Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 655 The High Man in the Mountains 6

Chapter 655 The High Man in the Mountains 6
Qin Ruo was always with the old god, sitting firmly in front.Everyone in the audience changed their expressions and closed their mouths tightly.

With little thought, he chose a suitable time, stepped over Qin Ruo to get in front of her, and blocked Qin Ruo behind, "I'm afraid my uncle is very tired today, and he is watching the soul and counting. It's luck. No matter how many questions you have, uncle can't answer them today, so I think it's better for you to leave first."

Qin Ruo, who was sitting behind him without thinking too much, thought to himself: You are really smart.She just winked just now, and she could make her words mellow with a little thought.Qin Ruo really wants to leave some space for these people.

After tossing and tossing for half a night, I was thinking about driving people away, but I saw that the little leader seemed unwilling to leave.

Then he took another look at Qin Ruo.

Qin Ruo seemed to think less and deal with it more or less. There was only this one person in the hall, and he could still put down his airs and pretend not to be indifferent.

The little leader waited for a long time, no matter what the Shaoqi next to Qin Ruo said, he nodded and agreed in exchange for Qin Ruo's care this time.

"Master Qi, today all the people I know are brought into the hall, who do you think will harm me?"

"I just watched the audience's fascination, and I also wanted to help you." The other three people in the room, Qin Ruo, thought less of this little leader.

"It's only now that I realize that what I told you on the road was really reckless."

The little leader had a bitter face, and he didn't understand Qin Ruo's intention at all.He just stared at Qin Ruo with those innocent eyes.

"At first, looking at your fate, I only thought that the problem was with the people around you. You called everyone together, and I realized that it is not one or two people that affect your fate, but the luck of these people. Qin Ruo explained to him, "The people I watched today are all short-lived ghosts. There is also mutual influence in fortunetelling, not to mention so many people around you are affecting your luck. The bad luck on them , can weaken your aura, and in the end become like them."

Qin Ruo shook her head, the little leader didn't know that she was still making it up in her stomach, picked and picked all the alarmist words in the world, and only found the reasonable and convincing part to fool her.

"This...what should I do?" The little leader didn't think too much at first, just now when Qin Ruo was warning the crowd, he had thought it had nothing to do with him, but now he only heard the second half of Qin Ruo's words Suddenly regretted, it turned out that it was not one or two who wanted to harm him, but luck.Everyone has become the target of being implicated by each other.

"Can adults find a way to crack it?"

Although Qin Ruo had heard little about luck and luck, he still couldn't fully understand it.But he understands the general direction, and the focus is on the word influence.Thinking about how the faces of his parents who have been together for a hundred years have gradually become similar, he still believes Qin Ruo's statement.Fortune is something that can't be seen or touched at all. The name of Qishi's lineage is there, and it has been passed down by Nuwa Empress.If there is someone in the nether world who really understands this, who else can there be besides praying for a teacher?

"Crack it..." Qin Ruo's voice was drawn out, and she saw that the little leader's eyes were full of hope, and he was staring at himself naked. "It's not a difficult task, it just depends on whether you are willing to do it." Finally, while he was waiting, Qin Ruo gave an affirmative answer.

This guy immediately cheered up, and heard Qin Ruo say: "It will be broken if you distance yourself from these people, their fate is theirs."

Hearing this, the little leader was embarrassed.

"My lord!" He gritted his teeth, still unable to make up his mind to stay away from his seemingly bright future. "Besides this method, is there any other way?"

"Oh? So you are willing to let these people around you affect your fortune?"

Qin Ruo didn't answer the question instead.

"No, no. It's just that I finally waited until I was in my early years, and you can see that today, because of me alone, I can gather all the dignitaries in the general. I am afraid that such a good thing will only happen once in my lifetime! You let me I give up my current status, leave these friends and just leave, I really can't do it."

What he said was heart-pounding, but Qin Ruo was very pained to hear it.Aren't you still unwilling to give up your current status after co-authoring so many touching words?
Qin Ruo's face was somewhat alienated. "I told you the best way, and how to do it is up to you. Of course, counting it as the fate between us, I want to tell you that within ten days, all the people in the army will return to the west. go."

These words clearly told the little chief that their bad luck would befall him in the end.

"Shaoqi, let's find a place to rest. We'll be on the road tomorrow." Qin Ruo put him aside at this point, and told him to go and think less.

"You just listen to what uncle said. It's you. Uncle felt that his eyes were closed, so he said a few more words to you, and put it on others. Uncle has never said so many things." Think less and pretend to be smart , and added a few more sentences when seeing off the guests.

Looking at the face of this little leader, it is already very ugly.I wanted to say something to myself, but I still swallowed it.

After seeing off the last person, Qin Ruo rubbed her shoulders.It turns out that always pretending to be arrogant is still a physical job.

Think less and take two quick steps, and lower the curtain.Then he turned around and said, "Miss, be careful, this is his territory after all."

Qin Ruo chuckled and asked, "What skills have you learned from Yin Xun? Give you a chance to show off tonight?"

Think less and get dizzy in an instant.

Everyone was panicked, it was precisely because Qin Ruo's false identity was confirmed that they could not easily ignore her statement.

It didn't take much effort until nightfall, and many sloppy soldiers returned to their tents in twos and threes, and stayed in it early in a daze.

After half the night, a scream suddenly came from the rows of tents, piercing the sky and waking up from the dream.

Everyone left the tent one after another, with blank faces on their faces.

I saw the man who just screamed, standing outside his tent, in a daze.

Someone yawned and asked next to him: "You don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you making a fuss about?" It's not that he didn't want to call his name, it's just that this person's face was very strange, and it was dark even though he was a short distance away, he insisted on calling him. Didn't see who this person was.

It turned out that when Little Hades dispatched troops and generals, he took back military power from various sub-cities and gathered them together.And those of his own team had already been taken in by Qin Ruo.The troops assembled together were not familiar with each other, let alone know each other.

It was also in the last few days that everyone had a rough impression of each other and became familiar with each other.

Otherwise, the matter of dispatching the vanguard last time would make the few lieutenants dissatisfied?It's just a manpower drawn from them.

(End of this chapter)

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