Chapter 792
Let's make a bet, who will find Bai Mu first? "

God Bless became more playful.There was a thick layer of snow under the feet, like a warm quilt floating on the ground.Every time I step on it, it takes a lot of effort to bring it out. If you look around a little, you can see that the calf is completely sunk in the snow.Such deep snow has never been seen in Wan Yao Mountain.He was in a good mood, and he came up with this idea as soon as he entered the town.

Qin Ruo passed by him, lightly tapping her feet so as not to touch the ground.It seems to be stepping on the snow, but it is actually floating on the snow.

The cited Tianyou stretched out his voice, and shouted: "Laipi. Don't count, you are deceiving people with martial arts!"

Wherever Qin Ruo cared about him, he overtook him in a few steps.Only a few shallow marks were left in the snow.

When Tianyou stood under the eaves of a street corner, Qin Ruo had already waited for a long time. "The town is so big, it's very easy to find Bai Mu." She talked about the matter. The town with two streets has been the same for ten years. In the past, there was still half a plaque hanging in the inn where she and A Wu stayed, waiting for guests .

Qin Ruo only took one look, then withdrew his mind.

From the hut opposite them, a person emerged from it with a creak.He was wearing a brocade robe that was extremely inappropriate for the current season, and he was wearing black velvet soap boots, looking elegant.Just seeing the freezing cold outside, he subconsciously shrunk his neck.

Tianyou narrowed his eyes, like a tsundere cat with a stomach full of bad water, and rushed out meowing. "There is no place to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it." The rare thing is a poem.

It wasn't Bai Mu who was caught by him.

The street is noisy and the road is lively.The man only raised his head, only Qin Ruo remained in his dark eyes.

Bai Mu paused, the world was overshadowed.Only Qin Ruo's face as calm as water is now in his eyes.He opened his mouth, and was distracted by Tianyou's pull, "My good brother, do you miss me?"

When he looked around, Tianyou's half-smile expression still surprised him quite a bit.In my memory, when did that high-ranking man, who was always alienated even if he was confiding in his heart, become a street rogue?

Bai Mu raised his eyes and looked again, regardless of the sudden change in Tianyou's temperament.She only wishes to spend ten years on Qin Ruo.

Tianyou, who was left out in the cold, curled his lips and whispered a warning in Bai Mu's ear: "Qin Ruo is mine."

This sentence became the first incantation Bai Mu heard today, he turned his eyes back, and finally put all his mind on Tianyou.

Tianyou is like a slippery fish, slipping away from him as soon as the words hit the ground.After a few steps, he ran to Qin Ruo's side, flatteringly said: "Look, I found him first."

The street is not wide enough to fit a carriage.It was almost noon at this time, more and more people came out of their homes, and the shafts of the carriages were speeding. Before he could move towards her, the carriage roared towards her, blocking each other's sight.

The carriage was magnificent, and there was a faint reflection in the sun breaking the clear sky.

Bai Mu frowned.

Following the command of the coachman, the chariot will stop in front of Bai Mu.When the curtain was closed, the girl ran towards him anxiously, "Bai Mu, come and have a look, the night is over!" The girl was wearing a crescent white cloak with bright yellow inside.Her jet-black hair was tied into one strand and tied behind her head, revealing Zhang's delicate face.His eyes were anxious, and there were a few drops of sweat on his forehead.

I'm afraid, I can't hide it anymore.

Bai Mu only had time to catch a glimpse of Qin Ruo from afar, and was he about to part with her again?
He was pulled by the girl, completely passive.During the dragging, he followed the girl's intention and got into the carriage.

After looking at it twice, Tianyou felt bored. "Let's go. It seems that Bai Mu has no time to get together with us today." It's a pity to say, but he can't hear the slightest regret in his mouth.He imitated that girl, and went to pull Qin Ruo's sleeves, only to see that the girl who had only been expressionless for ten years, was tainted with confusion in her brows.

There is an incense burner in the car and a charcoal fire.

As soon as the car curtain is lifted, the warm air rushes towards you, which is completely different from the severe cold outside.The body is large, and the interior decoration is particularly chic.It's just a big bed, which spoils the atmosphere of this carriage.

The girl stepped forward, her eyes still full of anxiety. "Yesterday he didn't know what happened, but he stood outside the house all night." Before he could say a few words, tears welled up in his eyes, "I saw him lying on the bed well this morning, how could I know." It should have been said once. When it was over, it was simply because of her sadness that it was divided into two parts. "It's all my fault. If I hadn't touched his cold hands in winter clothes when I woke him up, I wouldn't have known he was outside all night."

The snow stopped and stopped, stopped and fell again.This morning the girl filled Qin Feng's water as usual, and when she went to get the clothes next to the pillow, she found a few drops of water dripping from the coat.When I touched it with my hand, it was very cold.

Hearing this, Bai Mu blurted out, "Ridiculous!"

The girl thought he was reprimanding Qin Feng for his actions, and hurriedly received it, "It's just ridiculous! How can he bear to live in the wind and snow all night with his body?" As she spoke, tears flowed. "In recent years, his illness has been good and bad, and he is always on the verge of life and death. He never thought about it. If he really goes like this, what can we do?"

The curtain was lifted slightly.

Qin Ruo, who had been listening outside for a long time, had the tear mole in his eyes turn red to purple.

"Bai Mu, what happened to Qin Feng?"

It's not something she can forget if she wants to.She and Qin Feng are like two hedgehogs fighting independently in their own world.Always thinking of erecting the thorns on the body to protect each other, but I don't know that such an approach is actually hurting each other.

She used to think that Qin Feng was tired, so she chose to drink Wangqing Water to erase her memory and chose this peaceful border town.She thought hard for three days and became obsessed.In the end, he insisted on turning his hard work into a mole of tears, and then he cut off his thoughts about him.She thought that this was the greatest fulfillment for Qin Feng.She gave him all the peace and happiness she wanted.

Qin Ruo walked over step by step, and the person lying on the bed had long black hair scattered on the pillow, and his sleeping face was haggard.The chin is already surprisingly sharp.He closed his eyes and frowned tightly, as if he had been worried for a lifetime.

She stretched out her hand, trying to smooth the center of his brows, when the person who was still in the dream called out in a deep voice: "Daughter-in-law." In an instant, she had a clear consciousness, no matter what posture she appeared in front of him, she would eventually be Not his wife anymore.She felt like retreating, even though her heart was fluctuating, she still didn't want to miss his face, she still said to herself, Qin Ruo, it's time for you to leave.

At this moment, the man on the sickbed added another sentence, "Qin Ruo, where are you?"

It shattered her sanity and her desire to retreat.

Finally, in front of the two of them, she put her slender hand between his brows and said warmly, "I'm right here."

(End of this chapter)

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