The Strongest Exorcist in the Yin and Yang World

Chapter 94 Life is full of surprises

Chapter 94 Life is full of surprises

At breakfast the next day, Qiye mentioned what happened last night to Mo Suifeng and Xu Feng, but they both shook their heads and said they didn't hear the singing.

So Qiye was silent for a moment, didn't say anything, continued to drink the porridge with his head down, Mo Suifeng and Xu Feng looked at each other, they both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

Qiye would never lie to them about this matter, because she is not the kind of person who likes to joke. Since she said that she heard singing, there must be singing, but why can't they hear it.Not only the two of them, even the other teachers living on the same floor did not hear the singing.

Thinking about it this way, there is only one possibility, and that is that the singing that Qiye heard last night was not a human singing.But since they were not human, it was impossible for them as exorcists not to feel the other party's bold activities in the corridor, but they just didn't notice anything.

Or, the other party only wants Qiye to know, if this is the case, then the power of the other party has far surpassed that of ordinary spirit bodies, and has a certain ability to separate the space and only affect the target it wants to affect.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the second round of assessment officially began. This round was to test their coping ability, that is to say, to test their reaction to those sudden spirit attacks.

A group of people were sent to the second floor, which is the floor of Muzihao, by several teachers.As soon as they entered the second floor, everyone could feel a chilly air rushing towards their faces.The temperature dropped several degrees in an instant, and some people couldn't help shivering and rubbing their arms.

In this way, No. 72, you stand next to me, and I push you, walking towards the vermilion door step by step. As soon as the door opens, their test begins.

In another room, several people stood there looking at a row of computer monitors in front of them. One of the screens was the screen of the person No. 72 on the second floor, and the other screen was the Jiugongge screen.

Everywhere on the second floor has been installed with invisible monitoring, and they are always paying attention to the situation inside to prevent accidents. At the same time, they are also recording those students with excellent abilities, and those who perform poorly are also recorded.

Mo Suifeng raised the corner of his mouth, looked at the people in the picture, and said with a smile, "Do you think these people can make it to the end? Xu Feng's formation cannot be underestimated."

"Isn't it a bit too much for us to do this?" Xu Feng glanced at the screen with some concern and asked.

Mo Suifeng turned his head and shrugged at him, "Although it's a bit overdone, isn't this a kind of breakthrough? They are already familiar with our assessment, even if they haven't experienced it, they have heard of it. They already have some understanding. They know that it is an assessment, so they will not be too afraid, so they don’t have that sense of awe. What they are doing now is just to let them know that life is not static and step-by-step. I think their endurance is pretty good! What do you think about Qiye? After all, you raised this attention!"

As he said that, Mo Suifeng cast his eyes on Qiye, Xu Feng also looked over, and the other teachers did the same. Qiye, who was playing games with his head down, immediately raised his head and looked at everyone after noticing the sight of his surroundings.

"I also think it's good! It's really good!" Qiye nodded and said solemnly, "Only by stimulating them constantly, will they know what is danger and what is fear, and it is good to be afraid, so that they Only then will I keep telling myself not to be negligent and not to make mistakes.”

"Attention everyone, they have entered the gate now, and they will soon approach Xu Feng's formation!" At this time, a teacher sitting in front of the computer pointed to the screen on the computer and said, so everyone turned their eyes to Xu Feng at the same time. Moved to the computer screen, staring at everything inside.

After a group of people entered the vermilion gate, they found that there was nothing strange and fast inside. It was very big, very big, and could accommodate 72 of them.The inside is very spacious and empty, only a few tables and chairs are placed in a mess. There is a piano in the southeast corner. The black and shiny piano glows silvery white under the moonlight. down, stretching the reflection in the room obliquely.

(End of this chapter)

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