Chapter 62


The moment he saw Hao Yunnuo, Jing Zhaoyang's stern face couldn't help turning pale—how could his Yunnuo appear indoors?
Could it be...

Before he had time to think about it, he saw Ji Wuyan standing imposingly beside her holding a bloodthirsty needle.And that dazzling bloodthirsty needle was burning towards Yun Nuo's neck at this moment.

It's him!How could he...appear here?
My heart suddenly became cold.

"Why, does the prince only have beautiful women in his eyes?" Ji Wuyan's usual arrogant tone was mixed with the exclamation of tsk tsk, which made Jing Zhaoyang's heart even more confused. I really didn't think of it..."


Could it be...his Yun Nuo really heard everything?
Thinking of this, Jing Zhaoyang's heart suddenly felt cold.

"Hey! Is your mother the most important—or...your beauty—she is more important?"

Just as her thoughts were in a mess, she suddenly saw that Ji Wuyan hadn't finished her sentence before a figure flashed, and she flew out of the room with Hao Yunnuo.

"Want to save her, bring your soldier talisman to exchange!" His words came from the howling cold wind.

It turned out that his real purpose was the border soldier talisman.It's just that this soldier talisman...

"Prince—" he was thinking, when he heard a scolding, his teacher unexpectedly changed his face on the spot, "How can the commander of an army exchange a mere weak woman with a soldier talisman!—"

Can't it be exchanged?
Hearing this, his mood became even more chaotic.But... how could he just watch that woman in danger.

"Put down Yunnuo!" Knowing that he shouldn't do this, Jing Chaoyang couldn't help but let out a long roar.Without a trace of hesitation, he immediately flew to follow without stopping.

Really, the girl next to me... really so...important?
Seeing him following him, Ji Wuyan, who flew forward, couldn't help showing an imperceptible smile.With his feet on the ground, he even flew towards Fujia Mountain at an insurmountable speed.

Although there were countless guards encountered along the way, just as he was about to show up to stop him, he was scared back by the cold eyes of the iceberg behind him.

Oh, interesting!
Since then, the way to fly up the mountain has been unimpeded.In less than a moment, Naji Wuyan and Hao Yunnuo flew to the top of Fujia Mountain.

Although the snow had passed and the sky cleared, the top of the mountain at this time was still covered with snow, with sporadic bits of ice mixed in between.

Standing on the edge of the cliff on the top of the mountain, Ji Wuyan's thoughts are inextricably entangled...

He was originally a dissolute and unrestrained son, but he really had no intention of joining the war, and he swore to die to join the Yi army only because of the shocking glimpse at the bottom of the mountain.

Originally, he thought that by virtue of his successive victories, he could obtain high officials and generous salaries to match that person's supreme status.However, he not only meets a strong enemy Xiao Qingyuan, but also meets a strong enemy Jing Chaoyang.

I wanted to take advantage of the fire and gather an army of 10 people to break through the city tower, but who expected it to be defeated.What made him even more unacceptable was that his dear little princess Yiduo would suffer... an arrow wound in this battle.

This makes him... How can he swallow the resentment in his heart!

So, after many inquiries, he finally caught Xiao Qingyuan and Jing Chaoyang's blind spot - the woman next to him, Hao Yunnuo.

Although, because of the old man's glazed lamp, he won't really harm this person, but it doesn't mean he can't hold her hostage.

So, deliberately set a trap to lure her and the prince to Fujia Mountain——

Oh, no, there is also Xiao Qingyuan...

However, he never expected that the hostage beside him who had just stood on the edge of the cliff would say such words:

"Push, push me down this mountain, and I will be free..."

A sad smile appeared on his pale face.

At that moment, Na Ji Wuyan couldn't help but tremble in her heart—how could there be such a face of despair in the world!

Is it really... life without love?

"Yunnuo!" Not only was he surprised, Jing Chaoyang, who had just caught up with the two, was even more flustered seeing Yunnuo in such a state.

"Oh, I'm so anxious—"

Hearing his infinite tension, Ji Wuyan, who was holding Hao Yunnuo hostage, immediately returned to his thoughts, and his scorching eyes quickly swept towards Jing Chaoyang sharply.

"Ji Wuyan, what exactly do you want?"

As expected, the speaker was extremely angry.

"How? What do you think it should be?" He continued to chuckle, and the responder was really satisfied.

It's not easy, I can finally make this black-faced iceberg anxious and scared...

"You must not hand over the military talisman, Prince—" He was complacent, when he suddenly heard an exclamation, and it was the panting young prince Fu Wen Tingxiao who came to answer the words.

"Oh? Are you really asking me to push her down the mountain?" Hearing his obstruction, Ji Wuyan immediately raised her eyebrows, and deliberately pushed Hao Yunnuo to the deeper edge of the cliff while laughing.

"No!" Sure enough, as soon as he did this, he heard a scream.

However, apart from Jing Chaoyang, the caller... would be a man in white with a silver mask jumping out from the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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