Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 266 Artifact!

Chapter 266 Artifact!

However, compared to the sight of Yalang just now, the environment at this moment seems to be covered with a layer of blue, everything seems so blurred, like a digital world, with the color of lines everywhere , Yi Ming knew it was a waveguide.

The entire ground looks like a light blue waveguide. If you look at it from above, you can see that the entire tree of the beginning of the world is a clear and unusual blue.

This is, the waveguide of the initial tree of the whole world.

"Buzz buzz."

Before they stood still, Yi Ming and Lucario felt a violent vibration under their feet. Before they could react, the ground suddenly became as soft as jelly. Immediately as the ground twisted, several waveguides formed. Dao tentacles attacked Yi Ming and Lucario.

Yi Ming and Lucario reacted quickly and avoided the waveguide tentacles' attack in time.

"so close."

Yi Ming was still in shock, just now, he felt a strong threat of death.

This is an instinctive reaction formed by the waveguide of the Tree of the Beginning of the World, presumably because the entry of Yi Ming and Lucario triggered its instinctive defense.

If you are caught by the tentacles, you may be dragged and forcibly become the waveguide nourishment for the original tree of the world.

The atmosphere suddenly became strange.

'Got to find Riolu quickly, we can't stay long. '

Lucario, who noticed the changes in the world's original tree, issued a warning.

"Leo Lu!"

At this moment, Yi Ming saw Riolu lying on the ground curled up in a ball not far away. Like the surrounding environment, its body showed a light blue color, blending in with the surrounding environment.

At the same time, about one-third of its body has been embedded in the ground. Obviously, Riolu's waveguide is about to be fused by the tree of the beginning of the world.

"What should I do now? Surely it won't work with brute force."

Although he managed to find Riolu, Yi Ming found that he couldn't directly pull the sleeping Riolu up from the ground, so he had to turn his questioning eyes to Lucario.

Lucario on the side didn't respond, and went straight to Riolu's side. Immediately, it closed its eyes, and the attachment on the back of its head floated up.

The next moment, Leolu's body was covered with a strange waveguide, and the waveguide separated it from the ground. Leolu's body gradually left the ground.

"Om, oom, oom!!!"

At this moment, like the roar of a ferocious beast, the entire space that was originally calm was blown by a gust of wind, the ground shook violently, and the sky distorted, giving the impression of the end of the world.

Numerous bulges appeared on the ground, faintly re-forming the waveguide tentacles before, making one's scalp tingle.

Perhaps, it was because of Yi Minglucario's determination to strip Riolu's waveguide.

"It's time to go."

Yi Ming looked at Lucario uncertainly and asked.

Now that Leolu's waveguide has been recovered, he has to leave this place of right and wrong immediately. Right now, the waveguide tentacles of the tree of the beginning of the world are appearing everywhere, and maybe there will be no room to hide later.

'and many more. '

Lucario put his palm on Riolu's head, and the next moment, the blue light of the waveguide bloomed instantly, and poured into Riolu's body from Lucario's hand like flowing water.

[Ding, Riolu got Lucario's waveguide power (inheritance). 】

'You only need to control your mind, and you can go back, take Riolu back. '

Lucario looked at the distorted sky and said calmly.

From Lucario's behavior and words, Yi Ming noticed something strange.

"Aren't you going back with us?"

Lucario nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Yi Ming fell silent. He didn't know how to dissuade Lucario, and he didn't know whether Lucario's choice was because of Leolu.

Is there really no price to let Riolu get rid of the tree of the beginning of the world?

The surrounding ground distorts even more, and larger and larger waveguide tentacles can be seen everywhere.

"Thank you."

Yi Ming took a deep look at Lucario and expressed his heartfelt thanks.

If it wasn't for Lucario's help, he would have lost Riolu completely.

Immediately, seeing that the waveguide tentacles of the Tree of Beginning of the World are about to launch an overwhelming attack, Yi Ming no longer delays, according to what Lucario said, controlling his thoughts is like recovering the ability to think in a dream and forcing himself to wake up .

The next moment, Yi Ming disappeared in place.

Seeing Yi Ming disappear, Lucario smiled in relief.

'It's me who should thank you. Lord Yalang, I'm sorry. '

"Pickup!" "Roar!".
Yi Ming, who was leaning against the wall, opened his eyes, his vision recovered, and during a brief trance, Yi Ming heard the calls of Pikachu and the fossil pterosaur.

After waking up, Yi Ming bent down to observe the situation of Riolu for the first time.

"Bang bang."

Powerful beating sound!

Yi Ming let out a long sigh of relief and smiled.

The anxious Pikachu and the fossil pterosaurs also noticed the change in Riolu, they couldn't believe it, and suddenly fell into ecstasy!
Although Riolu doesn't seem to be waking up, he has the breath of life again!

After being overjoyed, Yi Ming looked at Lucario aside with complicated eyes.

Its body lost its breath of life and glowed with light. Its body gradually became blurred and turned into countless stars, floating upwards.

"Unexpectedly, the final result is still like this."

Yi Ming took out the Flower of Time, a little moved.

Originally thought that this time, he would be able to keep Lucario alive, but unexpectedly, Lucario still chose to integrate his waveguide into the world's original tree again.

[Ding, the mission 'Queen Irene's commission' has been completed. 】

[The locking effect of the ultra-ancient fossil pterosaur has disappeared. 】

Just when Yi Ming was filled with emotions, the news from the system suddenly came.

For a while, Yi Ming didn't react.

That's right, Riolu's approach also solved the chaos of the world's initial tree, which is equivalent to completing the task.

"You helped a lot, thank you for your hard work."

Yi Ming touched Leolu's head and sighed.

I'm so sorry for Riolu.

[Ding, the number of players participating in the task of 'Queen Irene's Entrustment' is: 1. 】

[Rewards are being produced. 】

It's coming, it's coming, when Yi Ming heard the system prompt, he was refreshed.

Rewards, it should be almost the same.

[Queen Irene's favorability +100. 】

[The reverence of Oludran City +100. 】

Seeing these two lines of prompts, Yi Ming rolled his eyes.

This reward is not practical at all, and I don't want to live in Ouludran City, so what is the practical use for me?
While Yi Ming was complaining, a new system notification came.

[Sealing crystal (artifact): It can forcibly seal Pokémon, and it can only be used by waveguide heroes. 】

Suddenly, a crystal ball appeared in Yi Ming's hand.

The moment Yi Ming saw the crystal ball, he felt a sense of familiarity.

Soon, Yi Ming knew where this sense of familiarity came from.

It was the crystal ball on the staff of the brave that sealed Lucario that was destroyed by him before!
(End of this chapter)

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