Chapter 784
"Heh." The man chuckled lightly, the frivolity in his eyes was gone.

"It turns out that you know her identity." The coldness in his eyes reappeared, and he rushed to Qin Ruo's face.

The girl kicked her feet and stepped back a few steps.

Even the hem of her clothes couldn't sweep the sudden killing move.

"Who the hell are you?" Unable to make a single move, this guy who was only wearing a coat on his body had a serious expression on his face.

Looking up, the girl's eyes are like shooting stars, her lips are like cinnabar, and there is only a tear mole at the corner of her eye that is as charming as blood.Inadvertently, it will attract people's soul. "Me?" Qin Ruo asked knowingly.Come to think of it, this face was probably the fault again, making all the monsters in the mountain regard him as an outsider. "No matter who I am, I should always tell the Demon King what you and Mudan did today."

She silently calculated that this restless peony gave herself a huge gift just after she arrived in the mountain. Instead of suppressing her at this moment, she was sorry for her eyes.

Qin Ruo's soft words don't mind being heard.

The man cut his hands behind his back, his expression became more serious, "Then I'll guess." He spoke slowly, as if he was discussing with Qin Ruo.

Qin Ruo thought to herself, if she didn't know this person, how could she know herself.Even when it comes to the horizon, I'm afraid I won't hear my name from him.Therefore, they just looked back with great interest and didn't talk to each other.

But the man opened his thin lips, and the word "Qin Ruo" blurted out.

"Think that peony flower belongs to your demon king's wife. There is no one else in the whole mountain except you." What followed was the reason for his guess.During the year, Tianyou had already lowered Mudan several levels secretly, each time the change was very small and not conspicuous.But after a long time, the effect came out.Peony has changed from the former wife of the demon king in the mountains to an ordinary servant who can't even enter the gate of the demon king.This is something that Qin Ruo did not expect at all.

The man seemed to enjoy Qin Ruo's surprised expression very much, he slowly laughed with the corners of his mouth twitching, his chest trembling. "Anyway, I can't kill you. If you want to sue, just go. But, you have to remember, you owe me once."

There are such shameless people who change so quickly in the world.

Qin Ruo caught the clue in his few words.Even the last trace of the meaning of staying here has become dull, how can I listen to him, even if this person is the king of heaven, as long as Peony is not the pillow of the demon king, what will she do.

Qin Ruo turned around and left the right and wrong in an instant.

The man, on the other hand, took a deep breath, still wanting more. "Beauty is different." Walking under the tree, he picked up his own clothes and put them on one by one, then kicked Mudan again, "What kind of pretense should I have? I still have something to ask you."

Peony's eyelashes moved slightly, and she opened her charming eyes, "She's gone? Is she gone like this?" Looking around, she couldn't see Qin Ruo's shadow anywhere.Turning her head, she said to the man Jiao Didi, "Then shall we continue?"

For three days in a row.Counting the days, Qin Ruo heard a knock on the door outside the house, and thought to herself, it's just in time to come.

After seeing the scene in the mountain, Qin Ruo calmed down and kept guarding the hut.Today, it happened to be the day when Su Hai let Awu go out, who else could it be if it wasn't Awu standing outside the house?
"Qin Ruo." Ah Wu's voice seemed to verify Qin Ruo's thoughts, thinking that he was outside the door.

Qin Ruo secretly laughed, but when she opened the door, she put on a serious face. "Master, you may be able to go out."

A Wu's pretty face froze, turning a blind eye to her words.

Qin Ruo didn't mind, and took new tea to add to Awu, "Master, the mountains have changed a lot during the time we're away." She was thinking about what happened to the peony flower, and she still wanted to talk to her master.Whoever made Awu in the mountains hated this woman the most.

Awu went back to the mountain with her, but there was a letter from Su Hai every month.Knowing the situation in the mountains well, taking a look at Qin Ruo's tea and counting how many leaves there are in total, he couldn't help thinking that Bai Mu was still caring for him. "What can happen in the mountains?" He said very casually.

Qin Ruo started, and naturally described the events in the mountains exactly as A Wu did, omitting that man's disrespect to him, and only mentioning Mudan.

Awu was not interested at first, but after hearing this, he got excited and kept asking, "How do those two people behave?"

Qin Ruo: ...

That's not the point of concern, is it?

Until it was confirmed that Qin Ruo didn't want to talk about the details, A Wu glanced at his mouth, "The peony flower, God has already sent it down. You don't know, but I don't think it's necessary to tell you." Listen carefully to her talking about these trivial matters in the mountains.Today is different from the past, as soon as Awu's words are opened, no one can stop him. "You don't know, there are more."

A Wu pretended to be mysterious, and leaned his head towards Qin Ruo, "Do you still remember that little peony? Now, she is the celebrity in front of Tianyou."

Qin Ruo felt dumbfounded for a moment.A Wu in front of him was so gossipy that he was no different from those women in the world.She looked at her with a smile, full of warmth. "Then Master will talk to me more?"

It's not that I really like to listen, but I just like the intimacy that Awu treats her as one of his own.

A day passed quietly in Awu's gossip.

Soon, the fourth day of Qin Ruo's return was ushered in.

Originally thought that this would be the same day as the previous few days, but what happened next made Qin Ruo regret it.

When I got up early, Wan Yao Mountain was azure blue, and the peaks on the top of the mountain almost touched the sky.Qin Ruo planned to stay in the mountains for a few more days, and wait for the aura in her small world to flourish and her cultivation to advance further before going down.

She went to the valley where Bai Mu used to manage, secretly plucked a few spiritual vein grasses, and threw them in the small world.

Suddenly the sky was dark red, a hole opened in the clouds, and a rainbow bridge was erected in the sky.

The barrier of Wan Yao Mountain made a roaring sound.The group of monsters in the trembling mountain looked at each other in blank dismay.

Qin Ruo knew something was wrong, and hurried back to the mountain without stopping.

As soon as he entered the mountain, he saw Xiao Tao, whom he once had a relationship with, lying in a pool of blood.

Qin Ruo's heart beat like a drum, and she only hoped that what she saw was a nightmare.She walked to the front of the mountain, squatted beside Xiaotao, "Xiaotao?" she called twice.

And the lifeless face in the pool of blood, just looked straight up to the sky, but couldn't say a word.

Moving forward, more and more corpses lay in her sight, making Qin Ruo terrified.Those little monsters that she had seen before, and those little monsters she had never seen before, were now lifeless dead things, lying lifeless on the ground.

Thunder and lightning tore through the barrier of Wan Yao Mountain.Opening their teeth and dancing their claws without any scruples, one after another, the sound of booming exploded in Qin Ruo's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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