Chapter 59
The cat demon blew on his beard and snorted coldly.

But he picked up the inconspicuous topic of Xiaocaojing.

"The registrar ordered me to test the monsters that came here. If you are not convinced, you can beat them later." The fat forelegs swung the rattle drum, creating a gust of wind.

The little grass spirit didn't pretend to be dead, he studied hard all night, and finally understood that pretending to be dead is a very insignificant thing, and it would make the demon lose face.

Now looking at the weapon that the cat demon swung across, he stretched out his arms and crouched on the ground with his head in his arms.Cough cough, it's not mentioned in this book as a wretched thing.

Qin Ruo was about to go up to meet him, but found that the cat demon was not going to swing the rattle at the little grass spirit, but just wanted to get rid of it. Maybe the weapon was too heavy or for some other reason, the rattle came out of his hand and flew aimlessly go out.

Qin Ruo, who was concentrating on watching the cat demon, suddenly felt that this scene was too discordant.

"Damn, it's so heavy." The cat demon blurted out, also very angry.It was just to save face, let the stone monster make himself a cool weapon, and that idiot gave him this thing.

Qin Ruo: ...

The cat demon let go of the weapon, and simply rushed over directly, facing the little grass spirit in the limelight, landing on all fours with incomparable speed.

The registrar and himself had a word first, those who were beaten by him were led to the adjutant, and those who beat him were led to the demon lord.

For every monster brought to the adjutant, let him go to Linshui River to touch three fish to eat!That was his favorite, and the thought of it made his mouth water.

Qin Ruo saw that the cat demon was running, and her soft paws suddenly reflected light, and her eyes lit up.

The nails on the paws of the cat demon grew out at once, thin and sharp.

Qin Ruo didn't even have time to let go of her demonic aura, and kicked the little grass spirit on the back squatting on the ground, only to hear an ouch, and the little grass spirit turned into a green ball and rolled down.

With both legs off the ground, Qin Ruo did a beautiful somersault in the air before regaining his footing.

The cat monster's first blow, which roared, was completely missed.

Grinning his teeth, the cat demon, who braked vigorously on all fours, arched his body and sucked in his stomach.It seemed that such a move could make his body lighter.

Qin Ruoyuan's bright eyes narrowed, watching its every move.

Another blow was thrown, and the cat demon came towards Qin Ruo's shoulder, with its tail raised up and its nails sharp.

The wind and lightning are moving towards Qin Ruo, it is very confident, how can cats be invincible with their natural agility?
Qin Ruo leaned back and lowered her waist.Kankan dodged the cat demon's fingertips, touched the ground with one hand, and grabbed the little chubby cat's tail in an instant with the other.

Lifting his hands upside down, he slipped up and asked him with a smile, "Have we passed your level?"

What a stupid little chubby cat the demon world has found to be the boss of this level. It doesn't even use demon power. For Qin Ruo who has been exercising for many years in his previous life, it is a piece of cake.

"Meow~~~~!" The cat demon was raised by its tail, and its body flew into the air, and the four clawed at it without forgetting to threaten it. "You dare to bully me, be careful, I will report you to the registrar." As he spoke, his limbs throbbed in the air again.

Qin Ruo is still smiling, she can even say that she is a criminal complaint, will she give it a chance?The idiot.

Originally thinking of hitting him, it was because of his threat that he just picked him up and didn't let go.

The little grass spirit rolled up from under the stone steps, and when she saw Qin Ruo holding the cat demon in her hand, she also smiled happily. "See, my little brother is just so arrogant." Qin Ruo is powerful, he has something to do with Rong.

(End of this chapter)

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