Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 623 Dormant Period 6

Chapter 623 Dormant Period 6
"Didn't the girl post a notice before retreating. Let the people in the city return to the border town?" Yin Xun mentioned this first as a foreshadowing.After seeing Qin Ruo nodding, he said: "Many residents have gone to the border town, but it's okay for these people to be ungrateful, and they even tricked the Yin family in the border town to escape together. My people stopped me several times at night. There were a lot of people, and I wanted to punish them severely, but I had no choice but to let them go. I was afraid that they would be busy arousing the residents of the city to rebel once they got out, so I had to throw those active guys away. In prison, wait for the girl to come out and deal with it."

Yin Xun was somewhat troubled by this matter.He is a military officer, and he is used to doing things without talking. If he is asked to lead troops to fight, he is good at it.But he really doesn't have the ability to move people like Qin Ruo, or Yin Mingyang.It can be considered that those people were unlucky at the time, they were all hanging in Qin Ruo's retreat to come up with rare ideas, and were caught by Yin Xun.With a word from him, the crowds of people were all sent to prison.

One pass is nearly a year.Who would have imagined that Qin Ruo's retreat would take such a long time.

"Would the Yin family in the border town run with them?" Qin Ruo's first reaction was that the Yin family who were abandoned by the Little Hades would never listen to what these people said.There are so many people who testify to what is right and what is wrong.

"Young lady is right. Few of the Yin family members in the border town are with them, but those Yin family members who have returned from this city have died and vowed not to mention it. With the girl, they can only wait for death in the end." A road that frightened many residents."

"Okay. Let's go to the prison now." Qin Ruo ordered lightly.She really wanted to see how dissatisfied the residents who were treated peacefully in this city were with her.

The two walked out of the house one after another, Qin Ruo suddenly looked back and hesitated to speak.

Yin Xun also stopped in his footsteps. "Girl, what else do you want to ask?" He had already given a general overview, and the rest were nothing more than trivial matters.

"Yinrong, do you have any news about him?"

It's okay if you don't ask, but Yin Xun complained a bit when he asked.These days, inside and outside the city, everyone is busy fighting against the two waves of forces. Qin Ruo retreated and he couldn't say anything, but why did he come out and the most concerned thing was the shadow?

"Girl, have you forgotten our original intention?" Yin Xun's words were so cryptic.If it wasn't for the life and death book of Little Hades, why did they come to this day?It's only been a few days, even if there is no Yin and Chongyang, shouldn't Qin Ruo be most concerned about Qin Feng?

"Where are you going? Yinrong is a great help to us, but there has been no movement for so long." Qin Ruo's explanation sounds reasonable, and Yin Xun's words and expressions a few times are really from her face. Without any exception, he accepted her words.

"Even if she doesn't have that shade, today's girl can handle a team by herself, right?" Yin Xun didn't want to get too entangled with Yinrong.She even disliked hearing his name from Qin Ruo.

This is really embarrassing for Qin Ruo.She was a little frustrated, "It's hard to say..." Looking at Netherworld, if another guy with the same cultivation level as Yinying appeared, she really would not be a match.

"That's all. Let's go to the prison first, we have to release the person first." Qin Ruo laughed, and really didn't have the confidence to answer Yin Xun's question.

When I got to the prison, I just entered the door.When the few soldiers saw Yin Xun, they respected Yin Xun with the utmost respect, and they all called out generals with standard military salutes.Facing Qin Ruo, he just ignored him, as if he didn't exist.

Before Qin Ruo could make a few jokes, Yin Xun said first, "Look, I'm the only one who got along with these guys this year, and now they don't know that you are the master of our place."

Yin Xun is just teasing Qin Ruo first, the speaker has no intention of listening to it.Qin Ruo just nodded secretly in her heart, this time is very good, it fits her intentions.It's best that on the day she leaves Netherworld, few people will remember her.

Prison treatment is not bad.Qin Ruo glanced at the clean cell, and had no choice but to praise Yin Xun in his heart.Just looking at the fact that every item in the small cell is complete and not dusty, one can tell that Yin Xun did not intend to make things difficult for these people at all.Just as the jailers were cleaning up the tea in each cell, Qin Ruo was surprised, it turned out that Yin Xun not only did not treat them badly, but was also very polite to these people.Even the habit of drinking tea every day in the Netherworld has not changed, and people are looking for offerings no matter the weather.

"Don't tell me, living here with you is more comfortable than outside?" It's been a year since I saw her, and even Yin Xun in the prison is controlled so well, which is beyond her expectation.

"Don't laugh at me. If it's better here than outside, those people will still be clamoring for me to let them out?"

Qin Ruo smiled lightly.Yin Xun led the way, and immediately saw those people who encouraged others.

"This kid, this one, and that one. They are the most active." In this matter, Yin Xun felt that no matter what he could not escape his responsibility, the city was not well controlled, and the people in the city only wanted to leave day and night. Here, whoever listens will not be happy.

He pointed to the past, and Qin Ruo took advantage of the situation to look over.The three people have their own characteristics, but they also have a lot in common. They are all young and energetic people.

Qin Ruo picked one at random, and asked him, "There are food and drink in the border town, and it's not considered a place for the living dead. Why do you want to leave?"

It was a young guy who looked to be in his early twenties.He turned his face and took a heavy breath from his nose, ignoring Qin Ruo's question.As if just talking to Qin Ruo would make him dirty.

Qin Ruo cast his eyes on the person next to him, waiting for the person to answer.

This one seems to be much better than the one just now, although they are all young people with backbone, but Qin Ruo asked questions in a friendly manner and he answered them in a friendly manner. "We have suffered so many crimes in the city because of the surname Yin. Since we were let go to the border town, why didn't we let us go back to the origin? After all, even though the border town and this city are not the territory of the living dead. , but it's not our Yin family's own territory."

It's the theory of the same clan again, and it's this old-fashioned rhetoric again.

"Then do you know that the border town fell without us?" Qin Ruo still asked patiently.Some things, those who have not experienced it do not know the truth, they still have their own understanding, their own views.Qin Ruo doesn't know how to restrain them, but wants to tell them that many things they haven't heard of don't mean they haven't happened.

As for whether this person can listen or not, Qin Ruo doesn't care.From her point of view, sooner or later, the Netherworld will be unified, and there is no difference between high and low among the residents who live in any city.

(End of this chapter)

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