Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 606 Set off towards the living dead 5

Chapter 606 Set off towards the living dead 5
The captain's face twitched.The torch held high has completely become the target of the puppets chasing the whole box, what can this guy do?

Let's run away!
Even if he was still in the mood to think about it before, when it came time to face these countless puppets, and after being chased by the ducks and becoming the target of the puppets, the team leader calmed down.Unable to remember anything, the blank rioting machine gave itself only one command: run.

Run desperately, take out the best escape skills he has practiced on the battlefield over the years, run!

Yin and Chongyang face west, and the team leader faces north.Taking this as a point of contact, the two of them ran wild like headless chickens.The puppet roared behind him, it was so lively.

It was at this moment that Yin Xun finally understood something.

It turned out that the problem was not with Yin Chongyang, but with the torch?
The torches were all ordinary torches, the only difference was that before leaving today, Qin Ruo cast a small spell because he was worried that the torch might be blown out in the night wind.Question, right here?
On the other side, the two ran desperately.In this room, Yin Xun secretly told his subordinates, when Qin Ruo came, he did this and that, and that and that.As soon as he finished speaking, he took off his heavy armor and lit another torch.

Yin Xun stretched his muscles and held up the torch in his hand.First, he took the only way of Yin and Chongyang, "Chongyang, throw away the torch." He shouted.

Yin Chongyang subconsciously followed suit.

At that moment, the puppet behind him suddenly rushed towards Yin Xun.Yin Xun took over his job, held the torch high and set off against the wind.In the darkness, the fire flickers on and off, but it can still illuminate a path ahead.Yin Xun took big strides, he knew the landform here clearly in his heart, and he was very powerful when he ran.

Although the small captain is far away, it seems that self-protection is not a problem at the moment.Compared to Yin Chongyang, who has been running for most of the night, he is only just getting started.Yin Xun calculated in his mind, waited for half a stick of incense to pass, and then made a detour, taking that batch of puppets behind him.

Even if Qin Ruo didn't come today, it could be delayed for a while.

Could Qin Ruo not come?That is even more impossible.

As soon as she stepped into the border, she was stunned by the behavior of the two groups of puppets chasing the little sheep.The young general who delivered the order clearly did not say these words when he came. The young official looked very young, but he spoke very clearly.The articulation is terrible, there is absolutely no reason to fool himself on such a big matter, Qin Ruo still remembers, the little official stumbled into her room, although he was very nervous, he was able to explain Yin Xun's orders clearly, he opened his mouth, It was just a long string of words: "Girl, something big happened on the border of the general. The puppets attacked at night. When I set off, the army suffered heavy casualties. Please hurry up, girl!"

Qin Ruo looked up again, and saw that the tents set up on the border were their basis.There are quite a few wounded soldiers, so it's a big deal to talk about the seriousness, right?Only a few soldiers seemed to have been attacked by puppets, and the rest were all intact and stood there dumbfounded watching the show.

This play is naturally Yin Chongyang's escape from the tiger's mouth.

Qin Ruo took a few more steps, and another young boy rushed out of the military tent, repeating the general's words endlessly. "Girl, the general said that if you come, you should quickly find a way to take these puppets away. I'm afraid he won't be able to delay for much time."

Qin Ruo nodded.The two groups of puppets seem to have more behind Yin Xun?She moved out of the old way of dealing with puppets in the space, and only had time to lament that her small world was about to become a nest of puppets.

"Avoid." she yelled.The house was sacrificed, and the bystanders only saw the large numbers of puppets behind Yin Xun suddenly disappear into the night.

"Qin Ruo, you came in time." Yin Xun praised, looking at those terrifying guys behind him, he met Qin Ruo as if he was a natural nemesis, and he could no longer be rampant in front of them.

Qin Ruo's figure moved again, and he only had time to nod his head towards Yinxun, and then flew out about Zhang Xu to relieve the team leader's urgency.

After some tossing, the puppets behind the captain also entered Qin Ruo's small world.

The squad leader, who was sitting slumped on the ground, stretched out his hands and grabbed Qin Ruo's skirt. "Girl!" He yelled loudly, it was obvious that he had just been chased a while ago, and he still had inexhaustible strength at the moment.

Qin Ruo responded to him in a low voice. "En?" She had a good impression of this person, if it wasn't for Yin Xun who always said good things about her in front of her, Qin Ruo might not be able to remember his appearance when Yin Rong happened again.

The squad leader had tears in the corners of his eyes, and there were tears in his eyes. "Today I almost died under the claws of these puppets. I clearly thought that even if I die, I will always be happy before I die. You should treat it as a good deed and fulfill my only thought, and reward the beauty to me!"

Qin Ruo: ...

Yin Xun followed closely behind, and just heard his words.Xindao: You are smart in learning.Skip me and find Qin Ruo directly, but you want to pretend that my immediate boss doesn't exist?
He jerked the guy up off the ground.Hu He said: "Don't have that dream of Spring and Autumn! Yin Rong is a man, how many times I have said, go and go. Hurry up and find a place to wash it off, you are full of dirty smell."

Qin Ruo knew at this moment that this guy's heart was never dead.He only tilted his head and asked Yin Xun: "Didn't it mean that his thought has been broken?"

Yin Xun didn't dare to inhale forcefully, except for the smell of sweat from running all over his body, it was the stench brought by the puppet. "Hit!" The word was thrown to Qin Ruo.

Qin Ruo: ...

These one and two are both worry-free guys.

The team leader wrinkled his face, and was dragged away by Yin Xun. When he finally looked at Qi Qiran, he just begged to stare at Qin Ruo, and made Qin Ruo feel cold again.

This night, it was finally dealt with in such a muddle-headed way.

After Yin Xun took a shower and changed his clothes, the first thing he did was to find Qin Ruo.He was very curious, what exactly did Qin Ruo add to the torch to make the puppets follow suit.

"Qin Ruo, when you left today, didn't you tamper with the brazier to prevent the torch from being blown out at night?"

He cut straight to the point, raised the curtain and at the same time the voice came in.

"I didn't add anything. I just added some more combustion-supporting plants according to the above method." The vines guarded themselves, not to mention other things, such trivial things are usually easy to grasp.Qin Ruo didn't think there was anything strange about this.

"How many catties more?" Yin Xun begged.No matter what it is, as long as it can attract the attention of the puppet, it will be a good thing for them.Taking advantage of this incident, he even thought of many ways to wipe out the puppets.

A few catties... Qin Ruomo was silent.

When the vine was given to her, it was just a small leaf.If Yin Xun really followed Yin Xun's theory, it would be a little bit more for her to get the vines, but if it was a few catties, then——it would be a bit difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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