Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 597 This battle, shall we still fight? 4

Chapter 597: This Battle, Can We Still Fight 4
Then he might have changed his mind a long time ago, and at this moment, it's Yin Rong's turn to enjoy Qin Ruo's rare tenderness in the room?

"Yin Chongyang, I remember I told you not long ago? Qin Ruo is not the only one staring at you, let you be smart. Thinking about your performance these days, if I were Qin Ruo, I would also watch I can't fuck you!" Yin Xun was dragged by the collar, he didn't feel the nerve to do anything because he had indeed tied up this kid for two days before.He followed him dryly and glanced at the scene in the room, that kind of dreamlike harmony, even a big man like him could squeeze out some warmth.No wonder the Yin Chongyang fryer deserves it!

At this time, Yin Chongyang still doesn't know how to reflect on himself, and just blindly pushes all the faults to others. He really wants to say a few more words, so that he can see clearly his position that may be replaced by Yin Rong at any time.

"At present, it seems that you and I are still Qin Ruo's right-hand men. Haven't you ever thought about how much you have done for Qin Ruo after Yin Rong appeared? He has taken most of the credit for defending the city. If you settle Qin Ruo, can you not look at him differently?" Yin Xun was not fooled by jealousy, and the blind spots that Yin Chongyang couldn't see seemed to him more like the trajectory that things were about to develop.

Going on like this, who can Qin Ruo trust in the future?It won't always be his yin and yang.

As Yin Chongyang listened, his expression became a bit ugly.He understood what Yin Xun said, and he was caught in the jealousy with Yin Rong before, so he didn't think about it at all.Listening to it at this time, it was enlightening.Everything he has done recently seems to be making trouble for no reason in Qin Ruo's eyes.He had to think hard about how to remedy his precarious image.

Adding makeup to the shade, Qin Ruo thought to himself is not an easy task.By the time she felt that it was almost the same, she had wasted a lot of time for nothing.However, it is almost enough to say everything that should be explained, which is what makes Qin Ruo satisfied.

Holding the rouge in her hand, she hesitated.

The red lips and white teeth of the vulva are the true colors.She originally prepared this thing, is it to be used or not?

Xu Shi sensed Qin Ruo's embarrassment, and Yin Rong suddenly opened her eyes, staring silently.

Qin Ruo's heart skipped a beat.He hurriedly said: "That's about it." After all, the rouge in his hand was clenched tightly, not letting his shade use it.

Qin Ruo's action of hiding the rouge did not escape Yin Rong's sight, but Yin Rong would never ask Qin Ruo why the rouge was not used on her in the end.

He stood up, and the enchanting woman in the bronze mirror in front of him surprised him a lot.Immediately praised: "I didn't know, Shangli is very proficient in these things."

What he said casually fell into Qin Ruo's ears, and he couldn't tell whether it was praise or derogation.I had no choice but to talk about other topics, and planned to deal with it, "Stop talking about this, you go with Yin Xun and take people to set off, maybe you can reach the army in the afternoon."

Yin Rong smiled slightly, "It's still early. No one would look for flowers and ask willows in broad daylight. What's more, they are not at home now, and there are more rules in the army."

The time when the women who came here with a yin look, arrived at the barracks, just as he himself said, it was really at sunset.

Yin Rong looked at the cautious "girls" behind her, and her tone slowed down by three points. "Don't be nervous, we're just here to fight a psychological battle, you all seem to have been beaten to death, will anyone believe us?"

In the netherworld, this place of looking for flowers and willows, there are not many shades to be seen.However, with a knife on the head of the sex character, how can there be no livelihood in these industries where there are men?

Yin Xun and Qin Ruo's plan is to use these tender girls to break the army's morale.

The army stayed in the water pavilion for more than a month, and the only order they had just seen the sun was to attack the border town.The men have been holding back for a month, and they have already panicked. It would be fine if they took the city directly today.It's a pity that in the battle between the coaches, there was no demeanor to lose at all. Everyone's eagerness to go home and vent their hearts became more and more eager to move.

Yin Rong could tell at a glance that many of the so-called girls he brought were just like him, and they were basically men disguised as women.There are only a few extremely iconic ones, presumably they were mixed in the team and acted as facades.

The night covered the camp of the garrison outside the border city, and how many of the colorful women in the lit bonfire could clearly see whether they were male or female.Tonight, Yinrong's identity is not glorious, but it is a name that everyone has heard of, the old bustard.

He took advantage of the thick night to lead everyone into the barracks.The anxious expression on the receptionist's face just wanted someone to beat him up.

"Hey, we've made a deal. These girls probably won't be having a good time tonight, so please take care of me." The one who came to guide the way was an old fritter. Every time in the army, he was handed over to handle such matters, but he was familiar with it. Familiar with the road, he made it clear early on what should be said and what should be mentioned.

Yin Rong heard the words and just nodded.Don't pick up his words.

The man looked bored and slightly surprised.In the past, these old bustards were eloquent. On the way here, they wished their mouths would be worn out, just hoping to get more rewards.It's very rare today to meet someone who doesn't say anything.

Just as he was about to say a few more words, one of the girls behind him raised a knife and hit him hard on the back of the neck.

"It's very annoying, just listen to this guy nagging all the way, it's all nonsense." A girl in the crowd rolled up her sleeves, revealing half of her fair wrist.

Yin Rong shook her head.Fortunately, these people did not do it in public.

The other person also stood up and kicked the fainted soldier a few more times. "I've never been stared at lewdly by a man in my life, it's so fucking disgusting."

The only real women in the room covered their faces and smiled.

The rest of the elders were all suffocated, and came up to vent their anger one after another.

Yin Yin does not stop their outrageous behavior, since this place is already a tent, how will people outside know what they are doing inside.

"Okay. Everyone adjust your clothes, let's start to act." Looking around, there are young people with exposed arms and legs. Those with exposed arms are better, but what about the tufts of hair on their legs? See how it makes people uneasy.

Most of the crowd are people who have experienced many wars, big and small, and some people took this opportunity to make jokes. "The old bustard is right, the girls are listening." She squeezed her throat in a soft, yin-yang tone, and the room burst into laughter as soon as she spoke.

But everyone was not idle, and really started to organize their clothes by themselves.

Yin Rong is not angry, and her crooked eyebrows and eyes are a sign of a good temper.

"Your destination, Yin Xun has already arranged it. I don't need to explain it one by one here. I will give you a time to burn incense. After the time, we will still gather here."

(End of this chapter)

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