Chapter 7
As a ten-thousand-year Ganoderma lucidum that can't exert its demonic power and has just transformed into form, although Qin Ruo was unwilling, he still couldn't bear the tricks of others, and was finally brought into the house of the mentally ill boy and became an ornamental plant.

The gray flowerpot on the window sill is her habitat.

The young man is very gentle to her, and this kind of tenderness is reflected in the uninterrupted daily treasures of heaven and earth.Qin Ruo knew very well that without these good things, she wouldn't be able to turn into a human so quickly, but this place is not hers after all, and she is still clear about the greed that everyone around her has towards her.

Qin Ruo spent most of her time practicing.

There are more restrictions in the house than in the mountains, and the patterns are not repeated.Needless to say, the ones she can recognize, even the ones she has never seen in the past, opened her eyes in this young man's room, and finally saw it for a while.

Qin Ruo secretly said: This is simply a super cage, just to lock her tightly in it.Not to mention her, even flies and mosquitoes can come and go.She can only struggle in the flower pot.

It can be said that the young man's room has reached a state where everything else is suppressed except for her cultivation.Not even transformation.It's like when people raise pigs, no matter how good the feed is, it's just to make the pigs fatter, so that they can get a few more catties of meat on the day of slaughter.

This analogy is applied to Qin Ruo now, whether it is appropriate or not is not mentioned for the time being, but Qin Ruo feels that he is that pig.Every time the young man looked at her with satisfaction, she felt cold all over her body, and she had a vague feeling that she would be washed and used to refine medicine in a few days.

Therefore, Qin Ruo, this little Ganoderma lucidum, couldn't calm down anymore.She wants to save herself!
Now that Qin Ruo had an idea, he started to act, and slowly the young man got close.At the beginning, they talked more, but slowly the two formed a tacit understanding.They didn't bother to mention her refining medicine, just communicating like ordinary people.Say something or not.

This day, the boy didn't come back to the house until the afternoon, Qin Ruo said, "Why is it so late today?"This young man was the only person she could come into contact with, naturally the only breakthrough.

This young man, since Qin Ruo "lived together" with him, has long discovered that he is a good talker.No matter what Qin Ruo said, he would always give an answer. Of course, usually his answers made Qin Ruoyun confused.So, when Qin Ruo was waiting for the boy's reply, she was not used to it when she found out that he didn't pay attention to her and just went to pick up the books on the shelf and search for them.

It's terrible to get used to this thing, Qin Ruo never knew that she was so out of tune, just because the young man ignored her, she was completely uncomfortable, tossing over and over with the umbrella mushroom of Ganoderma lucidum in the small flowerpot, feeling uncomfortable all over.

About half a cup of tea time spent entertaining himself, the boy was still reading, Qin Ruo couldn't help it. "Hey, what about you, what's going on today?" Forgive her for being unable to hold back, this is not about caring about this insanity, you must figure it out.

Although the neuropathy at this time did not look very good, even the delicate face that left behind the mundane wherever he went also had a melancholy and hazy feeling.The eyelashes are long, forming a small semi-circular fan under the light, but the sight in the eyes did not keep up with the speed of the rummaging in the hands at all, and just froze on it in a daze.Qin Ruo's voice seemed to pull him out of his thoughts.

He didn't glance at Qin Ruo, but he still answered Qin Ruo's words. "It's nothing. It's just..." At this point, Qin Ruo's voice paused. Qin Ruo seemed to be a kitten who was aroused by someone's curiosity, but what was behind it, he waited and waited and didn't hear Bai Mu's words .

Bai Mu's bright red lips parted once, Qin Ruo looked carefully, when the lips parted and closed, a little bit of the pink tongue could be seen, but there was no more words.

Qin Ruo felt very uncomfortable, staring at his red lips for fear of missing anything, seeing that he seemed to be about to speak again, her heart suddenly jumped slightly.Secretly said: What exactly is it, you said it.

The young man didn't know her inner voice, but in Qin Ruo's eyes, he looked more and more like an appetizing bastard. The third time he opened his lips, the watery and seductive look, let Qin Ruo know for the first time that crazy lips, actually It's so good to see that it almost fascinated her mind.

It's not that Qin Ruo is lustful, it's just that after staring at her for a long time, Qin Ruo can already describe the shape of her lips with her eyes closed.It's purely because of his beauty, which has an unknowingly seductive element.

Neuropathy finally spoke out. "Why do you want to cultivate spiritual wisdom?" These words are a bit sharp and confusing.

He looked at Qin Ruo, with a questioning look on his face, but look at him, the questions he asked were naive and childish.But the tone in his tone is pure and simple looking to know the answer.

However, Qin Ruo couldn't answer. Where did she cultivate her mind? She was reborn on this Ganoderma lucidum.A dumb person who eats Coptis chinensis can't tell the pain.If this wasn't a multiple-choice question, she would definitely choose something else, and definitely don't be the broken ganoderma that everyone wants.

This time, it was Qin Ruo's turn to be silent.Her silence lasted longer than the boy's, and it grew until the brilliance in the boy's eyes dimmed several times, and she still couldn't give an answer.To Qin Feng, she can show her identity, that's because she knows Qin Feng's kindness to her.But such a stranger, what can she say, only silence.

The psychopath finally seemed to have made up his mind and did something completely beyond Qin Ruo's expectations.He tore up several restrictions in the room, as if venting, Qin Ruo carefully looked at them, it turned out to be a few spells to suppress his spiritual power.I was stunned for a moment.

After finishing all these, the young man slammed the door and walked out, the voice was so loud that Qin Ruo's ears could let out memories for a long time.

Qin Ruo was curious, and there were no such restrictions in the house, so he quietly got out of the flowerpot to look at the book that the young man was holding in his hand just now.She had no idea what this psycho was thinking.Just after reading a few lines in the book, Qin Ruo was like a kitten whose tail was burned, and its hair blew up.

"If Ganoderma lucidum can generate its own mind and wisdom, the whole body is a treasure. Every inch of it should be carefully considered, and a single bit of it must not be wasted...." What kind of book is this damn book, Qin Ruo also imitated the youth, and tore the book fiercely It was smashed, and I still felt unrelieved, so I even burned all the pieces of paper.This is a book that teaches others how to eat Ganoderma lucidum!

(End of this chapter)

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