Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 645 Unexpected 6

Chapter 645 Unexpected 6
Qin Ruoxin said, now even I don't know where Yin Rong is going.I'm afraid this last request of yours won't be fulfilled.However, the request mentioned above was borne by Qin Ruo alone, and it was a condition that he wanted to help him. "After half a month, you come to the border town to pick up something, and I will offer it with both hands."

In the end, the commander of Little Hades disarmed his armor just because of a conversation with Qin Ruo, and walked out of the long snake formation without looking back.

A lieutenant general chased after him and asked, "Commander! If you just walk away, what should we do?"

No one changes generals just in front of the battle, just leave as soon as they say it.Heizi just hugged Qin Ruogong, implying that the deal was established.Under the deputy general's questioning, he said impatiently: "I don't care about you, my coach is simply forced. You can find a suitable candidate."

Qin Ruo is holding his lifeblood in his hand, and he will let it go if he can't.

The lieutenant stared.The soldiers around were very happy and wanted to applaud.Not to mention Heizi's relationship with the people in the border town, but his command and leadership of the army, these soldiers couldn't stand it.At this moment, seeing that this man was taken advantage of by a woman in a few words, and even said that he had to leave here, I was only happy.

"it is good!"

"Good job!"

I don't know who is in the long snake formation, who ate the bear's heart and leopard's gall.Facing Heizi's back, I really applauded.

Then he said to Qin Ruo who was standing on the flagpole, "Young girl is so amazing!" She gave a thumbs up.

Qin Ruo wanted to run away.

After going back and forth, she felt that she hadn't done anything, and the oolong was caused by her. In all fairness, she still seemed to owe Heizi an explanation.

Under the cloak, Qin Ruo shrank her neck, and quietly withdrew from the center of the long snake formation.

Running wildly all the way, back to the city wall, I really felt relieved when I saw Yin Chongyang.

"Girl, the army has withdrawn?"

Qin Ruo nodded absently.The head coach of Little Hades took off his armor and went back. I'm afraid it's a mess now, and they set fire to the camp in the rear. Even if they figure it out in a short time, it will take a lot of headaches.

In her line of work, the only gain is finally justified.

"Chongyang, go back to the city and give this letter to Yin Xun." Qin Ruo sorted it out a little, and only wanted to tell Yin Xun about Heizi's betrayal when he wrote a letter.

"Little Hades' army looks like it will be repaired for a few days, and I will stay here for a few days. You can rest assured."

Qin Ruo understood the worry in Yin Chongyang's eyes, and added.

Having said this, Yin Chongyang could not refute her statement after all.He only replied in a deep voice. "Be careful. I'll come back as soon as I go." Obviously, he wanted to return immediately after delivering the letter, and stay by Qin Ruo's side.

"No need. You have to deal with the living dead over there, and you are more useful than staying here." Qin Ruo completely refused.

She didn't know that just such an indifferent conversation could make Yin Chongyang feel ashamed.

Qin Ruo, is that why you don't want to see me?I haven't seen you for a year and still treat me so coldly.

After dismissing Yin and Chongyang, Qin Ruo sat on the wall.Looking down, the Long Snake Formation was still crawling and slowly retreating.

She rested her chin and joked with the people around her: "Tell me, if we rush out now and kill ourselves, will the army of Little Hades be completely in our hands?"

Let's say that the function of the trap area before has been expanded to infinity.Two batches of Xiao Yan Wang's troops were taken here successively.

The very imposing Long Snake Formation seems to have lost its previous glory at this moment.The sparse crowd can almost only be described by the word withered.

Who would have imagined that this time, Little Hades' attack was full of twists and turns.All kinds of coincidences collided together, and it was considered unlucky, and people were not as good as heaven.The specially invited expert was an old friend of Qin Ruo's father, and Qin Ruo took advantage of Heizi as the coach.Several lieutenants were confused, and they just lost half of the army in front of the city wall.

If it was Qin Ruo, she would worry about these pawns, whether they would be able to return to the vast land of Nether alive.

"Girl thinks too much..." The one who stayed was a very straightforward person.Nickname: think less.

When talking to people, I am used to answering: "You think too much..." Therefore, there is such a nickname.Suddenly asked by Qin Ruo's name, this person took advantage of the situation to look down, although the army was scattered, there were still quite a few people there, how could they kill him with just a team of less than a hundred people It's all over the place.

He instinctively responded as usual.

Qin Ruoxin was not here, so she didn't mind his answer when she asked this question.She only said: "It seems that there is still going to be a bloody battle..." She stretched her waist, jumped down from the wall, and ordered: "You stay here and watch, and call me whenever the other party makes any movement."

If the words are left behind, the person is nowhere to be seen.

"Think less" scratching his head, this, this, girl, you haven't said where to notify you, ah hey...

Where else can Qin Ruo go?It was nothing more than stepping into her small world.Recently, because of the declaration of war, she was forced to come out of the small world. After all, she still had this world in her heart, and "thought less" didn't notice that when Qin Ruo disappeared, the silhouette stayed where she was.

The small world is still gray and chaotic, which is quite different from the colorful colors of the outside world.

Surrounded by small trees is the only building in this small world.

Qin Ruo sighed, and could hear the roar of those crazy guys inside through the wall.She simply chose to turn a blind eye to the voice, and only asked the lake next to her, "When will you be as real as the outside world?"

She asked innocently, but she was talking to herself in her own world.

But the lake seemed to have a connection with her, and the apparently endless lake trembled slightly in front of her, as if answering that they were as real as the outside.

Qin Ruo looked at the small fish and shrimps in the lake, and found that these little guys were enjoying themselves in the water.

I feel much better.

All of Qin Ruo didn't stay in this small world for a few moments, when someone shouted outside: "Girl, girl! Come out quickly."

Qin Ruo stepped out, startling "Think less".This, this, this, is it the girl's ability to appear out of thin air?No wonder everyone in the border town spread the praises, saying that the girl is a god-like existence.

"Think less." Nuonuo said: "Girl, it seems that Little Hades' army has camped forward."

As soon as he raised his hand, in the distance and at the same level as his fingertips, it was the place where the group of people and horses re-camped.

"How long?" Qin Ruo asked strangely. "Think less." It took a while to realize it. I'm afraid the girl was asking how long it took since she left.

"Two days."

Qin Ruo was in a daze.She only blinked in the small world, and so long has passed outside?
(End of this chapter)

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