Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 667 Gifts 1

Chapter 667 Gifts 1
After hearing a few words from him, Qin Ruo tasted it.

"See what you mean, do you want me to be a pawn, or to serve you Nether to take down the living dead?" Qin Ruo asked bluntly.Little Yama's soldiers and horses were not easy to come by, but Qin Ruo had it very easy to get rid of, and it was hard to justify putting them in anyone's hands.How could someone not care about it and leave it all to himself?

The old Hades felt a little guilty, "Young lady broke my mind."

As the two walked around, they exchanged a few words and reached the front of a room.

"Here is where the magical artifact is stored. Miss, follow me in to have a look?" The old Yama made a gesture of invitation, which made people feel approachable and easy to get along with, without any airs of being the king of Hades.Although Qin Ruo had a lot of unhappiness with Little Hades, the father didn't take sides and said that it was all Qin Ruo's fault, but he made amends with Qin Ruo in the first place.

Having said that, no matter how dissatisfied Qin Ruo is, it is not easy to get angry in front of this old man.Nodding and moving, just followed him into the house.

The process was so short that Qin Ruo thought he just didn't pay attention.All she saw was that the old Hades took the hair he had handed over, put it on the plate, and then closed his eyes and drew blindly.Opening his eyes again, it was the big characters given to him by Little Hades, lying on the paper upright.

The four words are particularly glaring.

In other words, Yin Ming really didn't fool himself in this matter?Qin Feng is still alive?

Qin Ruo had mixed feelings in her heart, mixed joy and sorrow.Although she couldn't figure out why Qin Feng didn't come back to find him, but when she thought about it, as long as he was still alive, it would be the best thing in the world, so why should she care about other things?If Qin Feng doesn't come to look for him, can't he look for him?Xiaqing is such a big place, and she can always find him after traveling all over the mountains and rivers.

The old Hades squeezed the note, and his tone became more determined. "It seems that my boy didn't lie to the girl." Four words can explain everything.The yin family's spells have been handed down to this day, only he and the little Hades are the most clear about whether these ancient asking spells are effective or not.

Qin Ruo secretly nodded to show her agreement with the old Yama's statement.

"Girl, why don't you stay here for a while?" The old Hades didn't know what happened to Qin Feng before, he only saw Qin Ruo's problem solved, so the rest is the grievances between them and the living dead?

Qin Ruo listened intently to what he had to say, and responded indifferently.

For hundreds of years in the Nether Palace, there has never been such a grand ceremony.The old Hades left the customs, and Qin Ruo's visit counted together.The old Hades was so happy that he asked everyone to brightly decorate this hall, which is completely different from the usual Nether Hall.

Qin Ruo was invited to the main hall, and when he saw this posture, he felt like leaving.

The ministers gathered in the hall, even Yin Yu and the others who worked under her at the beginning were also called to the hall.After making such a big commotion, what else can the old Hades say?
Now that he is here, it is very difficult to sneak out of the palace gate.

The old Hades was hospitable, and when he saw Qin Ruo entering the hall, his face turned into a smile, and he trotted from the front of the hall to Qin Ruo's side.

Qin Ruo: It's a shame for you to trot in front of everyone like this.

The old Yan Wang smiled and his eyes curved like a moon, "Girl!" The two words were full of vitality.

It is said that stretching out your hand does not hit smiling faces, but when you meet someone like the old Hades, Qin Ruo can't refuse, so he can only nod his head, which is considered a response.

The old Hades led Qin Ruo and began to intersperse the introductions among the officials. It took less than two sticks of incense to actually read the names of everyone in the hall in front of Qin Ruo.

Next, what the old Hades said not only shocked the officials, but also exceeded Qin Ruo's expectations.

After the old Hades introduced everyone's identities, he walked into the hall, "Miss Qin Ruo, I think many of you know each other. In fact, what I did just now was superfluous and superfluous. But as the master, I always let Miss Qin Ruo felt our kindness, so everyone should be more considerate of me, an old man."

The old king of hell called himself an old man, which is also his usual way of saying.Qin Ruo didn't know, but the courtiers in the hall knew that the old King of Hades knew how to cry when he was old. Every time there was something difficult that needed someone to deal with, the old Hades never gave orders in front of others, but always pretended to cry Poor, it makes everyone feel a little bit more unbearable.

Without knowing it, he agreed to this request.When I looked back and thought about it, I realized what it was all about.Get the order properly, don't you have everything?But everyone will not have a bad impression of the old Hades because of this. On the contrary, they are mostly careful and patient when doing things, and they do things properly and beautifully.

The old King of Hades never tired of it, and even discovered the benefits of it, and gradually developed a habit.So, it is more and more likely to pretend to be pitiful in front of others.

Qin Ruo didn't know this person's habits before, and found it quite interesting when she first met him.So he put some thought into it and listened carefully to what he said.

"Right now, our Netherworld is getting worse day by day. My son is in his position, but the few important things he did are full of mistakes. Since I left the customs today, we will always let them get on the right track for these things that were originally wrong. ,Am I right?"

Some people in the hall nodded, some were ignorant.But after thinking about the girl Qin Ruo standing next to the old Hades, those who don't know why have some guesses in their hearts.Come to think of it, the old King of Hades wouldn't speak aimlessly, he must be talking about this girl.

As everyone expected, the old Yan Wang continued: "The most reckless thing my son did before was nothing more than about this girl. I am here to apologize to the girl in front of everyone, and then It is to correct this mistake. Today I will announce that all matters in the Netherworld will be handed over to Miss Qin Ruo for the time being."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was shocked.

Say anything.

For a while, the originally quiet hall exploded.Even Qin Ruo himself didn't understand how the old Yama could give such an order?This is even rarer than the sun coming out in the west.

How did Qin Ruo know that this action of the old Hades was not only correcting his son's mistakes, but also being instructed by his shadow.

Yin Rong left Qin Ruo for many days, but did not really disappear, but went to look for Qin Feng for Qin Ruo.Where is the best place to find it?Yinrong quickly thought of the Nether Palace.This is not only his root, but also a place that is familiar with the entire nether world.

Yin Ming's actions are incomprehensible.Therefore, I skipped this descendant directly, but went to find the old Hades who was still in retreat. The old Hades who was in retreat was disturbed several times by his shady face, and all his previous efforts were wasted, even turning a hundred years of cultivation into nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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