Chapter 105

The moment he moved back from the border to the Prince's Mansion in the capital, he actually heard a shocking news. His father and the empress had left the palace without authorization, and left...the capital!
Oh, are you afraid of his revenge?Are you afraid that he will kill that Xiao Sitong?
The Xiao family collapsed, Lan Xuan left, and no one came to protect her, Xiao Sitong, so... Was his father so eager to take her away?

He was so anxious that he didn't have time to see his younger brother Jing Lanxuan's last... one look.

fickle!fickle!How fickle!

Whether it is him, or his younger brother, in the eyes of his father, he will never be able to compare with that hot and domineering Xiao Sitong.

Ridiculous, really ridiculous.

In the past, he always thought that his father could not touch Xiao Sitong and let her act recklessly like that. Now he realized that he was really wrong. It was not indifference, but tolerant love to the depths!His father loved that woman, almost obsessively.

I couldn't help but hold my hand at that moment!

Father should be very clear about all his thoughts, right?

However, why did he allow himself to jump around like a clown to seize military power.At that time, he wasn't worried about himself, it was his queen and his youngest son who he was thinking, thinking about, and protecting.

So what about the mother, what is that gentle mother in his eyes?Shield?

Gritting his teeth angrily, his heart was torn into small pieces by the deep resentment.There is blood, but... no flow...

That man, the man who abandoned his family and country, and even his own son, would be the queen mother's favorite!Favorite... Heh.

Is it worth it?Is the queen mother who gave her life worth it?

The corners of his eyes couldn't help but see that smile that was colder than an iceberg, but after the sneer, he burst into tears.

Why?Why was he born in such an imperial family, and why did he encounter such a biological father?
The pain was unbearable, and he actually reminded him of that pretty girl.If it wasn't for his father's insistence on breaking up, if he wasn't blinded by hatred, how could he have lost her, how could he have lost her completely!

At that moment, regret entangled my heart like a poisonous snake spewing out letters.

But The pursuit is to lose her, to lose her forever and ever.

And, life has to go on.He is no longer alone, he has a family, a wife, and a son.

Especially after experiencing his father's farewell without saying goodbye, it made him more determined to take good care of his family.He had been wounded infinitely, and he could no longer hurt the heart of his young son.

Now that he has established a family, he should love if he doesn't love, and love even more.Not for anyone, just for that family!
Therefore, after ascending to the throne of Daqi, the first decree he issued was to abolish the Sangong and Liuyuan, and only the empress was the second wife.

At that moment, when all the ministers strongly opposed it, he saw the excitement of Prime Minister Ye, and even saw the serene smile.

But Qingyou, I'm sorry, it's impossible for him to marry someone else in this life, and it's even more impossible for him to give up his heart easily. His heart was given to that woman named Hao Yunnuo a long time ago.Therefore, unable to give her anything else, he can only give Qingyou a high status and such a complete family.

However, after smiling at his queen and his son, he would always hide in the dark and lick his wounds by himself.

He would think of his father, his mother, and even more of her who he cared about all the time.

When there is no one around, he often thinks that if he had slapped Yun Nuo who was in front of Lan Xuan, he would be happier than now.You don't have to go to court with a forced smile, you don't need to live with a smile, let alone live with a smile.

That's right, I hate being born in the emperor's family the most. It would be great if he wasn't Jing Chaoyang.There is no home and country, no hatred and sorrow, only him and her!

However, if there is an afterlife, if he can choose again, will he meet his Yunnuo again in an ordinary person's house?
Yes, I will!

In the next life, he will definitely abandon everything, and hold hands with that girl who has been clamoring, "Wish to win one's heart, never parting from each other"... Go on.

for sure!
So, wait for him.That girl who was hurt badly by her, that girl who was driven to a dead end by him, that beauty that will always be hidden in my heart...

Wait for him, wait for... him.

(End of this chapter)

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