Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 777 Make a Choice

Chapter 777 Make a Choice

A Wu didn't call him Qin Feng, but used that person.It was very deliberate, and everyone could tell that her tone was partial to Qin Ruo.

"It's better for me to say this in front of Qin Ruo." Bai Mu thought about it, and told Qin Ruo the news as soon as possible.Perhaps, it wasn't Qin Ruo, Qin Feng found another new love, but there was something hidden?
"But that girl is angry, who knows where she is at this moment?" Awu thought differently.The man in the room was already sure that it was Qin Ruo's dear heart, but because of his attitude towards Qin Ruo, why did she, as a master, not want Qin Ruo to be with him so much?

"Qin Ruo, I will look for it by myself. I just ask the master to help me take care of that person in the house tonight." Bai Mu used that person, and his tone was obviously different from Awu's. Who among rivals would be willing to say Who is better?That person was a thorn in his heart, standing between him and Qin Ruo.

In a world of ice and snow, every house in the town is closed, and the door cannot go out.Where can Qin Ruo go?
Bai Mu, who boasted to Haikou, stood on the fork and asked himself more than once, if he was the one who encountered this situation today, how would he react, and where would he hide himself?Is it their original goal, the open sea of ​​grass outside the customs, or reintegrating into the more prosperous world and burying themselves deeply?

Bai Mu stood in the snow, recalling Qin Ruo's ashen heart when he left, and set off further north.

The night is hurrying, whether he can find Qin Ruo tonight is unknown to him.Bai Mu tightened his collar tightly, letting the cold wind pour into the collar less, standing in the snow and looking forward.

Where is Qin Ruo?

Actually, can Qin Ruo really be willing to leave Qin Feng?As long as Bai Mu thought about this problem, he would know that Qin Ruo would not leave this place too far.At this moment, Qin Ruo was only in a courtyard not far from them.The town is not big, as we mentioned at the beginning, there are only two main streets in total, with houses and shops scattered on both sides.Qin Ruo was sad and helpless, but his body had its own consciousness, and he didn't want to be too far away from Qin Feng.

At the moment of leaving, Qin Ruo once thought, did Qin Feng have any difficulties?She and Qin Feng have gone through the most difficult period in the world together. Even Qin Feng, who had never abandoned him at that time, how could he choose to leave her after the two of them were together?She felt that it was impossible.Qin Ruo, who had calmed down, turned around and was even more embarrassed to appear in front of Qin Feng. She racked her brains and wandered in the middle of the night. After walking alone in this small town for a long time, she suddenly looked back and found that she was on the same street as Qin Feng's residence. separate courtyard.

There is only one old tree withered long ago in the cold winter in the yard, and there is not a single leaf on the bare trunk.

There should be a family of five living in the house. Qin Ruoyin is in the courtyard, and he can feel their harmony through the window. The reflection in the house is cut on the window paper, which makes people fascinated.Qin Ruo calmed down more and more.

She walked a few steps, and there was a small pond in the corner of the courtyard.In winter, freezing is not so obvious.

"Mom, don't spoil the child all the time." The joyful songs and laughter in the room would reach Qin Ruo's ears from time to time.She walked a few more steps and entered the room.

No one could see her, but she could see these people, just as she thought, they were a family of five with three generations under one roof.

"Come on, grandma will wipe your face." The elder, kind and kind, took the child from his mother and wiped his cheek carefully.

A flash of lightning flashed in Qin Ruo's mind.That's right, did Qin Feng not recognize himself at all?
Qin Ruo sneaked into the small world, like a child discovering a new continent, feeling that she had finally found the key to the problem.

Looking at the water, how could Qin Feng recognize his face now!Covering her face with her hands, she felt that she had finally found the key to the problem, and she was in high spirits.

No, she wants to restore her original appearance, so that Qin Feng can know that she came to find him!

Qin Ruo withdrew to leave the small world.

"Bai Mu?"

Her brows and eyes were full of joy that couldn't be concealed.Just in time to meet Bai Mu to set the direction.Immediately shout out.

"Qin Ruo, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter? Can we wait until I see Qin Feng?" Qin Ruo was eager to try, always feeling that as long as he put on this face, Qin Feng would recognize him immediately.

Bai Mu held her back.

In the night of the town, only these two strangers wandered the streets.

Bai Mu paused every word, "What I told you is about Qin Feng."

The word Qin Feng will always be so useful to Qin Ruo.Bai Mu smiled wryly in his heart, and looked at Qin Ruo in front of him. Just these two words could make her more serious than Bai Tian.

His eyes did not want to show a trace of loneliness, "Qin Feng's situation may be different from what you think."

He speaks very slowly, and his enunciation is very clear.The hand holding Qin Ruo's wrist can feel Qin Ruo's throbbing.

What caused her to react like this?
"Qin Feng, what's the matter?" When he left, he just didn't want to recognize himself.

"He's sick." Bai Mu didn't focus on her face, he was afraid of seeing Qin Ruo's sadness.Even if he was deceiving himself, he didn't want to see Qin Ruo treat other men like this.

Qin Ruo's anxious gaze turned to Bai Mu after hearing his words. "What did you say? Qin Feng is sick?"

For a moment, Bai Mu told himself, just tell her the truth.

But in Qin Ruo's gaze, his voice was too calm, he could see himself calm in Qin Ruo's sight, he began to find his position in these eyes, he said: "Qin Feng survived a catastrophe, Living in seclusion in this small town, what you want is stability. If you really have him in your heart, let him stay and fly with that girl."

"What nonsense are you talking about! Bai Mu, didn't you say that Qin Feng was ill?" Qin Ruo heard his own heartbroken voice.In just a few seconds, she became hysterical. The craziest thing in her life was arguing with Bai Mu on the street.With a blank mind, she couldn't understand what Bai Mu was saying.

Bai Mu folded his hands and held her hand firmly. His voice was soft and warm, just like the serenade his father sang to him when he was a child.He said, "Yes, Qin Feng is ill. He suffers from severe amnesia, and the only thing he can remember now is the girl in the shop."

"You lied to me, I won't listen!" Qin Ruo pulled her arm out of Bai Mu's hand with the greatest strength, and covered her ears vigorously.

But what Bai Mu said had wings, even if she squatted on the ground and didn't want to hear a word, it could pass through her hands and reach her ears.

"Qin Ruo, why do you deceive yourself and others. Think about the days when you were together."

(End of this chapter)

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