Chapter 97

After arguing with Hao Yunnuo by the patio, Jing Lanxuan locked herself tightly in the master bedroom.

Until a voice sounded outside the door.

"Master, there is something wrong with Miss's medicine..."

"What's the problem?" Lying on the couch, he asked with his eyes slightly closed.

"It's... harmful to the body."

"What?" Opening his eyes, he immediately jumped up from the couch, "This girl, don't you want to die!"

Pushing the door open like a whirlwind, he immediately followed the visitor towards the wing room where Hao Yunnuo was, but... still a step too late, when he found her, she was sitting on a chair with an empty medicine bowl in a daze I was in a daze.

Did you really drink it?
Stepping forward quickly, he snatched the medicine bowl from her hand and threw it on the ground.

"Don't die?"

With a deep voice, his handsome face almost turned purple, "You...why are you so ruthless, you dare to kill yourself! Do you hate me so much?"

Unable to relieve his anger, he threw everything he saw, and in the blink of an eye, he smashed all the tables, chairs and pans in the room.

Of course, in the end, his eyes were red and red.

"Arnuo, isn't Master's sincerity the heart?" The heart felt so uncomfortable, after smashing the last object in the room, Jing Lanxuan staggered away immediately.

They thought that if they captured her, they would be able to put aside everything and live on, but who would have thought that she would...

For her, he gave up his homeland, his mother, and even the military power he had so hard to get!

I still remember the visit of the prince's elder brother Jing Chaoyang a few months ago. He didn't beat around the bush. He directly said that as long as he gave up his military power and the throne, he would help him attack Yiguo and take back Yunnuo.

At that time, in addition to seeing his emperor brother more clearly, he nodded and agreed without hesitation.As long as... as long as he can get her, as long as he can be with her, he is willing to give up anything.

So, from then on, he planned to bring her to Qingguo for the rest of her life, and even knowing that she was heavy, he secretly brought countless medicinal herbs, as well as the maid and midwife specially prepared for her.

But what about her?How did she treat him?

"A——nuo——" whispered softly, he couldn't help but raised his hand and chopped at the blooming plum tree in the courtyard, and the plum blossoms with yellow halos immediately fell freely.

Through the swaying petals, his father suddenly appeared in front of his eyes... the slightly old face of his father the night before the expedition.

"My son will return safely from this expedition."


"Father knows that you want to take her away."

how come?He was really shocked when he heard what his father said. It turned out that his father... knew everything!

"As long as you leave the country of Qi, father and queen will send your mother and queen to your residence—" But the next words shocked him even more.

"When I was very young, my father fell in love with your mother's queen. It's just that your grandfather ordered you to never marry the daughter of the increasingly powerful Xiao family as the queen, let alone make her heir the crown prince. I will marry a wife and accept a concubine within a day. I just didn’t expect that your mother would poison Chaoyang’s mother to death because of jealousy. Of course, in order to save your mother’s life, the emperor had no choice but to execute that confused Concubine Hao Shu, and even wantonly suppressed her. The power of the Hao family—"

"Father, you—" He looked at the sitting father in horror, but he didn't expect the truth to be so.

With tears in his eyes, he couldn't help running towards the sad father.Keeping one, executing one, and losing one, his father shouldn't... feel good.

"In order to fear that your mother will cause trouble again, father can only violate your grandfather's will and push your mother to the seat of the mother of the country." Just as he knelt down, he heard the excited voice of the person next to him again, " Even...for fear that Chaoyang would not let you off if he knew the truth, father thought about making you the crown prince. But...the power of the Xiao family is too strong, only you and Chaoyang's father can only make your brother the prince. Prince. However, for you, Father still wants to create a rain-free sky. Especially after seeing your brother's move to seize power recently, Father often thinks, is there any way to keep our Daqi's country and protect the country? How about keeping you mother and son?"

He couldn't bear to lie on his father's lap anymore, Jing Lanxuan couldn't help but burst into tears when he heard this.

This person, the person who gave him a world-shattering love has actually much.Repressed love, silent love and love without regrets!

"Xuan'er, Father has already let many people down, and he can also feel sorry for many people, but Father is worthy of your empress, my Xuan'er, and even more worthy of Father's...heart..."

His father's low voice was still in his ears, and at that moment, Jing Lanxuan couldn't help but was completely moved.

In the world there is... a man who loves so much, this person is not someone's, but his father, who is always in love with his mother and queen, and who is always thinking of him.

How lucky!

Because of the person in front of him, he has a carefree childhood; because of the person in front of him, he has infinite love; and because of the person in front of him, he can go all out to pursue his love...

On that day, he didn't know how many tears she shed, and he didn't know how he fell asleep beside his father's lap. He knew that when he went to the border crossing the next day, he cared more and worried less.

He must, must live happily with the woman he loves, not only for himself, but also for the painstaking care of his father!
However, I never expected that before staying in this small courtyard for a day, the woman would actually use strong medicine to hurt herself.

Do you have to be so self-harming?Really hate him that much?
The palm wind under his hand became stronger, and he didn't stop until the plum blossom next to him had no petals to fall down.

Stepping forward blankly, stepping on the yellow halo that had turned into mud, his heart, like the plum blossoms falling into mud, became infinitely... desolate.

(End of this chapter)

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