Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 625 Dormant Period 8

Chapter 625 Dormant Period 8
Among them, many people are talking about the internal history.

When Qin Ruo heard the word internal history, he kept his mind.Standing in the shadow of the street corner, quietly being a listener.

"Tell me, when Nei Shi followed the living dead, we didn't live very well. With a new supervisor, Nei Shi really looked like a human being this year." Qin Ruo whispered The female voice has the loud voice of a woman, not to mention that this is the street, and she can say whatever comes to her mind.

The other person answered very quickly. "That's not true. At the beginning, the inner history made my teeth itch from hatred, but now I don't think he's so annoying."

After hearing a few words, it is generally said that the internal history has abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, which is hundreds of times better than before.

Qin Ruo thought, anyway, she is fine now.Just walk over to that crafty guy's house and see how this one becomes likable.

The City Lord's Mansion is still the original place, and Yin Xun thinks that the City Lord's Mansion is full of flashy things, which is not pleasing to the eye.Only his residence was moved to the army, and this place has been inherited and used by the internal history.

Qin Ruo stopped and stopped along the road, and everyone seemed to have entered a stable stage, unlike the panic a year ago.A lot of people from the Yin family went to the border town, but there are really not many who stay in this city now.Counting it, this is the first residence where there is no class hierarchy at all.

There were not only women on both sides of the street, but some gentlemen even moved small stools and sat in front of their houses, chatting a few words leisurely.When Qin Ruo saw this, even her pace gradually slowed down.Complacency is contagious.

After walking a few steps, the gate of the City Lord's Mansion came into view.

There were three or five people gathered in front of the door, although not too many, it was still more lively than other places.

Qin Ruo leaned forward and heard someone say: "Lord Neishi, come out!" Following the voice, he knocked over, and it was an old man who seemed to be doing nothing.

Qin Ruoxin said, what's the trouble?The heart that was supposed to be an internal historian couldn't help the shouts of these three or two people, and changed his mind.She might as well take a look here, these people's plans.

The old man yelled and yelled, but everyone who listened could feel that he was not very temperamental. The way he called it was more like his relatives had something to do. sentence.

After calling for about three or four times, Nei Shi was late and actually opened the door.

An extremely fat man came out of the door, according to Qin Ruo's estimation, this man must weigh about two hundred catties no matter what.Therefore, at first glance, Qin Ruo didn't recognize that this person was the shrewd and cunning internal history of a year ago.

In Qin Ruo's eyes, every step that the fat ball-like person took was extremely difficult.Said he was walking, Qin Ruo felt that he was moving...

Have you ever seen a crab walking sideways?There is no change in the steps at all, the only change is the slow movement of the chubby lump.Qin Ruo blinked her eyes, struggling for him.

"My God." Qin Ruo was startled when Nei Shi said this.

Looking up, down, left, and right, looking horizontally and vertically, I finally found some impressions of a year ago from the already fat and deformed face.

"Didn't I explain it? I only receive five people a day. It's over this morning, why are you still making trouble in front of my door?"

The old man chuckled, "Aren't we just thinking, come up with more ideas to make our city develop better?" Because of his age, his face was full of wrinkles.

It turns out that Yin Xun really gave Nei Shi a job since Qin Ruo retreated.To put it nicely, it can be regarded as temporarily supervising the people's livelihood in this city. To put it bluntly, it is just a sesame official with only a name and no real power. History is much bigger.

Nei Shi had a hippie smile on his face, and he picked it up neatly.The next day, a notice was posted on the city wall, soliciting any opinions that would benefit the city.

Overnight, the inner room was crowded with people.Not to mention how well this method is used, who in the city doesn't want their homes to be better?Everyone squeezed their heads and ran towards Nei Shi.

After maintaining it for about ten days, Nei Shi realized that he was really stupid and naive.If things go on like this, people can't ask questions every day, so I added another item to the notice, and only five people are asked for their opinions every day.

It is the five opinions in this daily that Neishi mostly uses in the city.On the one hand, he actively reported and discussed with Yin Xun, on the other hand, he set up a booklet by himself, and included all the constructive opinions he thought were good in the booklet.

If things go on like this, although each change is a very small change, it will look different after a year.

As for Nei Shi himself, he has a big heart and a fat body.Far away from the political center, all his calculations were used to build this city.After a long time, he managed to clean up the city well.

And seeing how Nei Shi can get along well with everyone now, one can imagine that he must have made a lot of noises and done a lot for everyone this year.

Qin Ruo stayed in the dark, and after listening to a few words in their hands, he could get a general idea of ​​the ins and outs of it.

She didn't expect that Neishi was really a little ink.

It was not until this group of people were dismissed by Nei Shi that Qin Ruo appeared in front of this fat man.

Nei Shi narrowed his eyes and frowned for a while, then suddenly his expression changed drastically, and the face that was originally very comfortable immediately began to cry.

"Girl! You came out!" With two exclamation marks, just in front of Nei Shi's own gate, this fat man who would tremble every time he moved, dripped two drops of crocodile tears.

What, what's wrong with this?
Qin Ruo Zifu's internal history should be doing well, look at his complexion, and look at his body.Well, I guess it should be great.

The fat man's Nei Shi groaned. "Girl, I'm suffering..."

Qin Ruo: I can't tell.

"Girl, you finally came to deal with me." Nei Shi, a big man and big fat man, obviously had no scruples about performing in the street.While pretending to wipe away tears, he still secretly observed Qin Ruo with small eyes.

Qin Ruo saw his actions clearly.

"Stop howling. What's the matter, let's go into the room and talk."

The fat man nodded shyly, and took two steps with difficulty.Give up the position of the big block in front of the door.

Qin Ruo didn't want to ink with him, grabbed his collar and dragged him into the door.As soon as the door was closed, Qin Ruo's face darkened. "Don't use your little tricks on me. If you have something to say, talk about it. If there is another time," Qin Ruo narrowed his eyes, and Nei Shitan sat on the ground in fright.

He thought to himself: This trick doesn't work on this woman at all.Hmph, who told him that women are always soft and not hard, he pretended to be pitiful and pretended to be this virtuous, in exchange for Qin Ruo's threats.

(End of this chapter)

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