Chapter 22

That Jing Lan flew out of the palace and ran towards the Qinfang Pavilion in the Prince's Mansion. He knew that Yun Nuo was arranged here by Jing Chaoyang.

As soon as I arrived outside the courtyard wall, I heard a melodious sound of guzheng coming from inside the wall.It turned out that Hao Yunnuo was playing the guzheng leisurely in the courtyard, and next to her sat Jing Chaoyang, the crown prince of the Great Qi Kingdom in brocade clothes.

With the swing of her slender fingertips, Jing Zhaoyang couldn't help standing up, shaking his clothes and dancing with the piano and sword.Although the sword shadow pierced through Changhong, it matched Yunnuo's soft piano sound very well. .

Moreover, although the two played the piano and danced the sword, they did not forget to stare at each other.Especially that Jing Chaoyang, staring at Hao Yunnuo's eyes, seemed to be tender like water.And Hao Yunnuo looked back at him affectionately.

For a moment, the piano and the sword are in harmony, and the affection is endless!

Flying over the wall, seeing the deep affection between the two, Jing Lanxuan felt chills in his heart.In a trance, he fell straight from the wall.Although she was not injured, her brocade clothes were wrinkled and her hair loose, which was very embarrassing.

However, at this time, how could he have noticed these things, only to see him slowly get up, and then run away like a whistling wind.

At this moment, he just wanted to escape, just to leave.

Yes, although the sky is blue, it cannot erase the darkness in my heart!Although the sun is strong, it cannot drive away the haze in my heart!

As soon as he thought of the harmony of the two people's piano and sword, he felt that his brain was hot and blank.As a result, the steps under his feet flew faster and more messily.

When he stopped, he realized that he had come to Yufu Mountain unconsciously.

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking around casually, he couldn't help but think of those days in the cottage: spending time together day and night, exploring the wind everywhere, and talking poorly from time to time...

All of a sudden, all the love and hatred surged up——the mountain remains the same, the people remain the same, but the heart has changed...

He is no longer that noisy prince who laughs at life, nor is she that shy little girl.Now he has his pursuit, and she has her obsession.

He only had her in his eyes, but her world... was filled with other people.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help raising his hands and swiping at the stone beside him.Suddenly, gravel flew all over the sky.Even so, he still didn't intend to stop, but continued to wave his hands and continue to strike fiercely.

Suddenly, dense fog filled the air and gravel flew.

Standing in the thick dust and mist, Jing Lanxuan suddenly felt...he must not just give up like this.

He can give up money, fame, and even the world, but he can never give up on her!Never give up on her who no one can replace!
Thinking of this, he quickly patted the dust off his body, and immediately ran towards the Prince's Mansion.Along the way, every section...every scene with Hao Yunnuo was replaying in his mind.

So, the idea in my heart became more firm.

When he stood on the courtyard wall of Qinfang Pavilion again, he felt extremely calm.Now that he has chosen this path of love, he must persevere to the end!

Clenching his fist secretly, he immediately raised his eyes and looked into the courtyard. Unexpectedly, he actually saw Hao Yunnuo sitting alone at the lotus table, holding a lotus cup.

"Good Arnold, what good tea do you drink, and you won't even bring me a cup!"

Seeing her, Jing Lanxuan's eyes immediately raised a smile, and people also flew into the courtyard.

Ben was drinking the lotus tea that Jing Chaoyang specially prepared for her with his head down, when he heard someone talking, Hao Yunnuo hurriedly looked around.Just as soon as she raised her forehead, she found that Jing Lanxuan, who hadn't shown her face for a long time, was beside her out of thin air.

It's him! did he come here?

Before he raised his eyebrows, he saw the person who came suddenly turned his body slightly, leisurely playing with the lotus teapot on the table.

However, although his demeanor is pleasant, he himself is already unkempt and wrinkled, and there is still a trace of chic.

Such an appearance made Hao Yunnuo laugh unbearably. Since he knew him, Jing Lanxuan, when... had he seen such an "ugly" look.

"Well, A Nuo, there's no reason to be so happy to see Master, right?" However, what Jing Lanxuan heard became the joy of meeting again.Sitting upright, he actually smugly laughed on the spot.

"Yes, yes, yes, our Lord Xuan is really getting more and more energetic—" Seeing his ignorance, Hao Yunnuo's smile grew stronger.

"That's right, I won't be energetic someday!" Who knew what Yun Nuo meant, Jing Lanxuan immediately followed up with high spirits, "Why, seeing how energetic I am, A Nuo is also moved, right?"

"Heartbeat? Just like this..."

At that moment, Hao Yunnuo laughed even more from ear to ear!I have seen narcissists, but I have never seen such a narcissist.

"Well, A Nuo, no matter how good-looking my master is, I don't need to be so happy." I don't know why Yun Nuo smiled, but Jing Lanxuan even put gold on his face, "Look, look, you don't look like a prefect lady -"

At that moment when he spoke, he did not forget to shake his head and shake his head.

"Yes, how can Hao Yunnuo, who is just a grassroots man, be compared with our noble Prince Huan of the Great Qi Kingdom!" Already accustomed to the two people's sarcasm, Hao Yunnuo couldn't help but tease him anymore.

"Let's take a closer look at your mental state." While laughing, he pushed Jing Lanxuan who was sitting on the lotus stool to the side of the pool, "Our good prince..."

The laughter became even more cheerful, and if she didn't say it clearly, even if she didn't laugh badly, she would have to suppress it.

But after she pushed so lightly, Jing Lanxuan's heart immediately flew up - finally... we can get so close again!

At that moment, he didn't have the energy to notice the mess in his pool... the appearance.

"I don't know why our Prince Xuan is being chased, look at this appearance, look at this dress, why is it so beautiful..." As soon as he arrived at the pool, Hao Yunnuo imitated him in a decent manner.

Before the words were finished, laughter started, and he didn't forget to give Jing Lan a naughty push.

Yun Nuo, who was staring at the water in a daze, was pushed so maliciously by her, that Jing Lanxuan could see his appearance clearly.

Only now did he understand that the girl in front of him was actually trying to... make fun of him.Almost made him think that...

"I'm ashamed to laugh. Didn't the master come here just to surprise Arnold, so he ended up in this appearance!"

Thinking of his delusions, he couldn't help but chuckled, "Hurry up and fetch water and handkerchiefs, and tidy up for my father."

It's so embarrassing, when has Jing Lanxuan been so imageless, "Hurry up, you... hurry up! Master is really... so embarrassing..."

But no matter how much he urged, Hao Yunnuo just stood there smiling and didn't move.She finally seized an opportunity to tease him, how could she give up.

Anyway, he is the one who is embarrassed, he is the one who is anxious, but she is the one who can laugh!

"Laugh, laugh, laugh, let you laugh enough!" Although the order was not successful, Jing Lanxuan was extremely happy when he said this.

Well his Arno... laughed again.

She is good, as long as she is good, he is good!
However, fearing that the people around him would see through his thoughts, he hastily squatted by the pool and straightened his clothes with his bare hands, "Anyway, since I am a prince, why can't I invite you, the eldest lady of the Hao family..."

Nagging again while busy.

However, when he tied his hair again, he found that his head was empty.

hairpin?What about his Hetian hosta?

The moment he frowned, his eyes couldn't help sweeping towards the bun of the person beside him.

"Good, A Nuo, give me a hosta." Unprepared, he immediately pulled the green lotus hosta from Hao Yunnuo's head.

Living in Heifengzhai, he had noticed his Arnuo's love for this hairpin.Now if she can really carry her love with her, maybe she can alleviate the suffering in her heart!
"No, this is my mother's relic!" The jade hairpin was given to her by her mother, so how could she give it away casually.Without even thinking about it, Hao Yunnuo immediately refused.

As soon as the words fell, he immediately lifted his feet up, trying to snatch the hairpin back from Jing Lanxuan's hand.But the higher the feet are raised, the longer the hands of the people beside them are stretched.

"Give it back to me, Jing Lanxuan!" Feeling anxious, she immediately uttered a coquettish voice.

"Why, do you still want to stand on tiptoe and let go?"

"Jing Lanxuan!"

"Not enough, Arno?"


So, the two competed around the hosta on the spot.Just as they were making a fuss, they suddenly heard a coquettish voice behind them.

"You two, which play are you singing?"

Hearing this sound, Hao Yunnuo immediately stopped his outstretched hand and looked towards the visitor.As soon as she was distracted, Jing Lanxuan immediately inserted the jade hairpin into her hair, and looked in the same direction.

It turned out that it was none other than Ye Qingyou, the daughter of Prime Minister Ye who spoke.

Ye Qingyou?
Why did Ye Qingyou come to the Prince's Mansion at this time?Seeing her, Jing Lanxuan, who had just calmed down, couldn't help...frowned again.

(End of this chapter)

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