Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 632 Melee Day 1 7

Chapter 632 The first day of melee 7
These people don't need to be alone, throwing a small stone by one person can kill all the brothers who are close to the city wall.It's really inhumane for the general to act like this.

"I haven't seen you for a year, don't you think I am a little majestic as a general?" Heizi suddenly changed the subject and pointed his finger at the lieutenant general.The person who followed him was the person who worked under him a year ago. This time, Little Hades had a lot of worries, and in order to cooperate with Heizi's actions, he even transferred all the people he used easily.Qin Ruo became a thorn in Yinming's heart, and he couldn't get rid of his unhappiness.

"Master!" Another kneel down in front of Heizi.

"Very good, if you don't do it, I'll do it." Heizi swept the corners of his clothes, obstinately ignoring their requests.He shouted at the excited people who were still alive in front of him: "Keep moving forward until you reach the city wall."

The team of more than a hundred people was in an uproar.

Someone bit the bullet and shouted from a distance: "General, although we are soldiers, there is no reason for us to die like this. We have also stepped on the trap. What is the difference between what you are doing now and forcing us to die?"

Their eyes are still not blind, those people in twos and threes on the top of the city have already taken stones and threw them down.If they reach the bottom of the wall, can they still live?

But there are also people who have long since given up hope of living.Just now when Heizi was indifferent when he gave orders, they knew that they had no chance of surviving today.With a stiff face, he said to the caller: "Today is the anniversary of Lao Tzu's death. Why are you talking so much, let's go." In the back line, they are not also my friends and compatriots.

As a result, the team of hundreds of people dragged their feet, and differences suddenly appeared.A group of people marched towards the city wall, and a group of people scattered left and right, fleeing to both sides.

Under the city wall, people running around in an instant are like headless flies.

Qin Ruo was in the passage, and after listening to their conversation for so long, she knew that the best time had come.She first said to the rest of the people who followed her: "Wait a minute, the moment I opened the passage, can you make sure you blend in with the crowd?"

Everyone glanced at each other, but only one person answered Qin Ruo's words. "The other party doesn't know how many people are left. If the number is too small, we have no chance at all." Hearing this, it seems that it is not difficult to mix in the crowd.

There were not many people following behind Qin Ruo, about 20 people.But if you want to be mixed with those fleeing soldiers in an instant, it's really not an easy thing.As a result, there were not many people left on the other side, and they suddenly had [-] more heads, and those with sharp eyes might be able to see through them at a glance.

Secondly, even if these soldiers and soldiers were dressed roughly the same, they were all in black clothes and black shirts, but there were still some differences.If you get close, you can see something.

"Listen well, I estimate that there are about 40 people running towards the bottom of the wall. We only make decisions on these people. When they get to the bottom of the wall, I will open the passage directly. We should have a chance to exchange with them. All you have to do is raise your sword and drop it cleanly." Qin Ruo instructed carefully, after seeing the design drawing of this passage, she thought of countless countermeasures according to the terrain here.The one used now is not the best, but it can still achieve her goal.With Yin and Chongyang sitting on the city wall, she has no worries.

The moment the channel opened was the time for them to act.

It is also thanks to the fact that Yin Mingyang and Yin Chongyang were responsible for the construction of the city wall.No matter how much information Heizi inquired about, it was impossible to get specific and detailed materials related to every step from Yin Xun, so that Qin Ruo had this opportunity.Both she and Yin Chongyang knew that the most terrifying moment was when the opponent's troops approached the wall.

There, there is a deadly formation waiting for them to throw themselves into the net.And this formation imitates many characteristics of the blazing sun formation. After someone touches it, there will be a long period of time when the light is blazing.

After listening to Qin Ruo's words, the people who followed her still showed disbelief.Even Yin Xun might not be able to reach Qin Ruo's level of sophistication, but just dormant here, he can grasp the overall situation outside, and even the number of people coming towards the wall is so clear. It's like seeing it with your own eyes.

"If the girl is right, we can do it."

Qin Ruo nodded, and gave some instructions in a low voice.All is ready except for the opportunity.

Heizi and Yin Chongyang were separated by a long distance, but their eyes were on the group of people who were finally running towards the bottom of the city wall.

"Qin Ruo, you must be careful." Yin Chongyang looked directly at those people who knew they were going to die but were determined to crash under the city wall.Hold your breath.

At the same time, at the other end of the battlefield, Heizi was also out of breath, and all his attention was drawn to the last 40 people.His heart was beating wildly, the life and death of those people could explain too many problems, he was not willing to blink even for a moment.For a moment, the first person touched the wall of the city wall. In just a moment, it became an infinitely magnified slow motion in Heizi's eyes.He could almost imagine that in the subsequent battle, he would completely crush Yin Xun and flatten the border town with his military strength.Those hopes that have been planned in his heart for a year are almost becoming a reality.After that, he will replace Yin Xun's position in Netherworld, and he will ascend to a new height, worshiped by all Yin family members.

At this moment, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

In the next second, the white light was blazing.

Heizi's eyes widened.What's the problem?The blazing white light made his eyes hurt, and he couldn't see anything at all.But there are thousands of unwillingness in his heart, what is going on? !The Death Squad has obviously become a human shield and removed all formations.What is this last blazing white light?
For a long time, Heizi felt that he was floating, without the real sense of his feet landing on the ground.His eyes were clearly open, but because of the blazing light, he couldn't adapt and lost his vision.

In the blazing white light, he could still hear the shouts of the two lieutenants, as well as the exclamations of everyone in the army.But he knew that at this time, there was nothing their team could do except wait.

"What are you panicking about! Wait." Although the light was so strong that everyone lost their vision in an instant, Heizi judged that this shouldn't be a terrifying formation.More like scaring than the first ones.

With no sound, no screams, and no signs of any kind, let him believe in the power of this formation, and he has 1 reasons to refute it.

In the white light, Yin Chongyang was already prepared.His eyes were tightly shut under the armor.

(End of this chapter)

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