Yan's psychological endurance is not weak, she stared at the unconscious electric dragon in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

It's not that she is not psychologically prepared to lose, she knows that the electric dragon may lose to the fire-breathing dragon.

However, in Lan Yan and others' expectation, this should be an evenly matched battle. They never thought that the situation would be so shocking, the battle would be so fierce and fast, it was simply a unilateral crushing battle!

Before people can react, the game has been completely over, which is strangely scalp-numbing!

After the dead silence, someone finally came back to his senses, and the blood rushed to his head instantly.



"Charizard! Charizard! Charizard!"

Full of frantic cheers, like small rivers and rivers converging into rivers and seas, they quickly became a turmoil, resounding in the sky!
The strength displayed by the fire-breathing dragon completely conquered them!
(End of this chapter)

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