Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 271 The Angry Three Divine Pillars!

Chapter 271 Angry Three Divine Pillars!
"It's hard to deal with. Although Yanshenzhu is a rock-type move, it can release electric-type moves, which is not a small threat to Koga Ninja."

During the short confrontation, Yi Ming could see that the Yanshenzhu was not something that the Koga Ninja Frog could fight against, even if the Koga Ninja Frog used the fetter evolution to enhance its own strength, even if the attribute had a restraint relationship

The fire-breathing dragon asked Yi Ming if he wanted to assist the Koga Ninja Frog in the fight.

"Need not."

Yi Ming simply answered two words.

It's not that he doesn't need the help of the fire-breathing dragon because he thinks that the Koga ninja will win, but Yi Ming knows that the Yanshenzhu is not something that the Koga ninja can deal with.

However, if Koga Ninja could have a helping hand, wouldn't Iwagamizhu not?
In case at this time, the Ice Divine Pillar and the Steel Divine Pillar, or some other accident, there are no flying fossil pterosaurs and fire-breathing dragons, then it is really asking for trouble.

Therefore, in order to have a way out, the fire-breathing dragon must not be able to join the battle.

At this moment, the dots distributed in the letter H on Yanshenzhu's face flashed red light regularly, and a strange sound could be heard faintly, as if the machine was running.

Looking at Yanshenzhu at this time, both Yi Ming and Kizuna Koga Ninja had a bad premonition in their hearts, and this sense of crisis became even stronger.

Suddenly, Yi Ming understood why he felt this way!
Because at this time, the Yanshen Pillar is being locked!
The locking move of the Three God Pillars is really an extremely dangerous move for the agility Pokémon, because the locking move can achieve 100% hit effect of the next move!

"Joga Ninja Frog, it's dangerous, it's locked on to you! Find cover!"

Seeing Yan Shenzhu raised his rock arm with flashing electric arcs to aim at the Koga Ninja Frog, Yi Ming immediately issued a warning.


Hearing this, Koga Ninja was shocked, and immediately understood why there was a strong sense of crisis in his heart, and he couldn't get rid of the feeling of being locked in at an extremely fast speed.

However, at this moment, Yi Ming couldn't help but curse secretly.

Because, the current position of the Koga Ninja Frog is a little empty, and there is no time to find a bunker!


Electromagnetic gun!
It's hard to imagine that a rock-type Pokémon with a body made of rocks can unleash such a shocking electric move.

At the moment when the electromagnetic gun exploded, it seemed that the space was distorted, and a strong sense of oppression enveloped the hearts of Koga Ninja and Yi Ming.


Koga Ninja's pupils shrank, facing the electromagnetic cannon that he couldn't dodge, he subconsciously raised his arms to protect himself.


The next moment, as if being hit by a thousand thunderbolts, Jiahe Ninja Frog felt every part of his body was ravaged by violent electric current. The strong pain and numbness made Jiaga Ninja Frog's eyes go dark, and he almost passed out!
Due to the impact of the electromagnetic cannon, the Koga Ninja Frog's feet left the ground and flew backwards until it hit the big tree behind, shaking off countless dead branches and fallen leaves.


After the Koga Ninja Frog fell to the ground, the flying water shuriken disappeared on its back, which indicated that the Koga Ninja Frog's fetters evolved and disappeared. The huge loss of physical strength made it staggered and could hardly keep standing. If it weren't for the tenacious willpower, it would May lose consciousness on the spot.

So strong!

This scene made Yi Ming gasp, and both Pikachu and Charizard showed a strong look of fear.

too strong!
"This is the super suppressive force from the beast?!"

With just one move, Koga Ninja was severely damaged and defeated!

Maybe it is possible to let the ultra-ancient fossil pterosaurs play, but it is impossible to fight with the Koga ninja frog alone.

"Come back, Koga Ninja Frog."

With the fossil pterosaur unable to fight, Yi Ming knew that he could not defeat Yanshenzhu, let alone defeat or subdue it, so he made a decisive decision and took Jiahe Ninja Frog back into the elf ball.

The fire-breathing dragon was not slow to react, and did not give Yanshenzhu a chance to pursue. Through the zigzag flight trajectory, it avoided Yanshenzhu's lock-on and attack moves.

After quickly leaving the scene, Yi Ming and Pikachu were both terrified, and the suppression brought by the Yanshen Pillar made them a little shocked.

"Is this a divine beast?"

Yi Ming could only feel a flame burning in his heart.

This is the first time that Yi Ming confronts a divine beast.

At the same level, the combat power of divine beasts is much stronger than that of ordinary Pokémon.

This Yanshen Pillar can be discovered after a short contact. It is incomparable to the phantom Yanshen Pillar that I encountered when I got the Small World's Initial Tree.

When Yi Ming and the others were attacked by the Yanshen Pillar, other players who came from the city of Oludran in another part of the Tree of the Beginning of the World, who wanted to have an adventure on the Tree of the Beginning of the World, were now scattered. , because of their horrified discovery, what awaited them at the Tree of Origin of the World.

Not an adventure, but a nightmare! ,

The Pokémon here are not as temperamental as the outside world. Even the wild Pokémon who are usually docile and rarely attack the trainer have launched an attack on them.

That's fine, but someone was wrapped in an unknown colloidal Pokémon, and in panic, they were swallowed before they could react!

What drove them crazy the most was a steel Pokémon that was as powerful as a battle machine.

Steel pillar!
As high as level 70 Steel God Pillar, even if they all organize and try to fight together, it is simply impossible to achieve.

"Nimma, what are you doing? There are also level 70 Pokémon here?"

"What kind of concept is the seventy level? I'm really shocked. It's a fart. Run!"

"No, there are crazy wild Pokmon over there, the level is not low, run over there!"

"I shouldn't have come here. If it really doesn't work, I can only return to the real world."

At this moment, the place is in chaos. These players never imagined that they would meet such a terrifying opponent just after entering the world's initial tree.

"Boom! Boom!"

Just like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, Steel God Pillar unscrupulously showed its terrifying destructive ability to these intruders. The red dots flashing rapidly on the face proved that Steel God Column was in a state of extreme anger at this time!
Even facing the ultra-ancient fossil pterosaurs before, Steel God Pillar, they were not so angry at this time, because the scale and destruction of the intruders this time are far from comparable to the damage caused by the ultra-ancient fossil pterosaurs before!
It's a war!
In another place, where Team Rocket's airship was docked, Team Rocket and the others also encountered attacks from guardian Pokémon.


The frequent flickering red dots on its face are a sign of its extreme anger.

The body of this Guardian Pokémon is made of ice, and there are several glowing dots on its face. Pokémon fight.

Their resistance to entering the world's original tree is not only the Ice God Pillar, but also the rest of the wild Pokmon and the special antibodies that turn into various Pokmon!
(End of this chapter)

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