Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 259 Artifact: Yalang's Gloves!

Chapter 259 Artifact: Yalang's Gloves!

After flying for a certain distance, Yi Ming and the fire-breathing dragon gradually approached the center of the tree of the beginning of the world, but they still did not see the fossilized pterosaur.

Yes, there are Pokémon that fell into a state of mania that I saw along the way. From time to time, there are orange unknown colloids produced by the tree of the beginning of the world. Duo, as if looking for the target aimlessly, this scene made Yi Ming frown.

"The reaction of the original tree of the world seems to be getting more and more serious."

The current situation of the Tree of Origin of the World is like a person having a high fever. If the high fever is allowed to continue without taking action, it is easy to endanger the safety of human life.

The key to solving the current situation is the fossil pterosaur.

'This is the world tree, where are we going? '

As the journey progressed, it was not difficult for Lucario to realize that his position was the initial tree of the world.

"Its heart, where is the truth you want to know."

Yi Ming explained.

'What about the war? '

Lucario's tone seemed a little hesitant, as if he felt that he followed Yi Ming to find the truth and ignored his duty.

Hearing this, Yi Ming glanced lightly at Lucario who was running fast: "The war is over."

'what? '

Lucario's pupils shrank.

The war is over?Could it be that it was sealed by Yalang for a long time?So that the chance to stop the war is lost?
'So why here.'

Lucario, who was running, looked around hesitantly, still unable to believe that the war that Yi Ming said was over.

"This is not because of that war, Charizard, fly carefully."

Yi Ming didn't explain much, as long as he reached the heart of the Tree of Origin of the World, Lucario would know everything.

As it gradually approached the center of the World's Beginning Tree, the entrance of a narrow and dark tunnel was ahead, so Yi Ming reminded the fire-breathing dragon to fly carefully.

Since no fossil pterosaurs can be found, it is necessary to rely on Lucario's power.


Entering the tunnel, Yi Ming Pikachu and the others had short-lived discomfort with the light, and narrowed their eyes.

After the vision was restored, what I saw was in a labyrinth-like tunnel leading to nowhere, and strange blue crystals were everywhere in the cave, exuding a strange aura.

However, at this moment, the surface of the blue crystal was glowing with a subtle orange light, which made people feel a little uneasy.

Due to the narrowness of the tunnel, the Charizard had to fly carefully, with its wings almost touching the tunnel.

These tunnels, to the tree of the beginning of the world, are like the blood vessels in the human body, and it takes a lot of time to reach the heart through the blood vessels.

"Lucario, can you lead the way?"

Yi Ming had explained the destination to Lucario just now.

Lucario didn't reply, but ran forward at a high speed, closed his eyes at the same time, and erected the appendages on the back of his head to the sides.

This is the phenomenon of Lucario releasing the waveguide.

After a while, Lucario's speed suddenly increased, leading the fire-breathing dragon and Yi Ming to shuttle through the tunnel extremely fast.

Not long after, since Ben was approaching the center directly, and with the assistance of Lucario's waveguide, Yi Ming soon brought Pikachu, the fire-breathing dragon, and Lucario into a special area, and his field of vision suddenly became wider stand up.

Compared with the narrow tunnel, this area is like a playground, which is very wide.

And in the center, there is a crystal that emits bright light and breathes pure aura!

This is the heart of the world's original tree!
"It went smoother than expected."

Unlike Xiaozhi and the others, Yi Ming didn't encounter any obstacles along the way, and he didn't take a detour either.

Lucario, who was adjusting his breathing, suddenly seemed to have noticed something, his face was terrified, and he ran under a rock pillar in disbelief.

'Aaron? ! '

In the crystal under the rock pillar, there is actually a figure of a person!
He is wearing a blue brave costume, which is exactly the same as the portraits of the brave that can be seen everywhere in the city of Orudran.

It is the waveguide hero, Yalang!

That is, the one who sealed Lucario into the Staff of the Brave.

'How is this going? ! '

With red eyes, Lucario turned his head suddenly, unable to accept the facts before him at all, and questioned Yi Ming.

"This is the truth you want."

Yi Ming sighed, pointed to the Flower of Time beside him, and motioned for Lucario to watch.

There is only the flower of time of the world's original tree, which can allow Lucario, who has the ability to guide, to see the miracle of time-reappear the scene.

This flower of time records the situation at that time.


With deep doubts and shock, Lucario lightly touched the Flower of Time on one side, like dropping a stone on a calm lake, and mysterious ripples suddenly appeared in the space.

A blurry figure like an illusion appeared in the vision of Yi Ming Lucario and the others.


Looking at this waveguide hero, Yi Ming's eyes were full of respect.

It takes a lot of consciousness to be able to exchange for peace at the price of one's own death.

"The war that would cause people to lose their lives has long since ended, but it didn't end in a desperate way. Instead, it was stopped by Yalang at the cost of his own life, using the power of dreams and the tree of the beginning of the world. "

With the reappearance of the scene, before Yi Ming and Lucario's eyes, the dream that heard the call flew over.

Then, Aaron made a request, and transferred his waveguide to Mengmeng-as a consequence, Aaron would lose his life.

Mengmeng received the waveguide power transferred by Yalang with all his strength, and the heart of the world's original tree on the side also burst into bright and soft light at the same time!

Lucario just stared at the scene in front of him in a daze, and raised his hand slightly, as if he wanted to grasp it all.

However, at this moment, the scene reenactment ended.

"This is the truth. Yalang sealed you because he didn't want you to follow him. He just wanted to bear all this alone."

Yi Ming felt a little sad.

Immediately, taking advantage of Lucario's distraction, Yi Ming picked up Aaron's glove, and dug up the flower of time beside him.

[Arang's Gloves (Legend): Allows the wearer to guide and master the power of waveguide. 】

[Flower of Time (special prop): Mastering the waveguide can reproduce the scenes recorded in it. 】

Aaron's glove, which allows people to release the waveguide, is an incredible good thing.

After resolving the misunderstanding between Aaron and Lucario, Yi Ming thought he was qualified to inherit Aaron's gloves, so he didn't have any psychological burden.

As for the Flower of Time next to Aaron, which contains Aaron's farewell to Lucario before his death, Yi Ming thinks that it is not yet time to show it to Lucario, in case it is stimulated Under the circumstances, what should I do if I follow Yalang like in the original book?
At the very least, help yourself find the fossil pterosaur first!

Looking at Lucario, who turned his back to him, looking helpless and lost, Yi Ming couldn't bear it.

"The last war is over, but now, there is also a war!"

(End of this chapter)

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