Chapter 805
But what else could he do?
It was Qin Ruo who was so cold and cold, which actually suited his appetite even more.

Although Peony is good, she is obedient to herself, but she doesn't know where, but it reminds him of the word "do".The world often says that a woman is like a flower, but in Tianyou's eyes, the peony is really a beautiful and tender flower, but Qin Ruo is more like a sycamore tea growing in the ice and snow.It is not conspicuous at first sight, and only when we get along slowly can we realize her kindness.Under her seemingly indifferent appearance, there is a hot heart.Just like Hantong tea soaked in snow water, the first taste of it is indifferent and tasteless.The second-grade formula has sweetness, the tea passes through the throat, and all kinds of flavors arrive, including bitterness, astringency, fragrance and sweetness.

"My lady, there are still outsiders here. If you really want to punish me, why don't you wait for us to go back to the house?" Winking hints have always been Tianyou's forte.Although his [-] martial arts along the way made him inseparable, but Qin Ruo didn't see him talking to him.At this moment, when I heard Qin Ruo's words, I was deeply honored.He just walked around Qin Ruo a few times and wagged his tail.

It is such a man, but you can't guess whether he is really stupid or shrewd.Every sentence is a trap, every word is a trap.Halfway through coaxing Qin Ruo, he managed to say something that made both Qin Ruo and Bai Mu frown. Do you think he is too smart?
Before entering the town, Bai Mu paused for a moment and stopped in the distance.On the double dragon at the town gate, a drop of tear fell.

"Only with my protection can I live in peace." The gate of Bailong Town is the biggest feature of this town.The town is just an ordinary town in the West Lake, but the pair of silver dragons in front of the town gate have a faint aura of breaking through the sky, as if they could step away at any time.The book once said that the origin of Bailong Town is related to Bailong, and the pair of double dragons were also carved according to the old man's description.As time went by, the pair of lifelike twin dragons left the deepest impression on people who came and went to Bailong Town.

Qin Ruo and Bai Mu had been to the town before, so they had seen this pair of dragons before.Qin Ruo still remembered that he was not interested in these legendary dead things at that time, but Awu was very interested, standing in front of the town and commenting for a long time, saying that the dragon was not carved enough spiritual.Qin Ruo just smiled and didn't judge.In her opinion, it is really rare to be able to carve such a detailed pair of dragons with ordinary people's skills.

The silver dragon weeps...

Tianyou pushed Bai Mu away, and stood in front of the two of them. He seemed to be high-spirited, squeezed his chin and said, "Based on my years of experience, something might happen in Bailong Town..."

Bai Mu led the young Mu Yu aside, and squatted down to be taller than the child. "Good boy, I'm afraid there is something strange in this town. Do you stay outside the town and wait for us or come with us?" Just because Bai Mu had never been a parent, and Mu Yu was not his own, the children he taught were actually more sensible.Many times, in front of Mu Yu, he is not only a father, but also a good teacher and helpful friend.He would explain a lot of reasoning to Mu Yu, and he would also explain to Mu Yu, letting the child make his own judgment.

God bless that half-baked guy, just listen to it.Among the three of them, who couldn't see that there must be something wrong in Bailong Town.

On the other hand, Qin Ruo thought farther than Bai Mu.She stared straight ahead, who can tell clearly where Bailong Town is going?Awu's words seemed to be still in his ears.Bailong Town is protected by the demon clan and has the attention of the Supreme Being. Is it good luck or disaster?
Entered the town with apprehension.When Qin Ruo saw the peaceful situation in the town, Qin Ruo's heart became even more turbulent.

Tianyou leaned close to Qin Ruo, as if he had lost all his bones, and had to entrust his whole body weight to her. "This Bailong Town, why do I look so evil." He said while watching, there were only two merchants on the side of the road, who were bargaining, which could also let him see the way.

Qin Ruo listened absent-mindedly, her eyes were fixed, and she paid full attention to the actions around her.If God bless, she will not listen to it.Although this person is always convulsed and does not behave rightly at all times, Qin Ruo just believes in him.I can't say what the reason is, but if I have to explain it, I can only say that this is a tacit understanding developed in the past ten years.

The two of them moved their mouths, and the beauty Qin Ruo heard the conversation clearly.Even if it is half a street away, it can't hinder Qin Ruo.She listened to a few words, and the conversation between the two of them was nothing more than the price of this year's rice grain, and there was really no mistake.She was about to stop her thoughts and go to see others again when she heard Tianyou, this "delicate and noble" flower, speak again. "My lady, I don't think their clothes look right."

A thought flashed through Qin Ruo's mind like lightning.No wonder she also felt strange.It's just that I saw too many merchants coming and going, and the two of them were in winter, but they were wearing cloth clothes, which were very thin.If it's not that the body is particularly good, it is that it is not afraid of the severe winter at all.Along the way, there is snow everywhere, and the road is difficult to walk.The snow in the border town seemed to be chasing them. It was the biggest mistake for the two of them to dress up in such a weather!

"When did you find out?" Qin Ruo asked Tianyou first instead.He reminded himself twice, couldn't she see that this was an excuse, and racked his brains to make himself speak.

"It's not too early or too early. As soon as I enter the town, I will look at the number of these two's eyebrows. I just looked twice, and I am still a smart lady. I discovered their abnormality so quickly." I was afraid that Qin Ruo would have laughed too hard.God bless, I don’t even bring such things to coax children.

Qin Ruo's tone obviously changed when he was relaxing. "Exchanging a fixed period for a fixed period is worthy of your thoughts."

Bai Mu raised his eyes and saw the two people in the town. They were in an indescribable harmony, and the beauty was smiling sideways, which made people's heart skip a beat.

On the corner of the street, there was a hawker’s cries, and the aroma of hazelnut cake could be smelled without having to inhale hard.The ground was covered with a thin layer of white snow, and the two men were dressed in similar crescent white. Walking in the white snow scene, it seemed that they could last forever.

He suddenly looked into the distance, wishing he had never seen the harmony between the two.He tightened Mu Yu's little hand, "My good boy, I'm afraid I can only walk with you in this life." Once the sea was difficult for water, except Wushan is not a cloud.It's not that he doesn't want to give up, it's just that giving up is not easy.

Mu Yu's eyes widened, obviously she still couldn't understand the misery of her husband.Jumping up and down in the snow, when he raised his head, he saw big black eyes, "Sir, wouldn't it be good to be with Mu Yu?" In the heart of this childish child, Bai Mu is his relative.As soon as the snow stopped, Mu Yu's face turned red from the cold, but his words made Bai Mu feel very relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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