Chapter 768
Qin Ruo really didn't understand Master's definition of the distinction between inside and outside, but he still insisted on his own opinion. "It's better for him to rescue the child, bring him back to Shangqing, or stay with his parents. For the child and the family, it's better than staying with the devil?"

For now, she can only try to calm down Awu first.

A Wu nodded first, then shook his head, obviously she had listened to what Qin Ruo said. "Hey, I hope." Nowadays, it seems that the only way is to wait for the result.

The little Taoist is extremely efficient.At noon on the second day, the child was brought to the town.

Qin Ruo was far away, listening to the voices in the square, he glanced over and dropped the cup in his hand.

The child following behind the little Taoist priest must have been brought out from the Valley of the Demon King, it is almost unnecessary to think about it.Before, Qin Ruo only knew that there was such a person, but never had the chance to see the deity. Fortunately, the little Taoist priest rescued him from the Demon King's Valley, and it was the first time he saw him.

It was a ten-year-old kid.

To Qin Ruo's surprise, this son actually looked like the young Qin Feng.

She suddenly had a guess: Could Qin Feng have something to do with that incomprehensible demon king?

And Qin Ruo didn't even have time to distinguish the difference between that boy and Qin Feng when he was young, and the crowd surrounded him.Qin Ruo's line of sight was blocked layer by layer.

"Qin Ruo?" During this time, Qin Ruo deliberately avoided him, and he felt it.But Bai Mu didn't think it was a bad thing, he knew that Qin Ruo had always been slow in his feelings, but if Qin Ruo had already understood his own intentions, it would be a good thing for him.He used to escape the world with his grandfather in the mountains, and after thinking about it for a long time, he believed that the biggest reason why Qin Ruo couldn't be with him was that he didn't seize the opportunity.Back then, he was the first person to be with Qin Ruo, but Qin Feng took the advantage in vain.So much so that Qin Ruo directly rejected all men.

This time, Qin Feng was not there.This is his best chance.He would never leave just because of Qin Ruo's two words.It takes time and perseverance to grind an iron pestle into a needle.Bai Mu thinks that he has all the advantages in these two points, and he will not give up easily.

Yesterday, Awu simply stayed at Qin Ruo's place because he was worried about what would happen to this little Taoist priest.Bai Mu then served tea and water, and took care of Ah Wu. He got up early in the morning and prepared the refreshments, and brought them into the house.Seeing Qin Ruo panicked, she yelled twice.

Sitting at the table, Awu squeezed a pleasing pastry entrance, and said vaguely: "Xiaobai is really good at this skill." In order to gain a good impression in front of Awu, Bai Mu has done enough homework.For half a month, I observed Awu's hobbies in detail, picking up the things she likes to study.Not to mention almost, the only thing Bai Mu knows is the fat bun.After staying with Qin Ruo for half a year, he thought he had advanced to become a qualified chef. After staying with A Wu for half a month, he felt very gratified, and even almost made a name for himself.

Come to think of it, these two women have no talent in these things.Of course, Bai Mu wouldn't say these words, so he could only mutter a few words in his stomach.At this time, he was a little shy, "Thank you, master, for your compliment." In the fifteenth high school, it was subtle, even if A Wu was called a master, A Wu would just laugh at him, but never point it out.

"Don't pay attention to that girl, sit down and eat something with me." Awu picked up another piece of pastry and stuffed it into his mouth unceremoniously, the fruity aroma was fermented in the air. "I asked her to stay because I was afraid of any trouble, but she was fine, just staring at the child."

The two exchanged a few words before Qin Ruo regained his composure.But she couldn't tell Awu about the child's appearance.

She sat down absent-mindedly, "Master, when did the demons lose their children?" The pastry in front of her was no matter how good-looking it was, and Qin Ruo had no appetite at all.

She just held the cup, preoccupied.

Ah Wu pouted, dissatisfied: "What are you thinking, girl? You don't know how to take a broken glass?" Qin Ruo asked a different question.Looking at it from Awu's point of view, he could just see Bai Mu squatting on the ground, picking up the broken pieces one by one.

Qin Ruo bit her words, and asked again, "Master, when did you hear about the devil's abandonment of the child?"

She couldn't make a mistake, even if it was just a quick glance, even if there were so many people in the square, she could still be sure that the child she saw had a similar appearance to Qin Feng.

Awu was impatient with her question, so he replied sloppily: "It should have happened hundreds of years ago. Who would remember so clearly what happened so long ago?"

And Bai Mu, after cleaning up the ground, said in a gentle voice: "It's better to ask the tree spirit about this matter, she should have a deeper impression."

Qin Ruodang called out the tree spirit.

"Sapling, you said that the child of the Demon King of the Demon Race was lost. Do you remember when this happened?"

Originally, Awu only thought that Qin Ruo was asking casually, and when he saw her, he immediately mentioned her, knowing that he might have made a mistake.Biting the pastry, they stared dryly at the tree spirit together.

The tree spirit was flattered.With extra care, he immediately gave the exact time, "It should be about 200 years ago." Awu was sitting in the room, but he was a well-known figure in the Yaozu. She looked at Awu, and Awu looked at her.

Maybe it was the tree spirit's gaze that made Awu a little uncomfortable. She picked the ugliest piece from the plate and handed it to the tree spirit, "Try it, it's delicious."

It caused the tree spirit to make a fuss.

While pushing, she said, "Impossible. I have never eaten food since I practiced. This is a big taboo for us monsters." She looked at the pastry as if she was looking at a scourge. .

Awu nodded seriously, "It makes sense." He swallowed the pastry in one bite.

The tree spirit's face changed drastically, and he wanted to persuade him again, thinking that this is the big head of the monster clan, what she said might be useless at all.Then he watched Awu eat with gusto.

Only Bai Mu came up together and asked when he heard that eating was not a good thing for the demon. "How do you say that, then what do you monster race rely on to fill your stomach?"

Among the three, the tree spirit had found someone to vent his anger on, but it was someone who could let him talk, seriously. "We all live by absorbing the aura of nature, and we don't know how to be hungry. Of course, we don't have to eat three meals a day like you." Obviously, the particularities in different races are also very different.

Three meals a day...

Qin Ruo seemed to have been tapped on acupuncture points.She finally remembered the scene she saw when she was a child.

(End of this chapter)

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