Chapter 68
Facing such a spirit who couldn't see the depth of Taoism at all, Qin Ruo naturally became more submissive.

The big grass carp did not move extraneously, its eyes were on the stream, and its feet moved.

Qin Ruo knew that he was showing him the way.

The person in front of him was not walking very fast. When you looked over, you could only see a pleasing walking speed, neither fast nor slow, with his own unique leisure, but Qin Ruo could be regarded as trotting all the way, and he still walked with this person. The distance is getting farther and farther.

Fortunately, the Jiuqu Bridge is not far away, and the whole layout is not too big.

When the juvenile-faced big grass carp stopped on the bridge, Qin Ruo took a few more steps before chasing after him.

Grass carp essence finally turned its eyes from the water surface it had been facing, and looked at a stone sculpture in front of it.

Ok?He stroked his smooth chin with one hand, and was puzzled by the empty stone sculpture.

What about paper?

Qin Ruo looked at him secretly, seeing his expression, he must have had the same doubts about the paperless stone sculpture as himself.

Just as he was thinking about what to do with the grass carp, he saw the young man take out a stack of papers from his clothes, the ones that were blank and clean.

Then, he pulled out a writing brush from the air with one hand, and he didn't know how to write well. Rows of characters emerged on the whole stack of paper after three strokes.

Qin Ruo looked at it, secretly amazed in her heart.The little girl who always regarded herself as a human being forgot the magical power of the monster for a while, and watched Grass Carp write and draw, and the paper gradually became plump.

She seemed to be able to smell the fragrance of ink and began to fluctuate in the air. Seeing the grass carp in front of her so casually just writing and drawing.

It wasn't until all the papers were filled to the brim with the grass carp-turned youth that he collected the banknotes and placed the stack of papers directly on top of the stone statue.

Finally, he looked at Qin Ruo for the first time, and said, "Is this paper? I have it, but whether you can take it or not depends on your own ability." Paper also requires a lot of effort.

Qin Ruo looked at the paper lying neatly on top of the stone statue, and murmured to himself: Why, can't you walk over and take it away with your hands?

His eyebrows were raised slightly, and he looked at the grass carp with some doubts.That means, without words is also a problem.

Grass carp giggled, completely inconsistent with the image of the elder left to Qin Ruo, with a mischievous side.There was a flash of light in his eyes, but he didn't give Qin Ruo any doubts, just dropped a sentence and disappeared in front of Qin Ruo.

That sentence is like this: In such a good weather, I'd better sleep more.

Qin Ruo felt a chill when he thought of covering his mouth with his beautiful fingers when he spoke.

The Grass Carp Essence appeared suddenly and left abruptly.It can be said that the whole process has nothing to do with Qin Ruo, and only appeared for the paper that Qin Ruo said.

The current departure made his behavior regarded as normal by Qin Ruo.In short, this grass carp essence is an abnormal existence in Qin Ruo's heart, can you expect an abnormal guy to be normal all the time?

Qin Ruo didn't take it seriously when she saw the grass carp essence disappear. Her mission was to come to Jiuqu Bridge to get the paper.

The only thing the little girl can think of is this plate of paper within sight.

As soon as she stretched out her hand, the paper that could be touched was right in front of her.

Qin Ruoke was not polite, and stretched out her finger to grab a corner of the paper, but before she touched it, she felt an external force blocking her actions.

Qin Ruo didn't believe in evil, and stretched out his hand again.

bass!An extremely small sound came into the ear.

Her fingers still couldn't reach the paper that was so close at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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