Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 264 The Death of Riolu!

Chapter 264 The Death of Riolu!
Riolu, dead?how come.
Yi Ming stared blankly at the glowing crystals on the ground, his consciousness went blank.

Could it be that, in order to save the fossil pterosaur, Riolu transferred his waveguide to Dream at the cost of losing his life like Yarang, and then resolved the hostility of the world's original tree to save the fossil pterosaur?


Pikachu noticed Yi Ming's strangeness, and asked anxiously.

Lucario at the side followed Yi Ming's gaze and looked at the glowing crystal on the ground, as if he had guessed something vaguely, a strange color flashed in his eyes.


Yi Ming raised his head abruptly, gritted his teeth, and managed to utter three words from his mouth with difficulty.

Riolu, how could you die!

What a joke!
"Da da da da da da!"

Yi Ming, who couldn't accept the news at all, took strides with red eyes and frantically rushed into the tunnel.

"I don't believe it!"

Looking at the back of Yi Ming who was going away quickly, Lucario's eyes flashed with pity, and he followed Yi Ming deep into the tunnel.

The deeper you go into the tunnel, the brighter the crystals on the ground make the tunnel not look dark at all.

A few minutes later, Yi Ming Pikachu and Lucario entered a larger cave, and their sight suddenly widened.
"Hoo hoo.. hoo."

The huge amount of physical exertion made Yi Ming exhale breath after mouthful of hot air.

After seeing the scene in the cave, Yi Ming was in a trance for a while, feeling that the air around him froze instantly, making it difficult to breathe.

In the narrow karst cave were the fossilized pterosaurs and Leolu that Yi Ming had come all the way to look for.

The bruised and bruised fossil pterosaur looked so desperate and helpless. Its head, which had never been lowered before, was now close to the ground, as if a believer was praying for a miracle to happen.

And below it was Riolu lying on the hard and cold ground.

It didn't move at all, unlike the fossilized pterosaur, Leolu didn't show any signs of injury, but Yi Ming, who was able to use the power of waveguide, could clearly feel it.

Riolu, without waveguide, to be precise, without the breath of life.

"how come."

Yi Ming was stunned, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Riolu, is he really dead?

The scene in front of him obviously verified Yi Ming's previous guess - in order to save the fossil pterosaur, Leolu transferred his own waveguide to Mengmeng at the cost of losing his life like Yarang.

"Pickup! Pickup!"

Pikachu jumped to the ground, staggered a little because of his haste, and hurried to Riolu's side.

"Pickup. Pickup"

Pikachu smiled reluctantly, and pushed Riolu, trying to make Riolu stop making such jokes.

However, its call did not get a response from Riolu.

Pearly teardrops slid down Pikachu's face, and Pikachu looked at Yi Ming helplessly with a crying voice: "Pika, Pika, Pikachu."

The joyful reunion that Pikachu thought did not happen, no matter how much it thought, it could not have imagined that when it met Riolu again, it would be such a scene.

Pikachu and the fossilized pterosaur were not the only ones who couldn't accept Riolu's death. Yi Ming lowered his head and approached silently, looking at the lifeless Riolu, his heart was full of confusion.

Before arriving, Yi Ming had already thought through all the scenarios. He thought that the worst case would be that the fossil pterosaur was seriously injured and his life was in danger, but he never thought about the possibility of losing Riolu.

In a daze, countless slides seemed to flash before his eyes, the scene of Yi Ming taking it to climb a mountain when it was still an elf egg.

On weekdays, it always closes its eyes and looks like an eminent monk.

At Tianlang Gymnasium, in order to cooperate with Yi Ming, the indifferent Leolu pretended to be arrogant for a while.
Even with the name of the move, the immature Riolu just came up with the ridiculous 'ordinary punch'.

Yi Ming has long regarded Riolu as one of his most important partners

The ultra-ancient fossil pterosaur howled sadly. It had never been so sad, even when it was betrayed by its companions a long time ago, there was no grief that suffocated it at this moment.

It didn't expect that Riolu, who always put on a stinky fart on weekdays, would be willing to sacrifice his life for it.

And it, at the last moment, even spared no effort to ridicule and ridicule Leolu.

The strong guilt made the fossil pterosaur almost collapse.

".I'm late."

Yi Ming clenched his fists tightly, his knuckles were pinched and pale.


Lucario walked to Yi Ming's side, looked at Riolu who was on the ground silently, his eyes drifted a little.

Consecration, Riolu has the same traits as Aaron.

After a while, Lucario let out a breath slowly.

'There is still room for redemption. '

Hearing that, Yi Ming, Pikachu, and the fossilized pterosaur all suddenly raised their heads and glared at Lucario who was using waves to export sound.

Is there any room for recovery?
"Is it waveguide transfer?"

Yi Ming fixed his eyes and guessed subconsciously.

It was only after the waveguide was transferred that Riolu completely lost its vitality, so Yi Ming subconsciously thought that Lucario's solution was to transfer the new waveguide to Riolu so as to restore Riolu.

'No, Riolu's self-waveguide has disappeared, without the traction of the main waveguide, even if more waveguides are transferred to Riolu, it will not help'

Hearing this, Yi Ming frowned.

Waveguide is spirit, and it can also be understood as soul power. There is nothing wrong with Lucario's statement.

"So, where is the room for recovery that you said?"

Yi Ming looked at Lucario seriously, and paused every word.

Facing Yi Ming's questioning, Lucario looked at the ground, his deep gaze seemed to be able to see through the soil to see through the stratum.

'I can feel that Riolu's waveguide has not been completely integrated with it. Maybe we can get back its waveguide. '

"Find Riolu's waveguide?"

Yi Ming was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously looking at the crystals that were still glowing with soft light on the ground.

What Lucario said refers to the tree of the beginning of the world, right? Is Leolu's waveguide transferred to the tree of the beginning of the world?

just how to do it
"Tell me how it can be done."

Yi Ming stared at Riolu, clenched his fist tightly, as if he wanted to seize the last chance.

'I can enter its waveguide world to look for Riolu, but I need you, who is Riolu's partner, to act as a traction, otherwise, I won't be able to find Riolu in time. '

Entered, the waveguide world of the world's initial tree?
In other words, to enter the spiritual world of the world's original tree?
Yi Ming was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that Lucari would propose such a solution.

Entering the waveguide world of the original tree of the world, can this really be done?

As soon as the doubt popped up, it was thrown away by Yi Ming.

Because, Lucario has no reason to lie to him, and the behavior of Aaron and Riolu also proves that Bird can be integrated into the tree of the beginning of the world. Since he can enter, he may really be able to leave.

"Okay, let's go!"

Yi Ming didn't hesitate.

"Roar!" "Pika, Pikachu!"

The fossil pterosaur and Pikachu on the side expressed their desire to be together, but Lucario shook his head and refused.

'You can't use the power of waveguide, so you can't help. '

After speaking, ignoring the frustration and anxiety of the fossil pterosaurs and Pikachu, Lucario looked directly into Yi Ming's eyes and said seriously: "I'm not 100% sure to rescue Riolu, and I can't guarantee your safety either." , in other words, you are likely to die, are you sure you want to try? '


Yi Ming nodded heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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