Chapter 2 Strange Death (2)
"What! Master, master, we will pay the price, master, please settle this matter!" No matter how much money you have, you can earn more if you lose money, but if you lose your life, you will lose everything.

"Okay, pay first and then hand over the work."

"no problem!"

"Very good, Ping'er, take the two of you out."

The boy nodded and walked up to the two men, "Please!"

After seeing off the customers, the boy returned to the curtain, "Are they bad people?"

"Not a good person!"

"So you charged them twice."

"Everyone gets what they need, what you love and what I want."

The boy couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this, and complained, "Sometimes I really wonder if you are a cultivator. You love money like your life, and you fall into the eyes of money!"

The corner of the mouth of the person in the back hooked up, "Loving money has nothing to do with whether I practice Taoism or not. Don't just sit and stand around, hurry up and get ready."


"What's going on, Director Li, what's going on!" As soon as he arrived, he saw a large group of students holding banners and gathering there, blocking the door of the teaching building.

"Principal, these students protested and demanded an explanation from the school!"

"Excuse me! Let them all go back to the classroom."

Director Li looked embarrassed, "Principal, if these students don't listen, they won't talk at all!"

The principal took a look at Director Li, and helplessly stepped forward and said to a large group of students, "Everyone, please come to the classroom, please. Your behavior has already caused a lot of trouble to our teachers. This kind of behavior is not allowed." Yes, please go back to class, please?"

"Principal, seven people have died. Everyone is in a state of panic. They are not in the mood for class at all. Please explain to us the principal." It was a senior student who spoke, and students of all grades participated in this incident.

"Don't worry, everyone. I've already hired someone to deal with it. Please don't be stuck here anymore. Let's all go back to class!" Just as they were talking, there was a sudden scream. Everyone followed the sound and saw a boy next to him. Run and shout.

"Dead again, dead again, it's terrible, ah! It's terrible!" The boy was emotional, pale and sweating profusely, obviously frightened too much.

"What to do, another one died, who will be the next one? Huh, huh, huh" Several girls hugged each other and wept softly.

"Where is the person?" A cold voice looked back from the crowd, and a figure walked towards them. The black cloak completely covered the person, and the long hair covered the whole face, from head to toe. Black.

Such a weird outfit immediately attracted everyone's attention, and everyone looked at him curiously.

Someone came up to the student who had fallen to the ground and asked, "Where did the person die?"

The male student raised his hand and pointed to a teaching building in front of him, "Fourth...fourth floor! It's very...very scary..."

The visitor turned around in the direction he pointed, and looked around the entire building. The corners of his mouth hidden under the black shadows were raised, and it was indeed full of sinister air.When watching him walk towards the teaching building step by step, the others also followed.

The fourth floor, the dead building.

When everyone came to the fourth floor, a thick bloody smell hit them before they got close, which made people sick.The man in black walked over step by step, the timid ones hid behind and did not dare to go forward, and the bold ones held hands and followed behind the man in black.

"Wow..." When they saw the scene in the classroom, many people couldn't help but vomited out.Seeing this, the people behind were even more afraid to step forward.

The deceased was a young female student, with two bloody holes left in her eyes. The blood on her chest was black. Her hair was wrapped around her neck and hung in mid-air, entangled with the shaft of the ceiling fan. The words written on the blackboard were written in blood. A big dead child, shocking.

At this time the police car came, after the forensic doctor took the body away, the police made a statement and left. ; It's just that there are too many things that can't be investigated at all. In the end, they still have to be filed to form a secret case, and there is no result.

"Let's all separate. The things in there are beyond your imagination. No one can go out tonight, or you will bear the consequences."

There was a cold voice, and all the students quickly fled here after looking at each other.The principal was dragged away by Director Li, and the other teachers also left, leaving only one person at the scene.

Turning around and looking around the school as a whole, he immediately made a seal with his hands, chanted a spell, and built a seal around the dormitory building.

The sun was setting, and night fell quietly, without any stars.The school at the moment is eerie, everyone stays in the dormitory under the quilt, no one dares to go out or make the slightest noise,

A black figure slowly entered the teaching building, the first floor, the second floor, the third floor, and didn't stop until the fourth floor. The surrounding was silent, and there was not even a trace of wind.The classroom at the end of the corridor is where the accident happened.

The black figure walked forward step by step, and suddenly a black thing flashed in the dark in front of him, and the visitor immediately chased after it, stopping the fleeing thing at a very fast speed.

"Ah! Don't kill me, don't kill me!" The black thing that was caught was a student, and the visitor immediately recognized him as the frightened male student during the day.

The person who came let go of his arm, "What are you doing here, didn't you say you can't come out at night?"

"I, I dropped something here, so I..." The male student also recognized that the one who caught him was not some monster, but the mysterious person who asked him during the day. He knew from the voice that she was a woman.

"Is there anything more important than your life?" There was no ups and downs in the cold voice, and no one could know her expression at this time under the black shroud.

"It's my bank card, where all my living expenses are. My family is not well off, and it's not easy for my parents to earn some money. If you give it to me, they will have a hard time, so I must find it!"

"Have you found it?"

"No, I was too scared to go in, I thought it was a ghost when I heard the voice, so I wanted to run away, who knows..." He lowered his head a little embarrassed.

"Trouble!" She said and entered the classroom, and the male students followed immediately.

"Are you an exorcist?" the male student asked curiously.


"I really didn't expect that I would meet a real exorcist!" The male student seemed very interested in the other party's identity.

"I didn't expect it either."

"Would you say the exorcist is the best or the ghost is the best!"

"I think..." She suddenly stopped and turned her back to the people behind her and said, "You don't need to look for your things."

(End of this chapter)

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