Chapter 36

Although the group was exhausted, they left Qilian Mountain like the wind under their feet and ran towards Qingyang County.As soon as they arrived in Qingyang County, Xiao Qingyuan and Hao Yunnuo found a humble inn to live in.

Qingyang government office can no longer live, so a place where you can see, I don't know how many eyeliners are hidden, if you go back, you will be asking for trouble.

Let's heal the injury first.

What's worse, just after settling down in the inn, Xiao Qingyuan fainted in the wing room where he was exhausted.Thinking that it was because he was tired and hungry, Hao Yunnuo had no choice but to drag him onto the bed with great effort.

At this time, let him drink some tea first.

Looking around the room casually, there was a small purple clay pot standing beside the round table, and he was about to get up to get it, but he never thought that the monkey would bounce and bring it to his eyes.

With a slight smile, it turns out that this monkey is so spiritual.

"Thank you!" Thank you casually, maybe it can understand.

"Zhi...zhi..." Xu Shi really felt her gratitude, and as soon as the words came out, the monkey squeaked loudly as if extremely happy.

Looking at it like this, Hao Yunnuo's heart warmed slightly, it was like this for a beast, let alone a human.

Thinking of this, she immediately supported Xiao Qingyuan's head, and slowly sent a touch of green tea to his chapped lips. Although he was unconscious, the person on the bed instinctively opened his mouth.

He must be very thirsty,
Looking at those slightly wriggling lips, Hao Yunnuo felt a sense of loss in his heart!Otherwise, how could the people around me not forget to drink water when they were unconscious.

Thinking of this, her hand holding him became softer.When she let go of the person in her hand, she felt that the hand holding him was extremely sore.

In fact, she is tired, thirsty and hungry, but at this moment, she has no time to take care of herself.

Recalling Xiao Qingyuan's bare hand against the knife, she immediately grabbed his injured right palm, and then removed the hastily wrapped cloth.Unexpectedly, I saw that the broken right palm was not only black and swollen, but also crumbling.

how come?His palm was hurt so badly!
My heart suddenly felt... strange.

Thinking of him holding on to his right palm to lead her through the snake den, and fighting with a big python, at that moment, she wished she could chop off her right hand and give it to him.But what's the use of being upset?Or prescribe medicine.

Concentrating on picking up the pen, she prescribed a series of prescriptions in one go.Yes, make sure his right palm is intact!

At that moment, she was overjoyed in every possible way. Fortunately, she grew up as a doctor in primary school, otherwise his hand...

Not daring to think about it, she rushed to the front desk like the wind, and handed the prescription to an inconspicuous waiter.This prescription, she has mixed enough fakes, no one can see what disease is being cured, so it shouldn't arouse others' suspicion.

Fortunately, the medicine was caught very smoothly.

After the prepared medicine was boiled in the earthen jar, she finally thought about picking up the purple sand pot and drinking it.At that moment, she wished she could swallow a pool of water in one gulp!

It turns out that cool tea can be so sweet.

Wiping her mouth in satisfaction, she realized that the monkey they rescued was staring at her eagerly.

Could it be thirsty too?

"Do you want to drink water too—" Thinking of this, she immediately pointed to the teapot in her hand.Before he finished speaking, he saw the monkey snatch the purple clay pot from his hand, opened his mouth wide and began to drink it vigorously.Unexpectedly, I poured it up and down, but I didn't drink a drop of water.

"Zhi-zhi-" it was anxious, and threw the purple clay pot on the ground casually.With a crisp sound, the room was immediately splashed with tiles.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll find water for you right now."

Seeing its hunger and thirst, Hao Yunnuo shook his head and immediately pushed the door away.After a while, he and the waiter came to the room with a large pot of herbal tea and a table of food.

"Squeak... squeak..."

However, before the food was ready, the monkey jumped up and down, drinking and eating.

"This monkey, why does it look like a human?" With such an appearance, the shopkeeper shook his head amusedly, "Don't worry, don't worry, it's all yours!"

It's just that the monkey didn't care so much, and before the waiter finished speaking, he grabbed and ate again.Seeing its anxious behavior, Hao Yunnuo beside him couldn't help laughing.

"Let's prepare another table." Knowing that the food in front of her had been occupied by this little thing, she could only say while smiling.

Not to mention the monkey, she is so hungry!

Especially when the waiter in the shop brought another table of delicacies, she shook the chopsticks in her hands without any image, and ate like a little yellow monkey.

Hungry, she is really hungry!
It's not that she has never tasted delicacies from mountains and seas, but at this moment she still feels that the food in front of her is the most delicious.

"Eat slowly!" He was eating vigorously, when he suddenly heard a soft sigh from the bed, looking in a panic, Xiao Qingyuan woke up at some point.


Thinking that he was staring at her indecent eating appearance, her face immediately turned red and pale.

"Well, it's delicious!" As soon as the words came out, Xiao Qingyuan, who was afraid of her embarrassment, immediately changed the subject, "It must be delicious?"

In fact, he was really hungry after not eating for so long.He propped himself up and was about to sit up when he suddenly felt dizzy.

"Your body is not well yet, don't move around—" Luan's swaying body was immediately supported by a pair of weak hands.

As Hao Yunnuo said, he put a pillow under his neck, picked up a bowl of rice porridge, and sat down beside him, "This hand needs to be healed."

Before the sound fell, she raised her hand and shook her arm, and she began to feed it spoon by spoon.The hands of the people around him were raised because of her, and it was time for her to repay him.

Thinking of this, her hand holding the spoon became softer...

After being taken care of by her like this, Xiao Qingyuan immediately felt uncomfortable.But he couldn't use his right hand at all, so he had to let Hao Yunnuo feed him slowly.

For this meal, those who feed it are cautious, but those who eat it are suffering.

"Zhizhi...zhizhi..." Just as he was silent, the little yellow monkey's screams suddenly came from beside him.

The monkey was obviously full, and was screaming and screaming around the two of them.Seeing it so excited, the two couldn't help but smile at each other, this monkey is really...

In this way, it also eliminates a little unnaturalness.

(End of this chapter)

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