Reborn as Lingzhi

Chapter 795 Gamblers

Chapter 795 Gamblers
"Qin Ruo." Tianyou leaned against the porch, his face was still full of frivolity, only his eyes flickered.

At this moment, it was just the morning of the second day.Last night, after spending half the night with Tianyou, Qin Ruo returned to the house very late.Qin Ruo didn't take Tianyou's so-called marriage seriously.Having been together in the mountains for a long time, Qin Ruo has experienced that kid's problem of not being surprising or dying endlessly, not once or twice.

"Qin Ruo." Tianyou's perseverance was certainly higher than that of Qin Ruo, seeing that Qin Ruo didn't open the door, he screamed more joyfully.The place where they settled was the small inn where Qin Ruo lived in those years.After all, Qin Ruo couldn't forget Awu, so he chose this place alone.At the stairs on the second floor, the entire small room extending out was covered by Tianyou's wealth and wealth, but Qin Ruo chose the room that Awu lived in back then.

There is only a very narrow corridor outside the house. Handrails are embedded in the corridor. The wooden carvings have gradually become old-fashioned in the years. The store took advantage of it and simply added a few pillars to the handrails.The one on Tianyou's back was the pillar that was added later.

"Qin Ruo."

The snow in Fuyun Town has melted for two days.From time to time, the sound of ticking can be heard under the eaves of the room, and the rhythm becomes cheerful when the sun comes out.Tianyou leaned against the pillar outside the door and called Qin Ruo three times.Are you still out?The man thought, did he scare that girl yesterday?Well, it seems that after all these years of getting along, Qin Ruo didn't even understand what he meant.Could it be that he was too tired in the days before?
"Qin Ruo." The fourth voice called, accompanied by Qin Ruo's movement to open the door.

As soon as Tianyou turned around, he sent the enlarged smiling face to the door. "Did you sleep well yesterday?" From now on, he will show more performance.

Qin Ruo's expression was a little strange.Whoever said that she would not hit the smiling face with her hand, she felt that this kid really deserved to be spanked. "God Bless, do you still want to sleep?" She really didn't understand why she said those words that pretended to be greetings in such a rambling manner.She had seen it with her own eyes, this man hadn't closed his eyes for ten months.

Tianyou's shoulders slumped, and Qin Ruo poured a basin of cold water on his head to pour down the feigned enthusiasm.

Dodged and squeezed in through the crack of the door.There was half a cup of tea in the room, Tianyou didn't even look at it, just picked it up and poured it. "I said Qin Ruo, can't you be a little poetic?" The tea is good tea, but it is very cold.Tianyou took advantage of the situation and sat at the table, with a hippie smile on his face, and said another sentence.The cold tea slipped into his body, making him shiver.

Qin Ruo saw it in her eyes and smiled in her heart.It deserves it, God Bless, apart from having a good skin, he has a terrible personality.

"Poetic and picturesque?" Qin Ruo spat it out, which sounded awkward no matter how it sounded.It's like mocking God Bless for doing nothing.

"Okay, okay, are you planning to wear this to meet Bai Mu with me?" He said in person yesterday that he was going to meet Bai Mu this morning.After two days of delay in this town, even Bai Mu probably doesn't know why he's here now.

Qin Ruo lowered her head and looked at it. Today's body is exactly the outfit made by the slutty bear that the two of them got out of the mountain two days ago.On the soft fur, there is a thick layer of fluff.As soon as he moved around, the fluff swayed, like the waves of the sea.

"It's not good." Tianyou never treats himself as an outsider in her place, he tilted his head and thought for two seconds, and said, "You should change to the crescent white one." Crescent white?Qin Ruo frowned.

Just as I was about to tell Tianyou to go out and wait for me, I would change it now, but I heard Tianyou's last words followed. "Put that on, we are a good match." Qin Ruo only noticed that Tianyou was wearing a crescent-white crane cloak at this time.Silk velvet feathers draped over his body, indescribably romantic.

She tilted her head, even though she faced Tianyou every day, sometimes she was still attracted by his beauty like today.Simply not even looking at it is the most worry-free.Qin Ruo just stared at the stone slab on the ground, "God Bless, if you keep messing around, I'll go back to the mountains by myself."

From yesterday to today, this is already the second time.

"Nonsense? Qin Ruo, do you not know the meaning of the word nonsense, or am I not being obvious enough?" If he stopped because of Qin Ruo's words, would he still be considered a man.Tianyou is not as shy as others, the Yaozu are born bold and unrestrained.If you like it, you like it. With so many twists and turns, is it still a monster to hide your head and show your tail?Tianyou changed his sitting posture, and he was much more upright.But those ecstatic eyes narrowed, with seriousness in them.

Qin Ruo frowned. "No matter what you say, it's impossible for both of us."

After receiving this neat answer, Tianyou didn't feel annoyed, rested his chin on his hand, and just looked at her intently.The heat in the eyes made Qin Ruo feel uncomfortable.He spoke again, bringing out Su Hai and A Wu, "Back then when you returned to the mountain in love, you know that Su Hai and A Wu intentionally made us a pair, and they are forcing me to drive Little Mudan away."

Qin Ruo's brows had turned into Sichuan characters in his speech, but Tianyou was still addicted to speaking. "Do you know that if the storm hadn't come too fast, we would have been married a long time ago?"

Is this trying to crush her to death with Su Hai and A Wu's wishes?Qin Ruo felt restless. "Don't talk to me about Awu, you know how your people dealt with the two elders back then."

Tianyou's aggressiveness forced her to use the same means to retaliate.Yes, Tianyou knows himself too well, knowing that as long as Awu and Su Hai are moved out, Qin Ruo will agree.But on this matter, there is nothing to say.What she doesn't want to do is just not willing to.Just like God blessed this sudden love, what Qin Ruo felt was surprise and immediate rejection.

This kind of Qin Ruo made Tianyou feel more real than when she was expressionless.After getting along for many years, Tianyou had known for a long time that she was a person who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside. At the beginning, she was able to do bloodletting and cure his illness even though she had nothing to do with him. Not everyone had the courage to do such a thing.

Maybe it was because he pushed her too hard that she had such a strong resentment?Tianyou had to review his actions.But seeing Qin Ruo trapped in the emotional vortex, he couldn't help but want to force himself.In the past, I always felt that Qin Ruo would be with me forever.Just like Su Hai, only death can separate them.But as soon as he came down from the mountain, he felt more and more anxious, making him face up to his feelings.If Qin Ruo had a sweetheart in the future, would he still be by his side?The answer is yes.

Tianyou endured and endured, and decided to fight for himself one more time.He took out a box from his chest and carefully placed it on the table.

"Qin Ruo, I have a gift here, only for my wife."

(End of this chapter)

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