Chapter 63
She's had enough of staying in this demon world!
"No." The little girl's voice was deafening.The rare ones are mixed with evil spirits, and the words of just two words are also shocking.

The old man likes to go to whomever he likes, but she will never do it with the girl.

The Yaozun was not in a hurry, as if Qin Ruo's voice had no effect on him, only seeing the little girl's angry look was a little self-willed, he didn't know it at all, and said flatly: "It's up to you, you don't care about this matter." If you do it, you have to do it, if you don’t do it, you have to do it.”

The demon king's trilogy is really a trilogy of bastards.The Yaozun is well aware of the Yaowang's disorganized temper.

Especially for this last step, if the other party agrees directly, he only needs to kick the person away.But if you don't agree, you have to rush to ask others to do it, it's really... cheap.But he is so cheap.

"I'll leave the words here. If you don't believe me, you'll have to wait and see." After speaking, she turned around, leaving Qin Ruo with her back.

On the side that no one saw, there was an indescribable helplessness on his face.

The lonely and indifferent back that Qin Ruo saw was completely different.

Qin Ruo glared at him viciously.

The bad old man's foot stepped on Xiaocaojing's unconscious body. Although the old man was very thin, Qin Ruo could still imagine the weight on Xiaocaojing's body. Hard to imagine.

With such a small body like the little grass spirit, even if his body is chubby and fleshy, he might not be able to withstand the fierce force of the big demon, not to mention that the old man is still using the little grass spirit to make himself submit?

Qin Ruo gritted her teeth, and forgot what Qin Feng said, only anger in her heart.

It's not that she doesn't understand the reason, it's not that she has a bad temper.

The little grass spirit was bullied by this bad old man because of her, the little girl has long since lost sight of it!
Anyway, as an adult who treats Xiaocaojing as a child, he will not allow others to treat an innocent child like this.What's more, the treatment that Xiaocaojing is receiving now is because she was implicated for helping her.

With a flash of her figure, Qin Ruo came to Yaozun in the blink of an eye.

One squatted sideways and got shorter.With his left foot, he kicked Yaozun's leg that was stepping on the little grass spirit's belly.

The Yaozun never expected that the little girl had been holding back when she heard her words before, but now she suddenly launched into trouble.

He was just using the illusion created by the magic spell, and he didn't stand on the little grass spirit at all. How could Qin Ruo kick something?
Qin Ruo just frowned after kicking in the air.

He shot again, secretly adding a demonic aura.

Yaozun secretly thought it was not good.

He could see clearly that this girl was probably angry, and she could feel her anger even in her demonic aura.

Sure enough, as soon as Qin Ruo used his monster power, the illusion in his eyes disappeared.

From her point of view, the old man who was supposed to step on Xiaocaojing's soft stomach to do his best was sitting lazily on the recliner, rubbing his dry stomach comfortably.

cough cough.Yao Zun was embarrassed.

His dignity seems to be gone...

If I had known earlier, I would not have used such low-level spells just now.

Yaozun was annoyed in his heart, but he didn't show the slightest bit of embarrassment on his face, the embarrassment was hidden by his expressionless appearance.

He had forgotten that he was not the only one capable of magic in this room.

With surprise in her eyes, Qin Ruo said, "Old man, what do you mean?"

The little grass spirit was also placed on the chair beside him, not on the ground at all.

It's completely irreconcilable with the cruelty she saw. Is such a kind-hearted old man really a bad old man who beat Xiaocao Jing cruelly?

(End of this chapter)

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