Chapter 46

Sure enough, as Xiaoyaozi expected, as soon as he arrived at the gate of Huiyang, he saw a group of soldiers holding weapons standing densely outside the gate. Not to mention the ripples of coma, even pedestrians with a little mental weakness could not pass through the gate.

Seeing the black-faced Bao Gong-like soldier standing upright, they had no choice but to turn their horses and search for shelter without direction.I just searched for a long time, but I couldn't find a single inhabited house nearby. It turned out that the edge of Huiyang City at this time had become an empty house with no one inhabited.

It must be because the war is cruel, or the malaria is spreading, or why is there no one here...

After thinking about it again and again, they had no choice but to find a courtyard near the city gate and settle down.Although no one lives there, the furnishings in the house are all available.In this way, it was just convenient for Yun Nuo to treat Lian Yi's illness.

However, even though she knows the cure for malaria, she suffers from lack of medicinal materials, so she can only find some simple medicinal materials such as pot bottom ash, bean pods, and red vine to treat diarrhea internally and externally for Lianyi.

Although, the rippling face regained a little life because of this, but he was still unconscious.

What should I do?How can she save Ripple?

Knowing that her illness could not be delayed any longer, Hao Yunnuo had no choice but to entrust Lianyi to Xiaoyaozi, while he stood guard outside the city gate in the rain, hoping to meet Jing Chaoyang here.At this time and here, only he can find Artemisia annua.

However, today's autumn rain is a bit abnormal, it has been drifting around.Waiting by the city gate, Hao Yunnuo only felt that his eyebrows, eyes, mouth, and palms were all icy cold.

It's been so long, not to mention Jing Chaoyang, she has never seen anyone he might know around him.

The more people stand, the colder they become, and the more they wait, the more sinking their hearts become.

Her ripples are still waiting for her at home.She couldn't wait any longer, so she held up the oil-paper umbrella in disappointment.However, just as she turned around, she heard a rush of horseshoes coming from behind her.Before she had time to look back, she saw the rain was flying, and the mighty group of people passed by her side.

What surprised her the most was that the visitor ran straight to where they were staying.

Could it be...

Thinking of the old, the young, and the driver in the house, she threw down the umbrella in her hand and ran towards the courtyard? ——Don't make any more trouble!

She prayed all the way and ran all the way, but as soon as she ran outside the courtyard, she heard a voice in the courtyard saying, "Get the people in the room to the horse!"

Hearing this, her heart trembled.

"Who dares!" He shouted in a deep voice, rushing into the house recklessly.Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu came to kidnap someone, she would never let go of Lian Yi's hand!

"Miss-sister!" Unexpectedly, she saw an unexpected face in the courtyard, the one sitting upright and giving orders immediately turned out to be Wu Wei, the imperial physician who had saved her life.

"Master Wu..." Seeing him here, she was quite surprised, "Why do you—"

Randomly sweeping towards the soldiers behind him, her brows suddenly frowned, she could not properly follow behind the prince to heal the wounded, what did she come here for?To catch her ripples?
"Miss—" Seeing her hostility, Wu Wei hastily dismounted from his horse and bowed his head and said, "A few days ago, malaria was scattered here and there, and the epidemic was serious. I am afraid that the soldiers in the city will also be infected with the disease. The crown prince ordered—"

"Order what—" Hearing his words, she felt a palpitation.


"Ordered you to kill these people? How could he be so cruel!" Before he finished speaking, she shouted angrily.

It's hard to believe, how could he, Jing Chaoyang, treat human life like nothing.

"Miss, don't be upset—" Hearing her anger, Wu Wei smiled coyly, "Yiguo is coming fiercely, and all the soldiers are desperate to defend against the enemy. Unexpectedly, before the battle is over, malaria has spread outside Huiyang City. We are infected with this disease, and we will be defeated without a fight. The crown prince specially ordered that all those suffering from this disease be placed in Fujia Temple, twenty miles outside the city, for treatment, not all of them were executed as the lady said."


It turned out that she had wrongly blamed someone, her pretty face was flushed, she couldn't help smiling, this smile made everyone present mesmerized.

Dan lips lined with plain teeth, emerald hair and crescent eyebrows, as bright as spring flowers and as bright as autumn moons, isn't it right for the person in front of you?
"Let's go to Fujia Temple." She didn't notice the strangeness of other people. She opened the door and entered the room while talking, but she was wondering in her heart: It's been a long time, why didn't I hear the voice of the people in the room—— Old man, when did you become so low-key?

"Girl, someone is here to protect you, my old man won't stay anymore—" I was thinking, when I heard someone in the room say.

"Grandpa, don't leave me behind!" Hearing this, she panicked.

"Girl, don't be sad, my old man will come to you after finishing his work—"

The voice fell, the door opened, looking at the small house where Lianyi was left alone, Hao Yunnuo's mood fell to the bottom, why did she have so many partings in her life.

Standing quietly by the wooden door, silent tears dripped down her cheeks.

This cry made everyone stunned again: the willow next door is weak and curled up, just like a fifteen-year-old girl's waist, how can anyone in this world cry so sadly and beautifully...

"Miss, His Highness the Crown Prince didn't know you came to the border." It turned out that the person in front of him was the Crown Prince's pink lady!
Wu Wei's voice pulled back everyone's thoughts.Hearing his words, the family present could not help but sigh in disappointment.

"Let's go to Huiyang City with Wu Wei." What made them even more unacceptable was the cold eyes that Wu Wei shot over while talking.

The celebrities in front of the prince got angry, they had to restrain their eyes.The scene suddenly became silent.

"Fujia Temple is a place of serious illness, how can I let Miss live in a dangerous place." Seeing that everyone was so knowledgeable, Wu Wei stepped forward and begged.

Not only for that superior person, but he also hopes from the bottom of his heart that the figure in front of him can dance lightly all the time.

"Master Wu, don't tell him!" A word awakened the dreamer, "He is the commander in chief of the army, how can he be in danger easily, if I also contract malaria, then he—"


"I've made up my mind," Hao Yunnuo said sternly before the people around him could refute, "How can you only care about your own selfishness at such a critical moment, go to Fujia Temple as soon as possible, Ripple is still waiting for my treatment!"

The undeniable fortitude flooded through the tears, so that Wu Wei had no choice but to nod.

"Today's matter must not reveal half a word. Violators will be dealt with by military law!" Thinking of the determination of the person in front of him, Wu Wei immediately turned to the others and said, his cold eyes once again swept every soldier present one by one .

Seeing that he is so cautious, all the families will respond quickly.Disposal by military law is really tight-lipped.

(End of this chapter)

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