Chapter 781 Let's Sleep
"Come on, come on." Awu stood by the door, both caring and worried. "Qin Ruo, we don't want him anymore, okay?" If Bai Mu put on a red face, Ah Wu is the one who put on a bad face.He glanced at Kong and hugged Qin Ruo, "Listen to the master, there is nothing you can't get through. There are too many men in Xiaqing Middle School. If I can't make it tomorrow, I will write to Su Hai and ask God to come and accompany you."

He didn't dare to mention Bai Mu directly in front of Qin Ruo, because the jade-faced boy was full of anger at this moment.

Bai Mu supported the wall and was pulled aside by Awula, his face still full of anger.

The eyes of the person in the mirror opened gradually, grief was gathered between the foreheads, the brows were slightly frowned, and it was Meng Hong's eyes looking at A Wu again.

Different from Bai Mu's ruthless heart, Ah Wu couldn't help but sigh when recalling the hardships this child had suffered, what kind of way will Qin Ruo be tortured by the sufferings of the whole life in such a beautiful age?The current end of the fall, is it because God can't see Qin Ruo's happiness, or is it all just a test of her experience?

The snow that had fallen all night had stopped.Gradually, there were figures walking around in the town, a gust of wind blew past, and the wind and snow rose again.It's not just the people in the town who are depressed, even the people outside the border seem to shiver because of the successive snowstorms.The sea of ​​grass was covered with thick snow, which completely blocked the communication between the two parties.

"Did you fall asleep?" Awu looked inward with his head.

Only Bai Mu was busy by the bed.

He closed the door, and stood in the corridor with Awu, his face without anger was clear and handsome. "I finally closed my eyes, I should be able to sleep for a while."

Qin Ruo didn't make any noise, and under the double offensive of Bai Mu and A Wu, he stubbornly remained silent.Guard that mirror until midnight.

This day was so long that Qin Ruo felt that every minute and every second became unbearable.This day was so short that she could only think of Qin Feng's goodness in her vague memory.She groped and drew the outline in the mirror, giving birth to an ethereal and unreal feeling.

Ah Wu and Bai Mu waited until she closed her eyes and lay down in front of the mirror before she gasped and relaxed.

"You go to bed too, I'll watch over here." Day and night, Bai Mu never closed his eyes, and Awu sympathized with him.

"When she wakes up, I will naturally go to rest. Master, there is no need to worry." Bai Mu said in a tone that could not refuse, and he answered quickly and concisely.

"What? One is too much to worry about, do you still want me to take care of you two?" Awu put on a straight face, and even a Bodhisattva made of mud lost his temper after spending a day.

Bai Mu sat on the ground, leaning against the wall outside the house, and closed his eyes. "Master, don't embarrass me." His eyes were sour, but Qin Ruo's fragile sight broke his eyes when he closed them, shattering all his tranquility.He couldn't tolerate himself struggling in those messy scenes, so he barely pulled himself together. "Master, is Qin Feng that important to her?"

The shop is quiet.In the middle of the night, the rustling snow outside the house could easily cover up Bai Mu's questioning.

A Wu originally followed him, closing his eyes to show rest, and hearing his words in the silence of Ye Yu, he felt that Bai Mu was also pitiful.

He sat there, alone.The boy's eyes were as black as ink, and his eyes were bruised.The lips under the bridge of the nose couldn't help but draw out a bitter arc.

Awu said earnestly, "Why are you doing this?"

The boy's fallen lip line turned up a little bit under A Wu's questioning, and he suddenly turned his head, his dark eyes were bottomless. "Master Awu, only when Qin Feng and Qin Ruo break contact can I get the moon first."

Awu was shocked.

The snow in the small town is half a moon at a time.

The people who were nestled at home finally watched the moonlight when the clouds opened, and opened the door in thick jackets.The sun shines on everyone's face, which is surprising and touching.The whole world is washed clean by snow water and covered with white sand.Looking around, there is only white from beginning to end.

In the inn in the town, the door on the second floor was finally opened after being closed for fifteen days.Qin Ruo slept for fifteen days.

She pushed open the door, and the cold wind came over the face with cold air.

"Are you awake?" Ah Wu leaned against the outside of the house, as calm as if Qin Ruo had only slept. "No, the snacks made by Bai Mu." It was lunch time, and Awu had already eaten all the good things in the town.

The girl had black hair like clouds and a face like water. She was only covered with a long floral dress and stepped on the ground with her bare feet. "Master, I made you worry." Qin Ruo's eyes just glanced at the bag of delicate pastries, and finally landed on A Wu with a frown.

The pink petals were deliberately made by Bai Mu.Awu grabbed it casually in the bag and threw it into his mouth.The beautiful flower petal dessert was crushed by A Wu in one bite.She said vaguely: "I am the one who is worried." (I am not the one who is worried)
Qin Ruo smiled shyly, and it was an answer.

For Qin Ruo, the fifteenth day was just hovering on the edge of dreams and reality.

"Why, figured it out?" Awu stared at Qin Ruo, although he looked thinner, but those disturbing worries seemed to be unable to influence Qin Ruo's thoughts anymore.Her brows were stretched out, her face was calm and steady, obviously she had walked out of Qin Feng's incident.

Awu nodded inwardly, not daring to press too hard.He could only scratch the surface and asked vaguely.As for the word Qin Feng, he absolutely dare not mention it in front of Qin Ruo.

The girl's eyes were clear, as if she had never heard of it, she just said quietly: "Master, I want to go back to Wanyao Mountain." She looked straight ahead, and that place was facing the window. .The bleakness in the town caught the eye at a glance.

"Go back to the mountain?" After all the calculations, she never expected that Qin Ruo would make such a request.Awu's cakes are a bit hard to swallow. "Hey, good apprentice, you are thinking about it. Is it appropriate for us to go back to the mountain now?"

A Wu looked sideways, and couldn't tell what happened to Qin Ruo, but he always felt that Qin Ruo was becoming more and more detached from the world at this moment.She was startled, couldn't it be because of Qin Feng's matter that this girl was able to penetrate the barrier of love, and was ready to go back to the mountains to live in seclusion after all hope was lost?
Immediately tie the bag around your waist, and you must dissuade it.

"Qin Ruo, listen to me..."

Qin Ruo turned her head, her face was completely exposed in front of A Wu, and she swallowed back her words in shock.

In the corner of the girl's eyes, there is an extra mole of tears.

"What's going on here?" A Wuru was hit hard, her tear mole was bright, red like a drop of blood.The girl has a dignified face, but she is even more charming because of this tear mole.

Qin Ruo touched the tear mole naturally, "It's okay. Some things are over when they pass. Master, I want to understand."

Knowing that Qin Ruo's performance was different, but after hearing what she said, A Wu had no choice but to persuade himself to calm down.That's right, as long as Qin Ruo can think about it, there is nothing he can't get through.

(End of this chapter)

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