Chapter 39
44 chapter
"This, this..." The county magistrate's forehead was sweating, and he didn't dare to speak nonsense after hearing Qin Ruo's words. He covered his sleeves and walked away.

Kicking the iron board, it was all because of his flattering mouth, the immortal's calm and mighty posture, and the little doll's round face, which only showed one thing, the two of them were trampled on their tails by him. I'm not happy.

Ouch, his life is miserable.In this way, how can I help him?
Seeing the county magistrate leaving the house in a dispirited manner, Qin Ruo still felt unwell.

With a thought, he tapped the stairs with his index finger across the wall a few times.

The movements are very familiar, and there is a bit of playfulness while shaking the fingertips.

As soon as one o'clock was over, Qin Ruo herself became depressed, your sister, life without demonic power is really not a demonic life.

Qin Feng moved his fingers behind his back slightly, and Qin Ruo heard a loud "Ouch" in the room, followed by the sound of heavy objects rolling down the stairs.

He took Qin Ruo's petty actions into his eyes, Qin Ruo, a girl who had suffered so much in her previous life, still had this old temper, petty and willful, and she would get revenge.

that's nice!

As soon as Qin Ruo heard the noise outside the house, she knew it must be the chubby magistrate rolling down the stairs, stretching out his head with a happy smile, a small crack was pulled out of the door, eagerly looking over.

She had to watch that fat old man get unlucky, hehe.

The stairs were not high, and Qin Feng didn't cast the spell early. When the hatchback was closed, the county magistrate rolled down the stairs after walking halfway. The distance from the ground was only five or six feet away, so no one would be killed. , Even if you fall, the most you will touch is bruises on your buttocks.

When Qin Feng strikes, he has mastered the measure.

It was just to make Qin Ruo happy, otherwise he wouldn't be bothered to do such boring things.

"You two, what are you doing secretly behind my back?" The little grass spirit entered the room through the window, seemingly completely forgetting the existence of such a thing as a door.As soon as he showed his head, he saw Qin Feng looking at Qin Ruo with eyes that made his skin crawl.

The simple little grass spirit doesn't know that this is called affectionate, but I feel shocked, this kind of look looks so disgusting...

Qin Ruo only cared about the bustle downstairs, so he didn't notice that Qin Feng always had himself in his eyes.

Qin Feng is the most innocent one, thinking of the former senior sister and thinking of the present Qin Ruo, his full of friendship is rarely revealed in his eyes, but he is caught by Xiao Caojing.

The little grass spirit's question was also based on this reason, thinking that the two of them didn't know what they had done to show such small eyes that made the hairs stand on end.

In short, no one can tell at all.It was just at such a time that he crashed into such a scene.

His eyes were burning, full of affection.

Qin Ruo hadn't seen enough of the miserable appearance of the fat old man outside the house, she didn't turn her head back, and looked at it beautifully through the crack of the door.

That old man is really fat, and the two guards tried hard for a long time, but they still haven't helped him up from the ground.

The voice of Xiaocaojing couldn't be more interesting than this.The fat old man was still sitting on the ground, panting heavily, his mouth was wide open, and his face was flushed.Most of the official robes were lifted up, and he was holding his white underpants in a sitting position.It looks pathetic.

"Go and play by yourself, don't delay me from having fun." Qin Ruo answered very quickly, Xiaocaojing's impression from Qin Ruo was that a dog couldn't spit out ivory.Most of them were directly ignored by her, and she didn't pay attention to what he said at all.

Hearing this, Xiaocaojing was extremely curious.The word "look for fun" hit him, and he ran over with his calf thumping, and squeezed shoulder to shoulder with Qin Ruo at the crack of the door.

Qin Feng: ...

(End of this chapter)

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