Chapter 4

While listening in the rain, Jing Zhaoyang was exhausted and accidentally passed out beside the guzheng, and then developed a high fever.

It never occurred to him that in a coma, he would hold Yun Nuo's skirt and refuse to relax.He kept yelling, "Mother, don't leave Chaoyang... Chaoyang knew it was wrong..."

He didn't want to talk to him at first, but seeing him crying so bleakly, Hao Yunnuo had no choice but to forgive him a little bit, not only personally inquiring about him, but also painstakingly collecting dew from the lotus pond for him, cooking porridge for conditioning.

During this time and time, the relationship between the two gradually eased and became closer.

"Miss, didn't you say that the lotus has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, appetizing and digesting food? Why do you need to spend so much time collecting dew?"

No, the master and servant started collecting dew early in the morning again.

"Silly girl, is it possible to let him eat lotus?"

"Miss—" Hearing what Miss said, Na Lianyi couldn't help laughing anymore, also, how could an old man eat flowers all at once.

"Although the lotus flower is good, it is not as good as the lotus leaf. This lotus leaf has a sweet and cold taste and enters the spleen and stomach meridian. Supplemented with lotus leaf and lotus water, it can stop bleeding, improve eyesight and detoxify." Nuo couldn't help shaking his head.This girl, when the husband explained, she was not by my side.Why can't you listen to it?

However, when she thought of her husband, she suddenly felt her heart sink.It's been more than two years, I haven't seen Mr. day and night for more than two years!
I still remember that she was only six years old when she met her husband for the first time.That day, she happened to sneak up to the mountain with Lianyi to collect herbs. Unexpectedly, Lianyi, who was only two years older than her, was bitten by a piebald snake.Just when the poisonous snake was about to attack her again, the gentleman in white suddenly descended from the sky and rescued her as well as Lianyi.

Since then, having lost her mother, she began to study medicine from a gentleman with superb medical skills, and from a gentleman who claimed to be very ugly.

Although the husband has always shown others with a silver mask, she has never felt embarrassed by him. "His face is ugly and ugly", so what, Mr. has a beautiful heart!Every time she saves the world with the hanging pot for free, she will feel that her husband is so dazzling.

But where is her husband now?Where is that genius doctor who always calls himself "Yunnuo girl".

After one or two years, is he... okay?

"Miss, it's too much, it's so much!" Lianyi's yell interrupted her thoughts, "The dew is all over."

Hearing Lianyi's words, Hao Yunnuo thought about his task of making medicine and porridge.So, hurriedly walked towards the kitchen with the collected dew and ripples.But as soon as he arrived in the kitchen, Lianyi's day-to-day chatterbox started again: Why should the lady not only leave their master and servant behind? It's true, if you are not in good health, why do you have to listen to the piano in the rain...

The ripples are simply nagging.

"Finally I can leave the noise of Lianyi for a while..." Hao Yunnuo felt extraordinarily relaxed while holding the boiled medicinal porridge.

"The six-curved railing leans against the green trees, the willows are lightly blown, and the golden strands are stretched out.

Who moves the tin zither to the jade pillar, and the petrels fly away through the curtain.

Eyes full of hairsprings and fluff, when the red apricots bloom, there is a clear and bright rain.

In deep sleep, Yingying speaks nonsense, frightened and dreaming, and there is nowhere to find it. "

Before stepping into the west wing, she heard Jing Zhaoyang's deep voice
"Is he missing his mother again?" Standing outside the door, the person holding the food stopped involuntarily, "Is he lonely without his mother's company? Is he happy?"

My heart began to melt unknowingly amidst the doubts—it turns out that I am not the only one walking alone in this troubled world of mortals.

With a slight movement in her heart, she then gently opened the door.

"My lord, it's time to eat."

"Call me Chaoyang." As soon as she put down the bowl and spoon, she heard Jing Chaoyang's calm voice.Looking at the reputation, although the speaker's eyes are stern, his face is full of sincerity, "Miss Lao has been here for a few days."

It turned out that he would say such things coldly.Thinking of this, Hao Yunnuo couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Then... that jade pendant is a birthday present from my... mother. Miss... Don't be surprised..." Seeing her raising her brows like this, Jing Zhaoyang thought she was still angry and hurriedly explained.

For the first time, for the first time in his life, he took the initiative to... apologize to others.

However, as soon as he mentioned his mother, he suddenly felt dryness and pain in the corners of his eyes, and his already cold face suddenly sank.His mother, the one hidden deepest in his heart...

"From now on, Young Master Chaoyang will also call me Yunnuo. Mother... likes to call me that." Seeing his appearance, Hao Yunnuo guessed that he must have remembered the terrible past again, so he quickly changed the subject with a smile on his face .

It's just that I wanted to comfort someone, but who would have expected that when I mentioned my mother, the strings of her longing would also be plucked.

In fact, when it comes to her own mother, she has a thousand words!

"Mother likes lotus flowers, so I like them too. I like to sit on the lotus stool my mother sits on, I like to drink the lotus tea that my mother drinks, I like to caress the lotus piano that my mother caressed, and I prefer to wear the lotus-colored clothes that my mother wears. "I have never confided my heart in front of strangers, never thought that she would be out of control in front of Chaoyang.

"But... but such a mother was abandoned by her father in the end. Watching her father's Yingying Yanyan take the opportunity to destroy her mother's lotus, pull out her mother's lotus leaves, and fill her mother's lotus pond, I was just thinking, why can't such a beautiful mother win everyone's hearts, and the white head can't be separated..."

The more he talked, the lower his voice became.At that moment, Hao Yunnuo's heart... sank to the bottom of the valley again.

How to do?When mentioning mother, her heart hurts... It hurts so much!
However, how did she know that, listening to her slightly sad words, and looking at her green eyebrows like a little bit of autumn water, at that moment, Jing Chaoyang actually had a feeling of pity.

It turned out that "the crowd searched for him thousands of times, and suddenly looked back, but the man was in a dimly lit place" would feel like this!
Heart... suddenly sank at that moment.

He didn't know how he picked up the porridge bowl, let alone how the woman beside him left.He only knew that her words echoed in his heart: I wish to have one heart, and the white head will not be separated!

Living alone in the cold palace, facing the darkness alone.Wandering on the heavy temple, bear the pain alone.These years, his heart is too tired, if he can really win the heart of one person, and the white head will not be separated, it will be really good.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but see the figure of Ou Yi Suchai in his mind...

When dealing with life and death, he never frowned, and when he dominated the battlefield, he was never timid.But at this moment, he was at a loss - can he really win her heart...

"Who?" Just as he was secretly sad, he suddenly heard light footsteps on the beams of the house.

"Li Shang failed to escort him in time, please forgive me, Your Highness!" The voice echoed the figure, and rushed in from the window at the same time.Taking a closer look, Anwei Lishang was already kneeling beside his bed.

"At the time of the incident, Li Shang failed to see through their plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, causing His Highness to be seriously injured. Please punish him."

"Found it?" Jing Chaoyang immediately said with a cold eyebrow, ignoring Li Shang's self-blame.

"Yes, Your Highness. All the clues point to Hou Zhenyuan—"

"——Xiao Siqi?" Before Li Shang beside him could finish speaking, the livid-faced man locked his teeth tightly and said, "This old man, is he going to win the country for his nephew? Good, good... good! Good one Xiao Sitong, Xiao Siqi, His Highness must make you pay with blood!"

"Your Highness—" Hearing the master's anger, Li Shang hurriedly said, "The son of Marquis Zhenyuan has made great achievements in pacifying the border, and he has returned to Beijing to discuss his achievements and await rewards."


"On the day you were assassinated—"


"Master Xiao pacified the border, the emperor is going to let his son inherit the father's power, and take over his father's tiger charm order and a hundred thousand troops."

"There is such a thing!" I never thought that these old foxes could move so fast.It seems that they really came prepared for this attack.

Thinking of this, Jing Chaoyang suddenly felt furious, and he slashed towards the edge of the bed, only to hear a pop, and a good blue and white porcelain vase not far away suddenly fell apart.

"Young Master, what's the matter?" Unexpectedly, the piercing voice caused ripples not far away.

"Go, find ways to get to know them. Come here in an open and honest manner!" In order to prevent accidents from happening, Jing Chaoyang immediately sent Li Shang back.

"My lord, what's the matter?" Fortunately, Li Shang's figure flew out of the window quickly, and Lian Yi, who asked loudly, pushed the door open and entered.

"I... I'm thirsty..." In order to avoid Lianyi seeing the flaw, Jing Zhaoyang quickly found an excuse.

"If you want to drink water, you can order it. Miss sent servants to wait outside." At a glance, he saw the blue and white porcelain fragments on the ground, and the ripples couldn't help staring at Jing Chaoyang, and his displeased lips immediately pursed, "What a pity, miss's favorite blue and white porcelain."

"That... that ripple—"

"Master, I'm not called 'That'. Miss always calls me Ripple."

"Lianyi, go to town and buy another blue and white porcelain like this. By the me a set of clean men's clothes, I... can't wear this one anymore." Seeing Lianyi's nagging, Jing Chaoyang had no choice but to admit it .But facing Lianyi's complaints today, he was rather happy.

Why, come from the heart.

Smiling secretly, he said immediately.He didn't believe it, he had worked so hard to get into the trap, it was impossible for Lianyi and Li Shang not to get in.

As if he saw the special encounter between the two at the market, he couldn't help being so cold anymore.If Li Shang really came here as he wished, he should be able to get out of bed soon.These days, he is almost suffocating.

"What? I want to buy men's clothes for you!"

Didn't notice Jing Chaoyang's wicked smile, Lianyi felt dizzy.This difficult master, when can I leave.These days, she was exhausted.

Although, she was unwilling at the time, but in the end, she obeyed someone's order and went to the market to buy clothes for him.Unexpectedly, she actually ushered in a "coincidence" that she would never forget in her life.

(End of this chapter)

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