Chapter 55

Even though there is too much reluctance, too much reluctance, but at this moment she has to let go.Even if there is too much attachment, he has to leave at this moment, because he doesn't want to see her sad.

Xiaoping sniffed and said, "Mom, Xiaoping is reluctant to leave you, but I know that if I don't leave, you will be more painful and sad. I can't be your burden. I am really happy to be your child. Very happy, I have always been very glad that I was able to meet you. I hope that I can be your son in the next life."

Qiye nodded, her eyes flushed, "I am already very satisfied with a son like you, Xiaoping, mom will never forget you, go well, mom will save you every day, so that you can be reincarnated to Go to a good family."

"Mom! Goodbye! You must take good care of yourself!" Xiaoping's body began to emit a faint white light, and then a golden light fell from the sky, covering Xiaoping's almost transparent body.

"It's Ksitigarbha's receiving Buddha's light, Xiaoping, you can be reincarnated!" Qiye looked at Xiaoping full of surprise, she didn't expect Xiaoping to have such an opportunity to be reincarnated directly without suffering from hell.

"Xiaoping, this is your blessing, go well! I will take good care of Qiye!" Qing Ming hugged Qiye, looked firmly at Xiaoping, and promised him with his eyes.

The golden light around Xiaoping became heavier and heavier, and it was about to drown him. In the light, Xiaoping smiled, the smile was so bright, he raised his little hand and waved to the two of them, "Mom, goodbye! I will be with you soon." See you, goodbye!"

Qiye raised her hand and waved goodbye to him, "Goodbye! Xiaoping!"

As the golden light suddenly disappeared after a burst of strength, Xiaoping's figure also disappeared.Looking at the front of nothingness, the tears that Qiye held back finally overflowed his eyes and whispered softly here, "Xiaoping..."

Qingming gently hugged the sad Qiye in her arms, stroking her head and comforting her, "Cry loudly if you want to cry! Just cry, you don't need to hide yourself in front of me!"

But Qiye never cried, she just shed tears silently with Qingming, and Qingming had no choice but to hug her silently to comfort her.

Xiaoping, after leaving, Qiye was depressed for a whole month, always staring at the things Xiaoping used and played in a daze, often shutting himself in Xiaoping's room for a whole day.Qingming wanted to make her happy, but no matter what he said, all he got was Qiye's indifferent response, which had no effect at all, but he was reluctant to yell at her and force her.As a result, there was another sullen person in the castle.

On this day, Qing Ming looked at Qing Ming who was standing in front of the bonsai watering, and remained silent.

"Master, if this goes on like this, Miss Qiye might get sick from boredom!" Simon couldn't help but said.

"Walk around?" Qing Ming frowned, wondering if Simon's words were worthwhile.Maybe give it a try!
Thinking of this, Qing Ming set off and came to Qiye, "Qiye, let's go for a walk!"

"I don't want to go out!" Qiye said lightly, and continued to lower her head to arrange the flowers and plants in front of her.

"Qiye, I really want to go out for a walk with you. It seems that we have never gone out to play together, so why not have a meal?" Qing Ming put down a soft tone, almost begging, but it still didn't move people.

Qiye's eyelids didn't move a bit, "Aren't we here all the time? It's fine to eat at home, why go out to eat?"

Qingming was frustrated immediately, and looked at Qiye weakly, "Qiye, can you go out with me for a walk? Shouldn't we get along more, create a little surprise, a little romance, so that we can have passion!"

Holding the scissors for a while, Qiye looked back at Qingming, and asked lightly, "Do you think we have no passion for time?"

(End of this chapter)

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